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商业律师 3 回答
我最近迷上了一个奇怪的爱好:假装找工作。 过去几个月,我一直在Indeed上投简历,编造各种资历。从纸面上看,我就是完美的候选人,但实际上,我根本不存在。 你可能想知道我为什么要这么做。其实,我只是喜欢打扮得漂漂亮亮的,这让我感觉像参加一个重要的活动。我可以享受美好的一天,去新的地方逛逛。我会去理发店刮胡子,买早餐和咖啡,感觉自己棒极了,看起来也很精神。 走进面试房间时,我非常平静,因为我根本不在乎是否能得到这份工作。我会完全颠倒过来,反问他们公司有什么福利,我为什么要为他们工作,以及他们公司相对于当地其他企业的优势。 面试官的反应各不相同,有的一脸困惑,有的则试图说服我加入他们。 然后,我就会抛出重磅炸弹。当谈到薪资时,我会说这个薪资在今天的市场上没有竞争力,然后装出一副不耐烦的样子,感谢他们的时间,直接走人。 有好几次,我收到邮件,邀请我参加第二次面试,说薪资突然可以商量了。 我知道我这样做可能有点问题。但我相信,下一个去面试的人会有更好的体验。 我并不担心有什么后果,因为我不需要工作。我现在是一名全日制大学生,毕业后打算移民。 我会录下我的下一次面试。
回答次数 (3)
# 3
I would not say I do the same, but every time I get new certificate or something happen worth of updating CV, when I upload it to Monster, Indeed, ... (logic here - its better to keep it tidy and spend 20-30min monthly then spend days every couple of years) , their algorithm puts my profile on the top. And then the fun begins with tons of insane recruiters who are offering beginner roles, have crazy expectations or similar shait. So, when I filter them down, usually there is one or two offers which sounds OK, so I go to the interviews hoping they will give "offer that cannot be refused" but every time they fail badly.
# 2
This is how I got my last job. I wasn't looking but figured I'd do the interview because why not? It had been a while since I'd done one. Because I didn't really want the job, I was extremely blunt. I don't work 9-5. I am not interested in being tied to my desk. Etc. They agreed to everything and I ended up taking the job. In hindsight, I should have negotiated more vacation time, though. I'll practice that one next time.

Edit: Wanted to add that I am really happy at this job, too. It's remote. My boss is super chill. As long as I get my work done, no one is breathing down my neck. It took a long time, but I finally feel like I'm treated like an adult at work.
# 1
My spouse says I have a problem as well. I hoard job offers. When I'm looking and applying and interviewing, which is about every 6 months (and is what everyone should be doing as well) I rarely turn down interview requests, even if it's a job I have no intention of taking. The last couple of times I did this I wound up with at least 6 offers by the end. And I play them against each other, making companies hurry their interviews to get an offer in because I already have offers on the table.

I accepted a new job last week - I had 7 total offers from interviews and applications that started back in late October. Technically I accepted 2 jobs but one was only to take the signing bonus that didn't have a payback period. Thanks for the free $5k.