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别被威世智转移注意力!我们要继续关注撤销OGL 1.0a这件事!

商业律师 5 回答
Wizards is in damage control mode, releasing carefully worded statements, probably crafted by PR experts. They're saying they're listening to our concerns about the new license and want feedback before moving forward. But here's the core issue: they're trying to unilaterally revoke OGL 1.0a, a license supposedly meant to be irrevocable and which the community has treated as such for over 20 years. This is the real problem – a kind of "cultural vandalism." It's like catching a burglar. You don't negotiate; you don't make deals where you let them steal *some* of your stuff. That's what Hasbro's doing: trying to take control of a creative space they didn't previously own. Any discussion about the details of the new OGL is just haggling over how much they get to steal. Some say it's a done deal and Wizards won't back down. They might be right. OGL 1.0a helps their competitors, especially in the digital space where Wizards wants to build their own ecosystem. Getting rid of it is likely key to their plans, and maybe only a lawsuit can change their minds. Corporations expect community outrage, and the community's well-being comes second to profits. Hasbro's stock is down, and they're relying heavily on Wizards, which makes up 70% of their profit. Remember the "undermonetized" comment? It's true; D&D makes relatively little compared to similar brands. To them, there's untapped potential. Selling books to a fraction of the community isn't big business. But a subscription-based digital platform where everyone constantly spends money? That's what works in video games! So, these moves are sensible corporate policy: take back control of your brand and restructure it for more profit. OGL 1.0a is an obstacle they'll fight to remove, not because they're dumb or evil, but because it's the profitable thing to do. Why keep fighting then? Not to make them stop, but to make them *pay* for it. Revoking OGL 1.0a is theft, if not legally, then in spirit. We shouldn't let them get away with it. If they steal D&D, we should steal it back. Like Kleenex, we make it generic. Stop engaging with official products and flood social media with non-Wizards TTRPG content. Provide tools for players to continue their 5e games without paying Hasbro, or to switch to other systems. Support the new systems coming from Kobold Press, MCDM, and other independent creators filling the void left by Hasbro's greed. We all love D&D. But like any TTRPG, *we*, the players, make it magical, not the rule writers. If Hasbro tries to screw us over for profit, let them try. We own this game, and we won't let them have it. To be clear: Hasbro isn't being cartoonishly evil. They're corporate professionals making calculated moves to maximize shareholder value. Is what they're doing with 1.0a evil? Yeah, it's a massive dick move. So, fuck them.
回答次数 (5)
# 5
Here's my official position: Fuck them.

Well, if we all stay out of their walled garden (this is one case when I say it is unambiguously moral to go full variant sailor) and use any and every alternative they will regret their "reasonable" corporate policy. Because they will struggle to monetize a non existent customer base.

Age of the ORC has come #openDnD
# 4
I think the other thing we must fight for is no one should lose their legal rights in a smoke and mirrors game where WOTC claims it is for inclusiveness. The whole thing makes me sick to my stomach where they could rip the license out just cus some creator is doing well and they cant even sue Hasbro for wrongful termination.
"and you covenant that you will not contest any such determination via any suit or other legal action."
# 3
Honestly I'm just glad that WotC has finally shown their hand openly enough for the majority of the community to stop defending and supporting them. Anyone who has been paying attention could tell you they're a shit company and poor stewards of DnD. And besides, unless you're brand new to pen and paper rpgs or intimidated by simple maths then there are way better systems out there than 5e.

Maybe now my gaming group will actually branch out to play something a little less basic.
# 2
This newest update only made it more clear they have no intention to backing off and are just going to keep lying and trying to sneak in terms no one wants.

It also made it clear to me that I'll be moving to other systems, since we obviously cant trust Wizards of the Coast to make DnD in our best interest anymore.

Before this most recent update, I feel they still had a chance to satisfy the community by backpedaling and apologizing but at this point it seems they simply intend to stall until the outrage settles and lie to our faces.
# 1
Paizo needs to lead the charge and call them out on this bullshit with an open letter signed by every single 3pp in existence, and every single fan who wants to sign. Publish that shit in WSJ and NYT, and then watch the fur fly as board members are fired en masse.

One open letter, detailing exactly how WoTC is on bullshit, and how we all see right through it, so stop the histrionics. 1.0 or bust. Those piles of human excrement over at Hasbro have completely shit the bed with D&D, and I guarantee if GenCon ever comes back, WoTC will no longer be dominating the convention hall.