首页 / 法律问答 / 我因为全家人得知我老婆怀孕后就集体不参加我的婚礼,而拒绝让他们见我的女儿,我这样做是混蛋吗?


商业律师 3 回答
我来自一个非常保守的基督教家庭,家里人都积极参与教会活动,甚至在教会工作。我和妻子交往两年后订婚,当时已经发出了婚礼请柬,之后我们发现她怀孕了,还是决定按原计划在她怀孕五个月的时候举行婚礼。 没想到,这事儿让他们勃然大怒。他们质问我们是否还要结婚。我说为什么不呢?但他们,尤其是爸妈,非常不满,说他们一直以体面和良好的基督教价值观著称,不愿意让这件事“玷污”他们的名声,也就是我们未婚先孕这件事。他们正式宣布退出婚礼,拒绝沟通,说一切都已成定局,责任在我,还让我把婚礼搬到外地去办。我当时很受伤,试图说服他们,也和其他家人沟通,结果: 我哥说他不想在教会成员面前像个笑话,也退出了;我姑姑装病,说可能来不了,但她身体好得很;我表哥说要出差,还阻止他老婆孩子参加;我叔叔更是对我破口大骂,撕了请柬,把我赶了出去。 婚礼上没有一个家人支持我,分享喜悦,我感觉糟透了,仪式后甚至崩溃大哭。几个月来我都没和他们说话,后来又忙着照顾刚满月的女儿。 突然有一天,我表哥来给我送礼,说是家里人给女儿的祝福。我把东西都退了回去。他代表家人劝我,说我不应该退掉礼物,毕竟是家人送的,他们想见女儿,想参与她的生活。他说我妈特别想见外孙女,其他人也想尽快来庆祝孩子的出生。我问他:“当初不就是因为我女儿,你们才抛弃我的婚礼吗?” 他一脸不高兴地看着我,我接着说他们当初把我女儿当成见不得人的东西,想藏起来(以后女儿肯定会问起婚礼的事,我不想骗她)。他保证说我误会了,还说无论我们之间发生什么,都不能否认我女儿是他们的孙女/侄女/外甥女,他们是她的家人。他让我安排他们来探望,但我拒绝了。他一直劝说,但我还是不同意。我老婆觉得应该让他们来,但我仍然拒绝。
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作业 飞走吧@
# 3

Do not let your toxic family around your baby, at all! The way they treated you for getting married while expecting was disgraceful. They viewed her existence before the wedding as shameful, abandoned you, your Uncle cursed you out (that’s not very Christian of him!), etc.

Yet now that your daughter is born they want to rugsweep how awful they behaved, refuse to actually apologize, and feel entitled to be a part of her life.

Don’t let these people with their fickle conditional “love” have the chance to hurt your daughter too. They may be blood but that doesn’t make them family. Your wife’s family stood by your too, which is a marked difference in behavior!

nomatter what goes down between us I can never deny that my daughter is their granddaughter/niece/etc and they're her family.

And tell your cousin, “So? No matter what you say, you will never be a part of her life. I will not allow it. I’m the parent so what I say goes. Stop contacting me.”
# 2
“they've always been known for their decency and good christian values and weren't willing to let this "stain" their reputation”
Is it really ‘good Christian values’ to treat your child that way??
They refused to be apart of your wedding so it is up to you if you want to refuse to let them be apart of your child’s life.

I had a similar situation. My mother stopped speaking to me when I moved in with my now husband because he wasn’t ‘her’ religion and we were just engaged to be married in a few months and not married when we moved in together. She refused to acknowledge him or my stepdaughter even after we were married. When I got pregnant she then wanted to be apart of my life and see my child. I allowed it at first because I was so hurt by what had happened and really wanted family again. Turns out there is always going to be something they don’t agree with and will threaten you if you don’t give in to them. I am now no contact with her.
This is totally your decision
# 1
NTA - With that said I will never understand why anyone who gets pregnant out of wedlock acts surprised that their conservative "Christian" family isn't thrilled by the idea and doesn't want to celebrate the baby until after the nuptials.

My sister did the same thing. She was pregnant when she got married. She and her then fiance were already trying for kids. She took my parents to dinner and was surprised and disappointed that they weren't happy about her pregnancy prior her marriage and that they stood up and walked out of the restaurant. My mother gossipped about it at a relative's funeral, but was worried about her "reputation" by my sister's sin. 🙄 I told her being a gossip was worse than having a baby out of wedlock and if she was so worried about her reputation she shouldn't be talking about other people behind their backs.

Then next thing you know after you've wed, they're suddenly accepting bc it wasn't the baby's fault you sinned.

It's annoying, but not surprising. They likely see her as a Jezebel, but you're their angel.