首页 / 法律问答 / 说实话,那些嚷嚷着让菲洛尼和费儒取代凯瑟琳·肯尼迪担任卢卡斯影业总裁的人,根本不了解电影行业,也不清楚肯尼迪的工作内容。


商业律师 4 回答
最近 Reddit、油管和星战播客上总冒出个荒谬的说法,说什么卢卡斯影业内部有派系斗争,一边是 Favreau/Filoni 派,另一边是 Kennedy 派。我就不细说这有多离谱了,直接说说“Filoni/Favreau 应该取代 Kennedy 成为总裁”这个理论。 说白了,Kathleen Kennedy 是个纯粹的商人,而 Filoni 和 Favreau 是搞创作的。 Kennedy 的日常就是开会,讨论的估计都是电影制作的复杂融资方案,跟星战故事或者设定没啥关系。 Favreau 现在的位置就很理想,基本按自己的时间安排搞星战(除非在拍片),写剧本、出主意,推动星战的创意决策和故事走向。他还能拍漫威电影(演员和创意方面都参与),还能搞《主厨秀》这种自己喜欢的项目。 Kennedy 呢,每天早上 9 点上班,一整天都在开会,处理卢卡斯影业的各种事务,估计要忙到很晚。大家忘了,她可是世界顶级上市公司的高管,肩负着信托责任,这些东西 Favreau 和 Filoni 根本没兴趣学。 你们想让 Filoni 和 Favreau 负责星战的故事?没问题啊,他们已经在做了! Filoni 可是卢卡斯影业的创意总监! Kennedy 显然已经放权让他们主导很多剧集的故事了。 所以说,这个阴谋论可以和 2021 年一起过去了。 补充一下:这篇文章不是为 Kennedy 辩护,而是批评“Filoni/Favreau 应该取代她管理公司”这个说法。这完全是油管博主编出来的,简直是星战粉圈的 QAnon。 还有,那些嚷嚷着 Favreau 有能力胜任总裁的人,你们要知道,让他当总裁,他 50% 的时间就要用来谈判融资、医疗福利、特效合作、卢卡斯影业的房地产投资,还要向迪士尼董事会汇报。难道你们不想让他把时间花在编剧、导演和领导创意团队上吗?
回答次数 (4)
# 4
I have worked in the industry and this position is wrong. Most execs in the industry do both creative and business work. Harvey Weinstein, while not a director, was famously deeply involved in the creative of his films. Many directors have gone on to be head studios. Brian Robbins, the current CEO of Paramount, was a director for most of his career. Lucas himself is probably the best example here, actually running this exact company while also directing the prequels.

It is true that Filoni/Favreau certainly wouldn’t have the time to be as involved in the creative as they would if they were also the studio head, but the idea that they wouldn’t be involved in the creative at all, or that Kennedy isn’t, is the position that shows a misunderstanding of the job.
# 3
Your statement is right in theory, but you're assuming (and ignoring documentation to the contrary) that Kennedy is ONLY a business person.

This is false. She's spent ample time in rne spot ligjt tryin to take credit for things, as well as steering the ship creatively to the detrement of the franchise.

Hell she's quoted as saying "well marvel has decades of comics and writings to pull stories from, star wars just doesn't have that source material". Star wars is one of, if not the, most expensive franchises in history. It has more.books, comics, or whatever, than nearly any other franchise. So exactly how is it there's no "source material"

Kennedy is the reason the sequels sucked so hard. Trying to keep herself relevant and in control drove the story into rhe ground and she should be removed
# 2
I think the reason Star Wars fans want someone like Filoni or Favreau to take the lead, is because they are jealous (in a good way) of the Kevin Feige and the overwhelming success and general acceptance of the MCU in comparison with the divisive and controversial SW sequels.

Feige gives the impression that he is much more involved in the creative process and that many of the decisions of the main story line came from him. And people loved them!

On the other hand, the mixed reception of the sequel trilogy, especially the badly written RotS, in addition with the attempt for more female visibility (which let's face it was not always very well done), infuriated the hardcore fans because they wanted something as well constructed as the MCU.

Favreau and Filoni are for SW what Kevin Feige is for the MCU, they just dont hold the same executive position. I only hope that they continue to have full creative control over the SW stories
# 1
I just want to point out that Kennedy transitioned to the President of LFL after many, many years of successfully producing and executive producing movies.

What I think a lot of people sleep on is that Favreau has something like SEVEN $1 billion movies he has produced or been an EP. He’s been a consistent presence at Marvel since Iron Man, and has been leading the digital side of Disney’s “animated” projects for half a decade. PLUS everything the man has done for Star Wars.

I give Filoni a lot of the credit for the stories and direction of Star Wars TV. But Favreau is absolutely the guy that gets it all done. He’s 100% got that innovative side the George Lucas had, pushing the tech and the boundaries of what can be done on film.

Could Favreau someday take over for Kennedy? Absolutely. He’s literally done it all in the business. Act, write, direct, produce, etc. The man knows entertainment. Should he? Not right now. Like the OP said, let KK do the boring shit and F&F develop the stories and work their magic.