首页 / 法律问答 / 您的家人正在寻求 25 万卢比出售他们的企业,但您认为他们可能无法从该业务中获得回报。根据您的评估,这笔交易可能并不是一个好的投资选择。我建议您与家人进行更深入的沟通,了解他们的考虑因素,同时也表达您的顾虑。也许可以寻求专业人士的意见,共同研究是否有更好的解决方案。重要的是要尊重彼此的意见,并以建设性的方式来解决这个问题。

您的家人正在寻求 25 万卢比出售他们的企业,但您认为他们可能无法从该业务中获得回报。根据您的评估,这笔交易可能并不是一个好的投资选择。我建议您与家人进行更深入的沟通,了解他们的考虑因素,同时也表达您的顾虑。也许可以寻求专业人士的意见,共同研究是否有更好的解决方案。重要的是要尊重彼此的意见,并以建设性的方式来解决这个问题。

商业律师 3 回答
亲爱的朋友,我理解你目前面临的困境。作为与您父亲关系良好的人,您希望能提供帮助,但同时又担心自己的钱款能否顺利收回。这确实是一个棘手的情况。 我的建议如下: 1. 与您的父亲进行诚恳的交谈,了解他当前的经营情况和资金需求。请他提供相关的财务信息,以评估资金用途和还款能力。 2. 如果确实无法确保资金安全,您可以提出一些条件性的帮助,例如以分红或股权的形式参与投资,或者设置分期还款计划。这样既可以帮助父亲度过难关,又可以降低您的风险。 3. 与您的妻子沟通,听取她的意见。作为家庭的一份子,您们应该共同决定如何行动。 4. 如果最终决定不提供贷款,请您以同理心的态度向父亲解释原因,并承诺在其他方面继续提供支持。保持良好的关系很重要。 无论您最终如何决定,我相信只要您本着诚恳、谅解的态度与父亲沟通,定能找到一个让双方都满意的解决方案。祝您顺利!
回答次数 (3)
# 3
Give a portion like 5L, and tell him you need two to three months to make withdraw the money from portfolio. Then observe how he is managing the 5L, and how the business is doing. If all seems well, you can lend the remaining or just explain to him that you don’t see a positive outcome and you are saving for your family future. Loosing this would mean a big hit for your financial roadmap.
Now throw the ball in his court with the question: “Do you still want our money to invest in a potential loss making business ?”. Make sure your wife is present in the conversation.

Also, let your wife know that, this will be a family decision and not yours alone as it will affect your family’s financial roadmap not just yours. It will also affect the relationship.

Considering things go well, you can jovially request an equity in the hotel business and if your FIL agrees, you have a potentially good asset for the long term.
# 2
Never give money to anyone in relationship if you value and love that relationship.

So here are the two options you have:

Option 1: tell her you want her dad to succeed so you will do better than what he is asking, you will invest not just money but also the right people who will help and identify what all can be done to make the business profitable.

If you are giving money, you become the owner of that business, by asking your wife that you will invest another couple of lacs to do a due diligence to understand why that money is needed and how will that be used?
You will also invest in the person who will oversee the work, for that you will become partner in the business so that it becomes investment in the restaurant and that also would free up her father from the tension of returning the money.
Make sure you have regular involvement to check the progress. As this is restaurant business i can help myself to an extent to understand what is needed and is that money really needed or are there better ways.

Option 2:
Tell your wife that you will have the money arranged from the bank or a lender because you would want to keep the relationship and money matter separate, if he is not able to return, neither you( i.e. your wife) or you will be able to trust him ever and this relationship is way important to let go like this.

By the way is your wife the only child your inlaws have? If there are others how would one know who all is in this demand? If not than option 1 is better in that case get your wife to be the partner in the restaurant.

The decision is yours!
# 1
Understand the cause and indirect infulence - Call your FIL, say I heard from my wife that business is not going well, what happened etc and get to know the whole story.

If he has lenders dancing on his head, then it means he overspent on the business than it can generate and now you are just going to repay the lenders/banks whatever. You will not get anything back as he was not able to make that money before from his business. Sunk Cost.

If he has some intermittent finance problems, like vendor payments etc and he has good revenue, then it could make sense to infuse some capital in tranches to make him clear the payments and get things running, make it back again.

If he has alternative financing on the way, well and good, you can stop worrying. If no, then you can say oh no, then how are you going to do it? Are you going to mortgage your house/ Selling gold? Are you going to close the shop? - Indirectly conveying and saying to own up the responsibility.

Past history - If your FIL has a bad history of making poor financial decisions or great financial decisions. It helps too.
Repayment capacity and you net worth - If you wanna lend, consider how much he can repay each month, ideally if you cant recover in 2 years time, then you are just donating. If you are cash rich, like, 2-4cr in cash, then I guess you can consider helping, but if you are close to 1cr then, No.
Wife - Your wife staying silent doesn't mean she wants you to help at any cost. She may also be thinking how to say No to papa, maybe he will say No and I can use his name and not make papa feel bad. It is common to think this way. Speak to your wife and act like its a very big amount, I dont think we can afford it etc etc and slowly convince her. Women understand reasoning better than straight forward No or okay.