Do not let your toxic family around your baby, at all! The way they treated you for getting married while expecting was disgraceful. They viewed her existence before the wedding as shameful, abandoned you, your Uncle cursed you out (that’s not very Christian of him!), etc.
Yet now that your daughter is born they want to rugsweep how awful they behaved, refuse to actually apologize, and feel entitled to be a part of her life.
Don’t let these people with their fickle conditional “love” have the chance to hurt your daughter too. They may be blood but that doesn’t make them family. Your wife’s family stood by your too, which is a marked difference in behavior!
nomatter what goes down between us I can never deny that my daughter is their granddaughter/niece/etc and they're her family.
And tell your cousin, “So? No matter what you say, you will never be a part of her life. I will not allow it. I’m the parent so what I say goes. Stop contacting me.”