: 嘿,我在这里租了商铺,已经六年了,一直都没签租赁合同。现在房东突然拿出一份合同,还要涨我100美元的租金。他能这样做吗?
我们这儿有个很小、经济状况不太好的非营利艺术学校,夏天是淡季,现在房东突然送来一份租赁协议,要涨100美元的租金。我们没签租赁协议已经在这儿待了六年了。 除了跟这个有点反社会倾向的房东协商,我还有什么办法能避免被迫接受这份租赁协议,而且不被赶出去?他这样涨租金合法吗?我需要找个律师咨询一下这个租赁协议和涨租金的事情吗? 严格来说,我们可能算是非法占用,但六年了,他都没给我们发过租赁协议,而且我们一直要求他修东西,但到现在这地方还是不符合规定。之前他从来没想过要涨租金,只要按时交钱,他就什么都不管。 更糟糕的是,我还住在他另一栋楼里,所以要跟他打两次交道。以前我给他送过公寓租金援助的申请,他每次都直接无视。 我花了七年时间才把这个学校发展起来,本来想着可以扩大规模,然后全职做这个,结果现在这样。学校是我唯一的收入来源,我已经快撑不下去了。 我不太清楚商业空间的非法占用有什么权利。 有没有什么帮助、建议或者法律资源可以参考?他只是让维修工把纸质租赁协议从门缝塞进来,没有发电子版,所以现在只有这些纸质文件和他办公室里有一份。
 trying to negotiate with a sociopathic landlord, The guy hasn't raised your rent in six years and it's going up $100? Your profit margins are so thin $100 is gonna break you? I'd start packing.
: 嘿,纽约的商铺租赁同行们!我准备在纽约开一个沉浸式艺术展。但听说我的场地核定人数只有10人,这方面管得严吗?想问问大家的经验!
我打算在纽约办个艺术展,场地面积大概1000平方英尺。现在房东那边有点麻烦,说场地使用证上写着只能用作办公室,最多容纳10个人。但之前的租户,一个是画廊,经常有二三十人,一个是健身房,也经常有十五个人。 房东现在想让我签个协议,承认场地限额10人。他们说楼上的租户想找借口不交租,可能会举报我们超员,借此赖账。 我就想问问,这种规定一般管得严吗?感觉也没人能知道我们到底有多少人啊。而且,我们还会做隔音,场地在地下室,跟楼上隔得很开。大部分时间也就十几个人,一周超员也就一两次。大家觉得这事儿靠谱吗?
You might want to jump on the Everything Immersive or No Proscenium pages on Facebook and ask this question. There are lots of creators there who have dealt with topics like this and share information.
: 72个月的租约?这简直太疯狂了!谁能告诉我,这到底有什么好处吗?我完全想不通!
Personally I would take a 72 if it’s marginal on the interest rate. Then pay it like a 5 year. Increasing each year depending on bank rates.
: 嘿,我想知道,如果我正在签合同买一个商铺,我可以同时把它挂牌出租吗?这样做合法吗?
我正在合同期内准备买下一栋空置的楼,想在Loopnet上发布租赁广告,如果卖家允许的话,这样做违法吗?我没有房产经纪人执照,这事发生在亚利桑那州。 卖家有什么理由拒绝我们这样做吗?
This is a contract issue more than a state law issue.  If the contract grants you the right to market the property for lease, you can.   When I rep buyers on acquisitions, we typically start marketing the property around the time we waive contingencies. On development land, we will usually start marketing and negotiating leases/contacts as soon as the contact is executed (all deals subject to the close of escrow)
: “想租我的房子做生意?那得先满足我的几个条件才行。”
嘿,想优化一下咱们商铺租户的申请流程,想听听大家的经验。 * 你们怎么处理业主对申请人的要求? * 会要求拥有公司一定股份的业主都列在租约上吗? * 怎么确认代表公司签字的人有签字权?需要他们提供什么文件? * 还有什么其他的好方法或者需要注意的地方吗?
If it's a business the lease should be in the business entity name not the owner's names. However, all the owners should be listed as personal guarantors regardless of shareholder percentage. You can request a copy of their business entity operating agreement if you wish to know their business entity arrangement.
