首页 / 法律问答 / 嘿,听到没?华盛顿州立大学校长柯克·舒尔茨说,太平洋十二校联盟(Pac-12)的媒体版权交易应该六月底前就能搞定啦。


商业律师 4 回答
回答次数 (4)
# 4
Man, at this rate I won't believe anything, they have been saying the same thing over and over again.

I just want to know what will happen to my Ducks, whether they leave or stay.
# 3
By finalized, do they mean final agreed upon offer from broadcast partners? I imagine some pac 12 schools, will stall on signing GOR to see if any escape options from big 12 and big ten are available before signing.
# 2
So, I haven’t really read or commented on really any of these PAC 12 media posts over the past few months. It just seems like there some constant news about…nothing and a bunch of reporters just keep speculating and reporting rumors. At this point, it’s a become a “kid crying wolf” situation.
# 1
One of the local media sports shows in Utah has been fairly confident that the Pac-12 will make more money than the Big-XII for a few months now. One co-host is color analyst for the UofU radio broadcasts (I'm pretty sure, at least). He says a contact within the UofU athletic department told him months ago it's basically all set. To him, it's a no-brainer because Oregon, Washington, and Utah are all bigger brands than anything in the Big-XII. It's simple math. I do wonder if Apple is what will make it happen.