首页 / 法律问答 / 想找当家的?行啊,我来跟你谈!


商业律师 3 回答
想起几年前的一件事,现在想起来都觉得好笑。 我家住的小区人来人往,经常有人上门推销。一般来说,他们都挺客气的,我愿意听就听,不愿意他们也不会纠缠。 我们家的水电煤气账单都归我管,因为我是家里的“财政大臣”,对各种优惠门儿清。每年都是我来决定用哪家公司,货比三家,找最划算的。我清楚地记得每个合同到期的日子,然后有条不紊地更换供应商。有时候我会直接跟上门推销的人谈,有时候就在网上或者电话里搞定。 有一次,一个推销水电煤气的人来敲门,正好赶上我们家合同快到期的时候。他一开口就问:“你好,男主人在家吗?” 我当时就有点不高兴了,我说不在。他又问我男主人什么时候回来。我说他上班去了,不过5点以后会回家,欢迎他那时候再来。那人把时间记下来,点点头就走了。 果不其然,5点以后他真的来了,跟我老公聊了起来。我老公很不耐烦地问他为什么不直接跟我说。他立马改口问我是否在家。可惜我当时不在,要很晚才回去。我老公就让他明天再来试试看。 第二天早上,我特意在家等着他。我端着一杯茶,笑眯眯地感谢他提醒我该看看有什么优惠了。然后告诉他,就在他来之前几个小时,我已经在网上换成了他们公司的服务。然后我愉快地跟他说了声“再见”。 我觉得他肯定损失了两笔生意,因为我把家里的天然气和电都换成了他们家的。
回答次数 (3)
# 3
I grew up fixing mowers, and we'd get slow in the winter. My grandpa would canvas neighborhoods, especially on Saturdays when people were more likely to be home, and he taught me how to do it. In the mid to late 80s I was ten, I would ask for the man of the house. I noticed that more women were mowing the lawn and being the head of household, so I shifted away from that phrase.

For anyone who does door to door pitches, learn to not be pushy. Pushing someone who is unsure will only make them not buy from you. If you feel someone is iffy, ask if you can leave them some information and move on. Maybe you get a bite, maybe you don't, but at least you're not eating extra time that could be spent getting to someone who DOES buy.
# 2
Some guy did that with my family about 20ish years ago about a vacuum. At the time my darling father was a push over. My step mom, his new wife, has never been and has since helped him build a shiny spine.

My little brothers and father were floundering about this man who was going around the house with the vacuum. When I turned a corner with a stern voice and told him to get out at 14 yrs old. I saw the man shudder, grab the vacuum and haul it out the house.

Had a telemarketer call to try to sell us a house security system. Dad kept trying to be nice about it and kept telling him no. I ended up grabbing the phone from him with a point stare and spoke. Told him we had 5 large territorial dogs who would either deal with the intruders or alert us to them. At which point we’d open fire. Never had another call from that company again.
# 1
Smaller scale but many years ago (in my early 20s and doing a degree in IT) I was buying a new laptop for uni and was on crutches at the time, so I had my Dad with me purely so he could carry it for me.

Went into Dick Smiths (only computer-selling store within a reasonable distance of us at the time) and the salesman kept asking my Dad what he wanted and completely ignoring me, even though my Dad kept gesturing at me and saying "Ask her, it's going to be her computer and she's paying for it." Keep in mind my Dad barely knew how to even turn a computer on so every time the salesman tried to talk about what sort of processor he should get, you could see his eyes just glazing over. This guy just kept talking non-stop, obviously trying to pressure my Dad into a sale, asking him "What sort of tasks would you be running on a computer?" to which my Dad would shrug and go, "I don't know... email? Looking up power tools?"

When I could get a word in, I listed the specifications I needed (I was doing things like video editing and 3D modelling so it needed a decent amount of RAM for the software we needed for those units) and the salesman immediately turned to my Dad and said "There's really no need for such a high specced machine for typing in Word documents and stuff like that, why don't you get [tiny, much lower powered laptop which would probably have barely run PhotoShop] instead?"

At that point I snapped and said "Regardless of what type of laptop I get, I sure as hell won't be buying it from your store if you can't even listen to the actual customer" and started to leave. A manager overheard and asked if there was a problem and I just said "Yeah, your idiot salesman won't listen to me because I don't have a penis, so we're going elsewhere."

Salesman was abruptly told to "go and work stock" and the manager let me have the computer for about $300 below the listed price and also threw in a copy of MS Office.