: 在加州,如果你想结束一个按月计算的商业租约,而且没有租约或合同,你需要提前通知你的房东。一般来说,你需要提前30天通知对方你要搬走。最好以书面形式通知,并保留一份副本作为记录。
you will have a credit of 2,500 towards the last month. the landlord should have been collecting the increase with the first month of an increase when the rent went went up.you were fortunate that your ll wasn't professionally run and you were able to keep the increase until the last month of the lease but you still owe the last month rent minus the 2,500 you gave at lease signing
: 能提前终止我的商铺租赁合同吗?
我租了个商铺,租期到2025年12月31日,但现在想提前解约。租约从2023年1月1日开始,月租550美元,我每个月都按时付了。签合同时我还交了550美元的押金。 这个地方漏雨漏得很厉害。我是个私人教练,就租了个大厦里的小办公室。 问题一:租约上写着办公室面积是312平方英尺,但实际只有215平方英尺。 问题二:从去年7月3号开始,我办公室上面的屋顶就开始漏水,天花板都泡坏了。我拍了照片,也跟物业说了。后来一直漏,天花板越来越烂。每次漏水我都拍照发给他们。9月23号那天,下了一场大雨,我来上班的时候,发现天花板塌了,地上全是水。还好设备没坏。9月25号我交十月份房租的时候,跟经理口头说了我要退租。他们一直没修屋顶,我不想每次下雨天都提心吊胆的。 租约上说要提前60天通知,但我现在就想走。我打算10月31号交还钥匙,不想再付房租了,还想要回我的押金。我想知道该怎么办?我知道总共才1100美元,但对我这种小本生意来说,也是一笔钱。 我的租约里有这么两条: * 第六条(维修保养):房东在收到租户的书面维修通知后,应在合理的时间内,尽合理努力修复租赁房屋屋顶的任何损坏或劣化。我都反映了15个月了,他们还没修好,我觉得这根本不“合理”。他们没能及时修好屋顶,阻止漏水,已经违反了租约条款。 * 第三十八条(终止通知):租户需要提前60天通知房东终止租约。这里没说一定要“书面通知”,我口头通知了,今天也发了邮件,确认了我和经理的谈话内容。 我愿意花点钱请律师帮我写封信,说明我基于这些理由要解约。但这样做可行吗?有没有什么信件模板可以让我自己来?我不想打官司,也不想跟房东的律师纠缠。我就想搬走,找个能好好维护的地方,安安心心做生意。
First and foremost some important context is that nationwide, in the US, commercial leases are wildly different than residential leases. The protections that residential tenants may enjoy generally do not exist for commercial tenants. There has recently been some minor movement in some localities (w/in California) to shift this somewhat. The court system, and rightfully so, in general views both parties in a commercial lease as being sophisticated/fully cognizant of what they are signing and agreeing to (the business deal). Because of this, in commercial landlord tenant disputes, the lease document itself is what rules 99% of the time. The exact language is very important; ergo, in general, when seeking advice on commercial landlord tenant disputes, you will need to take your lease and any amendments or modifying documents to a local commercial landlord tenant attorney so that they can read the whole thing and exact language themselves. Without reading the full lease, it is nigh impossible for anybody to give reliable advice online. Based only on what you have provided, in general, you have some challenges. When they did not repair the roof in a reasonable time frame, you should have put them in default. What documentation do you have around notifying them. Communication should be in writing so that you have proof/documentation that it was made. If you have documentation/a recording of the verbal notice, then you may have an argument, but otherwise the 60 days notice to terminate the lease is almost certainly going to stand. It is industry standard for leases in office buildings to include a load factor to account for "common area" portions such as elevators, stairways, atriums, etc. If your lease does not include any language indicating this, then you may have a weak argument. The time to bring this up though would've been near the start. It is substantially harder to argue given that you have been in there for over a year. Most importantly, you need to verify that you have converted to month to month and don't have remaining term that would trump that termination clause. Ideally you would take your lease to a local commercial landlord tenant attorney and they would help you understand your position/standing and be able to write a letter for you accurate to your specific situation.
: 请提供需要翻译和整理的文字。
There isn’t such a thing as commercial rent control. If your lease says it is month-to-month, and either party can cancel it, that’s what both sides agreed to follow.
