Smaller scale but many years ago (in my early 20s and doing a degree in IT) I was buying a new laptop for uni and was on crutches at the time, so I had my Dad with me purely so he could carry it for me.
Went into Dick Smiths (only computer-selling store within a reasonable distance of us at the time) and the salesman kept asking my Dad what he wanted and completely ignoring me, even though my Dad kept gesturing at me and saying "Ask her, it's going to be her computer and she's paying for it." Keep in mind my Dad barely knew how to even turn a computer on so every time the salesman tried to talk about what sort of processor he should get, you could see his eyes just glazing over. This guy just kept talking non-stop, obviously trying to pressure my Dad into a sale, asking him "What sort of tasks would you be running on a computer?" to which my Dad would shrug and go, "I don't know... email? Looking up power tools?"
When I could get a word in, I listed the specifications I needed (I was doing things like video editing and 3D modelling so it needed a decent amount of RAM for the software we needed for those units) and the salesman immediately turned to my Dad and said "There's really no need for such a high specced machine for typing in Word documents and stuff like that, why don't you get [tiny, much lower powered laptop which would probably have barely run PhotoShop] instead?"
At that point I snapped and said "Regardless of what type of laptop I get, I sure as hell won't be buying it from your store if you can't even listen to the actual customer" and started to leave. A manager overheard and asked if there was a problem and I just said "Yeah, your idiot salesman won't listen to me because I don't have a penis, so we're going elsewhere."
Salesman was abruptly told to "go and work stock" and the manager let me have the computer for about $300 below the listed price and also threw in a copy of MS Office.