首页 / 法律问答 / 如果现有租户不续租,什么时候开始出租你的商铺?


商业律师 2 回答
我有一处商用物业,租户已经租了10年。他们的租约还有9个月到期,我们不打算续租了。我们会找一家商业地产中介来负责推广和合同事宜。 我想问问大家,一般提前多久开始推广房产比较合适?我感觉提前3个月租户搬走前开始就行,但也许应该更早? 房产位于爱达荷州博伊西,是一个多功能空间,不知道这个信息是否有影响。
回答次数 (2)
# 2
I put mine up for rent a year early and I already had one deal fall thru bc they didn’t have the cash to pay out the deposit early. My advice is be lenient on the deposit- allow it to be paid out in installments if someone signs super early. Now I can’t find anybody.
# 1
Depends on the size of the space, generally the larger the longer.

Are backfill tenants looking at the market now and decided if they're going to give their 6-12 month notices on renewal options or if their is a better relocation opportunity? If so, you're probably already late to the market. If they are they small operations on month-to-month leases or with 0-60 day notices, you have time.

It's not uncommon for large industrial or office spaces to be marketed 2-3 years in advance of an upcoming vacancy/expiration.