: 作为租户,如果新房东接手,他们能赶我们走或者强迫我们搬走吗?这主要取决于我们的租赁合同。一般来说,只要合同还在有效期内,新房东就得遵守之前的条款,不能随意涨租金或者赶我们走。但是,也有一些特殊情况,比如合同里有规定房产出售后可以终止租赁,或者我们自己违反了合同条款,那新房东可能就有理由采取行动。为了搞清楚状况,最好仔细看看租赁合同,或者咨询一下律师,这样才能更好地保护自己的权益。
我老婆在新罕布什尔州一家特别的健身房锻炼。健身房的老板租了场地,听说她的租约到明年年底到期,而且租约里写明了就算房产出售,租约也不能终止(我没看过租约)。她的租金低于市场价。 之前的老板把房子卖给了一个新老板。现在这个新老板好像在跟健身房老板打官司,各种拖延,目的就是想逼她按市场价交租金。 我不明白的是,如果租约真像说的那样,那这官司对健身房老板来说不是稳赢的吗?为什么新老板的律师还能一直拖下去?感觉新老板就是故意用法律费用来拖垮她,因为他比她有钱多了。而且,她现在的租金也没比市场价低多少,打官司的钱都够他们俩交好几年的房租了。
I'm from Miami originally, in Atlanta now. Good times. She absolutely needs to show up to court. The only thing I can think of is that the new owner is making some kind of argument that he was lied to during due diligence, but I find that unlikely - and would really be a lawsuit against the previous owner. Maybe there's some language in the lease to allow for adjustments to the rent that the new owner feels the previous owner didn't enforce? My guess is that it's bullshit and the tenant's lawyer will get the case thrown out.
: 商业租赁
签了两年租约,约定提前两个月通知可以解约。 我当时问了关于提前两个月通知解约的事儿,他们邮件里说因为是共享仓库,所以这是个“试用期”。我接受了租约。 现在过了12个月,房东发邮件说他生意扩大了,想要回这个地方,就用了提前两个月解约的条款。 我感觉他坑了我,这种情况下,打官司要个公道值不值?
Usually you'd have a one way break clause but this is a sublet so they're protecting their own needs by allowing 2 months notice to allow them to take back the space when needed and in the meantime you're covering the shortfall in rent.
: 当然可以!如果你租了一栋商业楼,通常是可以把广告位租出去的。但最好仔细看看你的租赁合同,确保没有禁止分租或对广告有任何限制。另外,和你的房东沟通一下也是个好主意,免得以后有麻烦。
City/Town building codes probably wont allow it - check the sign ordinances. Most likely not. The signage is for the business. If it was allowed you would already see it all over town. (You aren't the first business person to think if this trying to make some extravcash)
: 在Kukatpally有两层楼出租,总共有3600平方英尺,非常适合做生意!
大家好!我在库卡特帕利有两层楼想出租或租赁,每层1800平方英尺,总共3600平方英尺。目前是2BHK和1BHK的格局,不过可以根据你们的商业需求进行改造。 这地方我已经试着出租做商业用途大概半年了,但效果不太好。所以想问问大家,有什么建议或者可以发布信息的渠道,能吸引到合适的商业租户吗?欢迎有商业租赁经验的朋友们分享经验! 先谢谢大家啦!
My friend who was in a similar situation converted the flat into a office space and then put it for rent and it went in a jiffy. He broke down bedroom wall (which looks into the hall), put glass there and made it into cabins (just 2, he left the third one as it is). He then put workstation tables in the hall and created a reception area. But he put in an investment of around 20-25L for the process. So that’s a gamble you need to take.
: “房东有权指定一个我们之前禁止进入的人作为他们的代理人,来进入我们租赁的场所吗?”
标题可能不太清楚,是关于商铺租赁的。 我们租了个商铺,合同里写了房东或他们的代理人可以进入店铺。但是,我们之前禁止了一个跟租赁合同没关系的人进入,还给了他一份禁止入内的通知。 现在房东说那个人是他们的代理人,要进我们店。房东自己来我们没意见,反正不在营业时间,合同里也允许。但我们就是不想让之前被我们禁止的那个人来。 补充一下:房东知道我们给过那个人禁止入内的通知。
Someone who is on the property with the permission of an occupant is not trespassing, even if another occupant would prefer that they leave. The degree to which the landlord of a commercial unit still occupies the premises during the lease is somewhat complex, but as a baseline you can assume that the landlord is free to hire any agents they please to carry out their rights or responsibilities under the lease - even ones you dislike.
