首页 / 法律问答 / 我结婚没考虑家人的时间安排,我这样做过分吗?


商业律师 5 回答
我和未婚妻在一起四年多了,一直想办个目的地婚礼。美国婚礼太贵了,我们又得自己掏钱,家里人都不帮忙。 一开始我们选了她老家墨西哥,结果我妈不乐意,说那地方没啥好玩的,配不上他们的“度假”。而且她觉得凭什么婚礼要在她家门口办,我家还得跑那么远?后来没办法,改成了意大利,对两边都“公平”点。我们还给直系亲属包了两晚住宿。 日期定了2023年10月,是我们五周年纪念日,提前一年半通知,够他们安排了吧?可我妈又炸了,说那天和我弟的橄榄球比赛冲突了,其他几个孩子也有活动。她骂我们自私,说我弟是四分卫,一场都不能缺席,否则就来不了婚礼。他们威胁说,除非改到夏天或者12月,否则就不来。但那样一来,花费就高多了,而且我们不想改,这个日子对我们有意义。现在他们还觉得我们是故意针对他们。 我真是太难了,我这人最怕冲突了,但这次我不想让步。其他人倒是挺支持的,四十多个人都开始订机票了,就我爸妈还没动静。我这样是不是太自私了?
回答次数 (5)
# 5
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OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:

1) Picking a date for my wedding that interferes with my brother's school activities
2) My brother will not be able to attend my wedding

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# 4
Yeah soft YTA

You cannot plan a destination wedding and want specific people there without asking if they can actually go there at that time before planning the wedding. Isn’t 16 collage application year in the US? Cuz if so there is no way your brother can miss school especially if he wants a scholarship. You seriously cant expect your 4 school aged siblings to miss school because of this right? 2 are in high school, and depending on the school attendance is important and a wedding isn’t really a good excuse not to go to school. The jet lag alone would be brutal on your siblings when they go back to US and have to go back to school

Like yes your mother was really unreasonable about Mexico, but you have been unreasonable about Italy and not considering how it would affect your siblings (and potentially your brother’s future) if they miss school because you are having a destination wedding in October
# 3
You have four siblings in school, and made the choice to arrange a wedding half way around the planet during the middle of the school term.

Two of your siblings are in high school. There is zero chance I'd be taking my high school kids out of class for a week or more in the middle of term for a vacation. If I was your parent, I wouldn't be coming to your wedding, because I'd need to stay at home with my school-aged kids who were attending school.

Sounds like you just assumed that your parents and siblings would be OK with blowing off a week of school in order to fly half way around the planet to see you get married. Looks like you assumed wrong. School dates are well known, and are not subject to negotiation. Your brother can't plan to not have school that week, even if he knows 18 months in advance. That's not how schools work.

(It's absurd to fly from the US to Europe for 2 nights. Have you not heard of jet lag at all? I've done business trips like this, and it's possible, but brutal. It's not something I would actually do by choice.)

# 2
Which is more important a once in a lifetime wedding or one of 20-30 football games? And what happens to the football team if he gets hurt? (they get a substitute, if he is really going to be the starter). They seem to think being a QB is more important to being a groom.
Which is the point of a wedding? Not vacationing! If they had it is the hometown what would there be to do?
A wedding in Mexico wouldn't really be a destination wedding! It is usually either where the couple lives or quite often the hometown of the bride. Where did your mom have her wedding? One family or the other is going to have to travel (or both). So it's usually the groom's family to travel. Plus, since your family is better off, yours should be expected to incur the costs. I'd recommend the Mexico wedding as at least one family wouldn't have to travel as this is what usually happens.
It's not targeting it is just a matter of timing and logistics. They would be the ones excluding themselves because of their misplaced sense of priorities. And again, it is usually the bride's side that gets deferred to.
Your mom is acting like a Mother of the Bridezilla. The mother of the groom is supposed to be rational because it's not her baby girl who is getting married. Sorry mom that's just the way it is!
"This has been very hard for me since I am a very non-confrontational person." The problem is your mom is confrontational and you are right to nip it in the bud. I know I have a mom like yours and you have to pick your wife to back, it's no longer mom! The old saying is "A daughter is a daughter for the rest of your life. Your son is your son until he takes a wife."

NTA You're doing the right thing, and don't ever let your mom try to guilt you with the "you don't love me any more drama, just walk away and let her cry her crocodile tears.
# 1
I may be in the minority here YTA here. For many of the things you said, like choosing to plan the wedding at a destination, etc. you're totally NTA; but one of the first rules of etiquette is that before you set the date you make sure that your close family can be there, if you want them there. Other people's lives continue on, and they may have unavoidable conflicts, even if you are getting married. It's not like the world just stops and people can just go to Italy at literally anytime just because you're getting married there.

YTA for not checking if they could make it on this *huge* trip at the time when you wanted them to go. If you don't do that, it's valid for them to feel that you didn't care enough whether or not they could make it, to even check if they could. Which it honestly sounds like you kind of don't care -- if your parents can't go, who cares about those 40 people who RSVP'd! Why are we even pointing that out? They haven't bought tickets, because they can't go. You didn't check with them before planning the date, because you expect that they can drop everything in their lives to revolve around your schedule. They have every right to be super hurt because you didn't think to make sure they could attend your big day.

Yes, this will be a huge issue for years to come. I would consider cancelling and moving the date, whether or not you can get your money back. Maybe I'm extreme. But your mom will literally be angry with you, and you'll be resentful at her, for the *rest of your life* if you don't. That's not worth it. So at minimum, just try to show some empathy that your brother won't be able to go to his own sister's wedding, instead of being angry at your family! You're mad at your Mom for being mad that she can't attend your wedding! No wonder she thinks you don't care -- you never even told her that you really want her there. TELL HER NOW if that's how you feel, because based on your actions, she validly doesn't know that. It may save your relationship.

Put differently, weddings are huge things not just for you, but also for your families, who are joining together as well as you ... Of course yes it is your day! But that day can be and is often SUPER meaningful for many other people other than just the two of you. As it should be. Marriage is a huge commitment. The important people want to be there for it. Provided you have any sort of non-totally-dysfunctional relationship with them, treat them like that's how you feel about it, too. For someone like me, that included helping out our best man to make it to our destination wedding financially, for making our wedding on a Sunday morning so that people could fly in/out and not miss work if they didn't have vacation. That level of accommodation no one expects, of course, but I'm just giving you an example so you can understand why your parents feel like you don't care about them.

But YTA for not even checking that your dates would work with your own parents before booking a wedding that will require people to take at least like 4 days vacation to another half of the world, and reacting angrily instead of sadly that they couldn't go, as if their entire schedules revolve around yours, as if they don't WANT to go to your wedding ... when practically, you didn't care either way and you're just going ahead with your plans regardless!