我觉得我老板盗用了我的身份。我的信用报告上多了两张信用卡,总共欠了大约 15000 美元。我的信用评分从 805 直接掉到了 550。 我找他对质的时候,他还给我开了个处分。
4 回答
Okay, so I'm pretty sure my boss stole my identity. Two new credit cards popped up on my credit report with a $15,000 balance, and my credit score tanked from 805 to 550. When I confronted him, I got written up.
I work at a small business, maybe 50 of us. The owner's been stressed about money for the last six months. We went from profitable to slightly unprofitable recently.
Back in January, we had a really bad month. Turns out, those credit cards were opened in February and maxed out by March.
Last week, my boss was out, and a coworker grabbed the mail. There was a Discover bill with my name on it, but addressed to the company at the boss's suite. It said I owed over $10,000 and was two months late.
I called Discover, and they sent me the charges – all to my company. Someone ordered a card in my name and "paid" my company about $10,000 from it in early March. I was furious and disputed everything. Then I checked my credit report and found another card with a $5,000 balance, opened around the same time. Same thing – charges to the company.
I'm pretty sure it's my boss because he has my social security number and the cards were sent to his suite. Turns out, two other people in my workgroup had their identities stolen in January too!
Last Wednesday, I confronted my boss. He denied everything, saying someone probably found my work address on LinkedIn. He also told me to wait 120 days before disputing anything, which seemed fishy.
I ignored him and disputed everything that day. On Monday, he asked if there were any updates on my credit. When I said I disputed everything, he got angry, saying "So it was you who caused the holds!". Turns out, the company's credit card merchant account is now on hold for fraud. Then, I got two written reprimands – one for lower sales and another because a customer canceled their subscription.
I'm not sure what to do next. I feel like I'm about to be fired. I'm also worried about those credit card accounts.
**Update:** I got fired last Friday after three more reprimands. I went to the police after the first incident.
Turns out, four other employees had their identities stolen too. We all went to the police, and a detective showed up at the office last Monday. On Tuesday, someone who looked like an attorney spent the day in the boss's suite.
On Friday, I was fired, and a dozen others were laid off, including the other identity theft victims. I'm going to take a month to relax before finding a new job. One of the fraudulent accounts is already off my credit report, and I expect the other one to be removed soon. It sounds like the same is happening for my coworkers.
I hope my old boss gets what he deserves. I'll file for unemployment, even though I know he'll fight it. I'll also keep checking my credit daily.
**Additional Information:** I was the only one *terminated*, everyone else was *laid off*. I can't wait to testify against him.