: 租约补充协议(商铺):租户想在之前签好的合同上增加补充协议,但内容是提出更多要求。
我们家在曼达卢永有块1200平米的半商业用地。本来合同都签好了,结果租户现在又想加条件,感觉完全被他牵着鼻子走,提了一大堆要求。 具体情况是这样的: * 前面一栋楼有16个商铺,每个25平米,原来租金是每个2万5比索。 * 租户想租11个,但只想给每个1万3千7百比索。(好像是要签25年) * 他们说愿意提前付两年租金(360万比索),还负责装修,所以才把租金压这么低。这楼的 condition 其实已经很不错了。 * 他们打算把二楼改成咖啡店(还说要比星巴克更火),一楼做餐厅/快餐。 * 后面那块地,本来是住宅性质,他们也想租。租金应该也被他们砍了不少,理由是他们也会装修。现在那块地住着我们的亲戚和员工,没啥收入。 * 算下来,他们想租整个地块的80%。 这事儿对我影响挺大的,因为我在那儿有2个商铺,他们让我搬走。租金收入会进家族公司,虽然我也是公司一份子,但我啥好处都捞不着,感觉就是个摆设。哎,家家有本难念的经。 他们还要求在合同里加这些条款: * **用途限制:** 只能做咖啡店、瑜伽/普拉提工作室、美容养生。 * **禁止业态:** 不能租给赌场、酒吧之类的娱乐场所。 * **违约金:** 如果我们违反以上规定,要赔他们1000万比索! * **提前解约:** 如果我们想在25年到期前终止合同,他们要我们赔偿所有装修费用,还有至少三年的营业损失,因为他们说搬迁很麻烦,会造成额外损失。而且,我们要给他们至少两年时间去找新地方。 * **租金起算时间:** 虽然7月20号就把钥匙给他们了,但租金要到2025年3月才开始算。 现在的问题是,作为出租方,我们是不是很吃亏啊?
It was stated in the initial contract that they would pay 3.6 million in advance once the second floor was vacated, which has already been vacated. They made a down payment of 500,000. Then, before paying the 3.6 million, they suddenly added an amendment to the contract. My father has not signed the addendum yet he consulted a lawyer.
: 大家好!作为过来人,想和新人们聊聊。
嘿,大家好!最近好像来了不少新朋友,可能有些问题让老鸟们有点不耐烦,但谁都有个新手期嘛。所以,给新人们提几点建议: 1. **别急着碰期权,先打好基础。** Investopedia 之类的网站有很多入门资料,YouTube 上也有教学视频,甚至还有专门的期权学习社区。先去了解清楚再来。 2. **期权跟股票不一样!** 举个例子,财报发布前你买了近价(比如股票 100 块,你买了 105 的)短期到期认购期权,财报超预期,股票大涨,你美滋滋等着第二天数钱。结果一开盘,期权反而跌了!这事儿大家都经历过,这就是所谓的“IV Crush”(隐含波动率崩塌)。所以,在交易期权前,一定要搞懂各种影响期权价格的因素(也就是那些“希腊字母”)。 3. **别只看到别人赚钱,要知道他们肯定也亏过。** 期权不适合长期投资(LEAPS 除外,那是另一个话题了)。 4. **量力而行!** 永远不要投入超过你承受能力的资金。玩期权很容易把钱当成屏幕上的数字,所以一开始你要这样想:假设你面前放着一堆现金,这笔钱就是你买期权的成本。你有机会翻倍,但如果有人冲进来把这堆钱烧了,你能不能接受?虽然比喻有点夸张,但要知道期权交易有时候会超出你的控制。比如昨天 S&P 大涨,很多人买了周五到期的 SPY 认购期权,结果晚上突然出事了,市场崩了。问题是,开盘前你什么都做不了,只能眼睁睁看着钱一点点蒸发。如果你能接受这种情况,欢迎来到 WSB。如果不行,还是去投资板块吧。 **总而言之,新人记住:先学习,再交易,小心驶得万年船!别问太基础的问题,** 就像飞行员在紧急迫降,你跑去问他:“飞机涂什么颜色好看?”一样。
I prefer to guide beginners to this old thread WSB 101- https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/5ur1by/wsb101_the_book_of_yolo_beginners_guide_to/ Covers stonks, leveraged ETFs, a bit about options, even futures and WSB's special lingo :) Maybe mods can create a wiki with a link
: 想租个仓库或者商铺,有合适的推荐吗?
