May I please piggyback off this about what is often the next step in a marriage: having children.
I think what I'll say is true of a lot of situations, but especially so when men are the ones in the relationship who is bad with money. Don't trust them to keep the family afloat if the mother is going to be staying home to raise the kids. Maybe they married for love, but be mindful that they weren't keeping themselves afloat before you came along. Once you're no longer earning, do you trust that they'll be able to keep up this new financial stability?
A lot of people believe that childcare is so expensive that mothers may as well stay home because the cost of childcare is the same as their pay or close to it.
When you make that choice, depending on where you live, be aware that you might be missing out on a lot of superannuation or insurance etc. That 5 years or 10 years of super could be worth so much more later because of the way it is invested rather than left to sit there. Not to mention wage increases and experience for promotions later on.
Without that source of income you also put yourself entirely at that mercy of your partner. A lot of women find out the hard way that they shouldn't have trusted their spouse as much as they did. Even if what happens wasn't malicious. My ex was malicious but that aside he was also just stupid AF with money. I shudder to think of what might have happened if we'd combined finances and he made poor decisions, especially if things had gone as he'd planned and I'd gotten pregnant between jobs.
If you want to stay home with the kids, stay home. Just be aware that there's more to the money side of it than just the cost of childcare vs wage.