首页 / 法律问答 / 我是一个没赚到大钱的 UFC 选手,真心建议那些有潜力的新人好好规划自己的职业生涯。

我是一个没赚到大钱的 UFC 选手,真心建议那些有潜力的新人好好规划自己的职业生涯。

商业律师 5 回答
听着,我看到肖恩·斯特里克兰关于如何建议年轻拳手的帖子,觉得这东西值得分享。 首先,你得全身心投入格斗。因为每个人都在拼命。一旦你分心,立马有人顶替你,你之前为了MMA付出的努力就白费了。 你还得有个强大的后盾,比如老婆、家人、教练、导师、经纪人、朋友、训练伙伴等等。这非常关键!糟糕的支持系统会毁掉你的职业生涯,让你越陷越深。 在这个过程中,必须发展其他技能!我34岁了,职业生涯也快到头了。我很幸运,身边的人教会了我其他技能,这些技能和我的职业相辅相成,像摄影、摄像、营销、销售、平面设计、社区工作等等。我得靠这些技能脱颖而出,去争取赞助,卖自己的周边,建自己的网站。其他拳手也会花钱让我帮他们拍照,给赞助商看,或者帮他们建网站。后来,赞助商和经纪人也会雇我给他们的运动员拍产品照之类的。对我来说,这是双赢。我不用为了日常开销去找朝九晚五的工作,就能在健身房训练,备战UFC比赛。 最后,把UFC当成一个平台,用来打造个人品牌,或者把它当成一种营销手段,提高你在当地的知名度。现在,我正在转型做其他生意,用的都是我这些年在MMA和UFC中建立的“The Crank”的名号。 - Crank的磨刀服务(我特别喜欢磨刀,是个磨刀控)。 - Crank的超锋利钢刀。我准备推出自己的刀具品牌,“Crank It Up In The Kitchen”。 - 儿童武术课后班和儿童项目。 - Crank Industries。这些年来,我学会了如何利用摄影、摄像和社交媒体来营销自己,争取赞助。我发现很多企业在这方面都很欠缺,所以我成立了一家营销公司,帮他们做网络营销。我之所以要学这些营销和编程知识,自己建网站,是因为我当时是个穷拳手,没钱请人帮我建电商网站,卖“Frank The Crank”的周边。 - Caught By Crank Photography。这些年来,我给其他拳手拍社交媒体照片,给赞助商拍产品照,还给Instagram、TikTok和YouTube拍视频广告。 而且,我还有很多想做的生意。我打算把我这些年和世界各地的硬汉对战时学到的职业精神和心态都用上。 我希望自己在UFC能表现得更好,发挥出我的全部潜力吗?当然!只不过,我在比赛里玩得太嗨了,没想着专注于赢下比赛,往上爬。但话说回来,要那样就不是“The Crank”了。不过,就这样吧。我享受每一分每一秒。现在,该我继续前进了。我很享受参加柔术比赛,带领孩子们走上武术之路,把“Frank The Crank”的精神传播到全世界。 不好意思,说太多了。继续加油!我会时不时来这里看看。期待和你们交流,好久不见了。
回答次数 (5)
# 5
Thanks for the post. This would make for a great article it interview.

I hope you stay active in other subs like r/ entrepreneur entrepreneurridealong side project etc

Good places to promote and you have a great story.

Are you on LinkedIn? There is a small but active community there. Bruce Buffer is there.

Great place to promote business and post videos.

Good luck and thanks for all the fights.
# 4
I just retired at 3-1 from MMA. My fights were all amateur but in Aus there's no padding and there is knees to the head lol

I dedicated tons of my life to fighting but the opportunity came up to manage the gym and fighters/students when my coach stepped away. I'm glad I was able to score a martial arts job in the end and train everyday but took a long time to come to terms with it. I can't imagine the scale of that having made it to the UFC and had some great scraps. Thanks Crank
# 3
It honestly illustrates what D'sean is saying, you need to have a good side hussle that can grow into a real business. But, retirement and figther pay are two different discussions. They overlap, but it's a diffferent stage in life.

This kind of 'retirement plan' (from a professional sport) isn't exclusively UFC or even American. Former soccer players in my country often opened up a specialised sports shop. Or use theire fame for marketing and open a restaurant. Others go into charity, opening up sponsored sport fields in poor neighbourhoods.
# 2
The one thing I didn't like about Sean's speech is the part where he goes "you're 24, you've made 60 grands your whole career, now you have to teach cardio kickboxing" etc etc.

Maybe it's a cultural thing, but 24 years old is fucking young in my eyes. Plenty young enough to reinvent yourself. I've known guys who tried to make it as musicians, failed, then moved on to engineering, law, etc in their thirties and are doing great. The construction industry where I'm from is also notoriously full of guys who played junior major league hockey and couldn't make it to the NHL.
# 1
Do I wish I could of performed better in the UFC to my full potential??? Of course!

What do you think missed here?

I take it you and every single person going into the UFC do so convinced they will become champion, but did you at any point think/realize that wasn't happening? If so, what was missing? Better camps? Better sparring partners? Bad luck with injuries? Others being simply better? Other life responsibilities having higher priority than fighting?

Someone like me who never got into such a thing can only imagine how gruesome it is when only one guy can be the champ and everyone else is just on the chase, so insider perspective is quite interesting.