我老婆想把生意做大,需要一个稳定的场地,我们一直在找一个1000平方英尺左右的、有温控的仓库或工业场地出租。但找起来比找房子难多了,现在我们只能盲目地开车到处转悠,看到工业园区就进去碰运气。 有没有什么更好的办法?或者直接的线索和联系人? 帮帮忙吧!
try looking over near grandview market in wpb... lots of warehouses around there, or south dixie, maybe the more west you go there are better options since its pretty filled up a lot of commercial spaces near downtown
: 我把商铺租约给毁了,收到律师函,现在该怎么办?
简单来说,我提前大约八个月结束了三年的商业租约。在给了房东30天通知后,他发短信给我,显然很不高兴,然后就收到了要求付款的律师函,要我赔偿超过1万5千美元。这账算得根本不对啊! 我现在该怎么回复这封律师函?需要找律师咨询或者寻求法律援助吗?作为商业租户,我有哪些权利?而且,律师函上署名的两个人,一个是债务催收人,一个是公司保险辩护律师,这让我更懵了,完全不知道该怎么办。
You seem to be letting emotions cloud your judgement and be misunderstanding your legal standing/position. I would recommend you step back, reread your lease, consult with an attorney on strategy for negotiation, and then try to tactfully negotiate with him.
: 请提供需要翻译和整理的文字。
嗨,大家好!我目前的商铺租约还剩5个月到期,已经在这个地方经营了6年。 签这份租约的时候,说好的是租金、物业费加上消费税。一开始的三个月,我按时支付了租金,但一直没收到物业费账单,就问了房产中介。我催了他们三个月,但一直没结果,后来也懒得再追了。 最近,房产中介把包括我这间在内的150间商铺的管理权转让给了另一家公司。现在问题来了,新的房产中介比较正规,他们要求我一次性补交过去19个月的物业费,大概8000多澳元加上消费税! (补充:我还没看到详细的物业费清单,准备在付款前好好核对一下,确保我们花的钱物有所值。) 我想问问大家,之前那家房产中介管理混乱,我能以此为理由拒绝支付这笔钱吗?我应该找律师咨询一下吗?还是说,干脆付钱了事? 我的租约上明确写着要支付物业费,这我承认。
Kind of my thinking. But wanted to ask before just paying the invoice. The other issue is the $5k bond we paid that has gone missing and 5 months over 6 years of rent that have disappeared. Luckily I have evidence of all payments
: 商业租约租金上涨倒扣。
我的商铺租金需要上涨了,这是市场评估后的结果,不是固定的涨幅。 他们三月份就提出来要涨租金,我们也按照合同开始了协商。这事儿每五年都会发生一次。 三四月份的时候,我还是按原价交租金的。五月一日新合同签好后,他们现在要我补交三四月份的租金差额。 主要是这次房东想直接把租金翻倍,所以我们才谈了两个月,最后定了涨50%。 我想问的是,涨租金不应该从签新合同的五月开始算吗? 我在相关法律里没找到相关规定,想先看看有没有其他解决办法,实在不行再找律师。 大家有遇到过类似的情况吗?
what does the lease say? does it have a start date of march, list that payments are backdated or that its an amendment of the original from march?
: 商铺租约能让人住在里面吗?
我最近发现一个商铺出租,面积和我隔壁的公寓差不多,价格竟然不到一半! 当然,里面肯定没有厨房和淋浴,可能得去卡车驿站解决个人卫生问题了。 一开始我震惊于它如此低廉的价格,今天看到这个帖子才明白是怎么回事。
dont let others catch on to this 😭Once enough people know about it im sure owners could implement ways to prevent folks from using this as a survival strategy😭