首页 / 法律问答 / 我从瑞士飞纽瓦克,坐的是商务舱,他们问我是否愿意放弃座位,补偿是10万里程或者2000美元的代金券。我该选哪个?能要求更多补偿吗?


商业律师 3 回答
航空公司把我的商务舱机票改期了,虽然出发时间和飞行时长没变,但日子不一样了。 不过他们给了我5000美元的代金券,让我第二天再坐商务舱走。我原本的往返机票花了7700美元,虽然是临时订的,但因为我是个体户,可以把机票算成商务支出。 另外,我算了算,用全日空的里程换美联航的商务舱更划算,所以没要美联航的积分。我查了下,下个月我想去的地方,美联航商务舱机票大概要18万积分起。 非常感谢大家的建议!
回答次数 (3)
# 3
You've flown 19 international business class trips with United this year, and they asked you? Yikes, that's bad on their part.

Agree with others that you should hold out for far more and make sure they know how much spend you do with United.

Are they asking you to fly economy on the same flight? Or putting you on another flight in business class?
# 2
I don’t think any amount of money would make me give up my seat. If it’s something you’re considering, think of the cost of a business class ticket. 100k miles won’t even get you a 1 way award in business with their recent devaluation. Also, $2K is what you might get a premium plus seat for. So considering what they are offering, I’d ask for more if it’s something you want to do.
# 1
I think we’re missing a big point here - OP were you asked to downgrade to economy for the same flight or to be rebooked the next day in biz class with the above comp?

I’d have no problem with $2k in credits and reaccomodations the next day (where you might also get a little flexibility on routing too if you wanted).

For just a downgrade from J to Y $2k isn’t going to cut it though.