首页 / 法律问答 / 今天真倒霉!本来想去买个TT,结果碰上个“挡箭牌”。


商业律师 5 回答
我用主账号分享摄影作品,想尽量保持专业形象,所以用了小号。这事儿不算我平时在网上看到的那些离奇故事,但我觉得还是能在这里分享一下,你们自己判断吧。 我家住在那种只有一个便利店的小镇上。昨晚我开车去那里买套套,特意选了晚上,想避开熟人。结果一进门,发现收银的不是常常见到的店员,而是我家附近的一个老奶奶!以前见过她在这儿上班,但很少,尤其晚上更没见过。我没问啥,脑子里一直在想还要不要继续买。琢磨着老太太应该不会管一个她不熟的人买套吧。而且,为了不错失脱单的机会,我还是决定买! 于是,我走到柜台前,让她拿后面的套套。她突然停下眨眼,问我够不够年龄买这玩意。我皱着眉头问,买套还有年龄限制?她也皱着眉头问,我爸妈知不知道我半夜买套?(其实还没到晚上十点)我说,我买啥关别人屁事。她说,如果我用爸妈的钱买这种成人用品,那肯定关他们的事!我正想着怎么回怼,她拿起套套,指着包装上的情侣(半裸男女,快亲上了)让我好好看看,问他们看起来像我这么大吗。我耸耸肩,说我觉得他们只是很饥渴。老太太说:“再想想,年轻人。”我就说,反正不像你这么大,但就算你需要保护,肯定也想用吧。 这老家伙把套套放回架子上,说对我们这种年纪的孩子来说,最好的保护就是禁欲。说实话,当时气得想骂人,但还是忍住了,直接走了。出门后,我看到一个流浪汉站在街角,我认得他。接下来就是我们讨价还价。我给他钱,他帮我买套,剩下的钱归他。他同意了,我把钱给他,他进了店。 结果,流浪汉出来的时候,拿着一大包酸味软糖、两份报纸,还有一把新梳子!(我才知道那家店还卖梳子!)我问他套套呢,他说老太太(他还叫出了她的名字)说,如果他帮青少年买套,以后就别想喝她下次去救济站时带去的美味汤了。那一刻,我放弃了。我打电话给女朋友,说了情况。她说没套就不啪。所以,我就这样空着钱包,带着我的童贞回家了。第一回合,老奶奶赢了。但我还会再尝试的! 总结:我计划买套,安全地献出第一次。老奶奶计划阻止我献出第一次。老奶奶成功了。 **编辑:** 太疯狂了!上次看的时候只有2个赞,没评论。感谢大家的反馈。我同意你们说的关于老奶奶的看法。我不敢向经理举报她,因为他们都是一家人,我怕她会针对我。今天早上,流浪汉找到我,为花光我的钱道歉。他没直接说抱歉,但他给了我一个他用木头雕刻的匡威All Star球鞋,很酷。我看过他做的其他作品,他很有才华。总之,我这边有点晚了,但在睡觉之前,我想让你们知道,我还是弄到了一些套套,我和女朋友计划周末啪啪啪。希望一切顺利!
回答次数 (5)
# 5
Fucking.... what, who placed that moron behind the counter.

Its not her fucking business.
Buying condoms has no age limit and its perfectly normal for a teenager to do so.
She is bringing in her own personal opinions to CUSTOMERS.

Im fucking fuming, go report her
# 4
Search condoms in the mail, there are options that go around nosy old ladies. If you are “underage” have an open and frank discussion with your parents, they should be relieved you’re trying to be proactively responsible. Find the local health clinic that is geared towards young or low income people they often have free codons but the gross. Where there’s a will there’s a way.
# 3
I had similar issues as a teen in the 90s. My best friend then told me about the local County Health Clinic. You go in there and ask for condoms, and they've give you a paper bag full of them, no questions asked. For free!

I remember the first time I went out there, I was so nervous. I walk up to the counter, and manage to stutter, "Um.....Ah......Can I.....Can I get some....Uh.... Condoms?"

The lady behind the desk never even made eye contact, she just reached under the counter, and produced a small paper bag, already rolled up and stapled closed and handed it to me.
# 2
For the love of freaking god, I hope this post is a joke. Seriously.

On the chance that it's not, though.... Order online - go to any clinic locally and they will give them to you free (Think Planned Parenthood or health centers) - ask a friend to hook you up - go to another store next time (convenience store isn't the cheapest place to score them in the first place).

I'm really glad you guys are being safe. Keep it that way. I had a kid when I was 16 and that shit ain't easy, man. Slacking off once or twice without a condom WILL, in fact, produce a kid so be safe. Cheers.
# 1
Now I write this on the understanding that we are trying to make the cockblocker regret her actions and are playing on her prejudices, and not mine.

You should go there dressed as a member of the village people and tell her that because she refused to sell you condoms, and because you didn't want to get a girl pregnant, you tried the gay life and absolutely loved it.
Thank her for helping you find your true self and tell her that without her you would never have broken out of the heterosexual prison you had become trapped in by your small town upbringing. Then inform her that she has inspired you to open a gay club directly opposite her shop so that anyone she refuses to sell condoms to future can come over and bust a nut safe in the knowledge that nobody will get pregnant.

Judging by the kind of person she is this will destroy her more than anything else 🤣🤣🤣