首页 / 法律问答 / 我去一家豪车店,本以为会被捧上天,结果差点被当成空气。最后他们可能觉得过意不去,免费帮我洗了车。


商业律师 5 回答
这事儿不是我亲身经历,是我前同学他爸的事儿,但实在太解气了,忍不住分享。 他爸是个挺有钱的建筑公司老板,所以我同学从小就穿名牌、开好车。有一天,他爸去一家奔驰4S店,想看看G Wagon。结果进去之后,销售压根不搭理他,晾了他快一个小时,却对其他顾客热情得很。后来,终于来了俩销售,问他来干嘛的。 他爸开始问车的事儿,结果那俩销售说话阴阳怪气的,明显没把他当回事,转身就要走。他爸就火了,问他们什么意思。双方吵了几句,经理也来了,直接让他走人。那天他爸刚从工地回来,穿着有点脏的牛仔裤、靴子和T恤,加上他肤色比较深,估计那些销售觉得他是个穷鬼。 结果呢,几个星期后,他爸在另一家店买了这辆车,还谈了个条件,就是“终身免费洗车”,抵扣的是他的一辆豪车。而且,他爸还联系了附近的其他奔驰4S店,也都同意提供同样的洗车服务。 然后,他爸就去了第一家店,把钥匙扔在前台,要求洗车。那个经理跑过来想阻止,结果他爸把所有合同拿出来给他看。经理当时就傻眼了,只能不情不愿地安排洗车。现在他爸几乎每天都去那家店洗车,每次都带着一脸坏笑跟那些销售打招呼,尤其是那俩当初看不起他的销售。那俩人现在看到他,就恨不得把头埋进地里,赶紧走开。
回答次数 (5)
# 5
Used to work as a car sales representative. My favorite story is about a farmer buying a luxury car at a car event.

This happened at a large motor show in my country. Multiple brands have stands with their latest models. You get the idea.

I'm over at my stand and a man walks in. Typical rural farmer looking guy. He actually came in wearing dirty jeans and wooden clogs. He goes up to a colleague of mine and asks about a BMW 7 series. He wants to sit in the floor model to get the feel of the car.

My colleague, being a dick, tells the guy that his clothes are too dirty and that he is denied access to the stand unless he finds better clothes to wear.

The man scoffs and walks out of the stand. Only to return after about half an hour. He walks up to my colleague again, holding up a piece of paper.

Apparently after leaving our stand, he went over to the Mercedes stand and told a sales representative that he would like to buy a full option s600 on one condition. He'd have the sales representative draw up a contract that shows every option and the total price of the car right away so he can sign it immediately.

So he shows my colleague the contract and tells him "this is what you missed out on by showing me the door"

Turns out that the farmer actually owned three large dairy farms and was loaded as hell. He bought the most expensive car just to rub it in my colleague's face.

Now I don't know if my colleague learned his lesson because he quit not long after that incident. Maybe for the best.
# 4
Had a similar one recently. Me the wife and daughter went into a Jaguar dealer to look at a new F-pace we are considering as our next car, it was a weekend and we had just come from my daughters football game so she was in her football strip and me and the wife were hardly dressed up. Went into the dealer, the staff never even looked up from their desks, we had a nose around the showroom model we were interested in whilst waiting for the staff.to come over as they usualy do in car dealerships but nobody even acknowledged us. Gave up after 30 mins and decided to leave, as we were leaving another couple came in and the staff swooped straight over to them "how can we help you?" "What can we do for you?" Etc.
A few days later I was stuck in traffic near the dealer on my way back from work and I thought I would try something out, now Im in the military and I was in my semi formal uniform that day. As soon as I walked into the place the general manager spotted the uniform and practically sprinted across the showroom to introduce himself and couldnt be nicer got me a coffee, showed me round the car, got me a test drive etc. I got back after the test drive and started talking finance, loaded up my car with all the extras going, got him to run the numbers, took about 2 hours all in including the test drive (I was in no rush!). I could almost see the £ signs in his eyes thinking of his comission, right as he handed me the pen to sign on the dotted line I dropped it and told him if his staff had been a bit nicer to me and my wife the previous weekend he would have had a deal! As I was walking out he was so apologetic and groveling! Quite petty on my part I know, but it gave me a twisted feeling of satisfaction!!

Edit: Wow never expected this story to get so much karma! Thaks for my first ever gold!!
# 3
I had a similar experience in Cali.
Its 2016, my family and I have recently moved to the US. We're dressed very casually. I think my shirt got caught in the taxi door and got ripped a bit and it had grease marks or what not on it. My mom is wearing shalwar kameez. Apparently, we looked like people that had nothing to do with a "luxury car".
We went to this BMW dealership because my mom was very interested in getting a 7 series. (We had a 7 series diesel back home). We walked in and nobody cared for shit. We kept walking around and looking at cars but nobody came to us. I went to the receptionist person and asked if anyone was available. She told us to sit down in the waiting lounge area and someone would be with us.
40 minutes after walking into the dealership, this scrawny little dude shows up. He starts showing us the used cars. We told him that we were interested in buying a new car. He still kept showing us the used ones.
After he went through most of the used cars, I asked him if we could see 7 series. He said that we can but the 7 series is a very expensive car and this & that. I replied that I'm very well aware of the financial aspects of the car, we were interested in looking at the options they had available at the moment.
He got very mad but started walking us towards the new cars. He started off with the 3 series. To which I said that we were looking for a 7 series only. Well, we had a very heated quarrel. Soon, we were surrounded by 3 other staff members and were told to leave, by the manager.
We called a cab left and called it a day. We went to the next nearest dealership, bought the 7 series they had on the floor. A week later, there was something that we had to get fixed or installed(I don't remember exactly). I took it to the the dealership we practically got kicked out of and asked for the same manager that told us off. I started talking to him as if he was slow and explained that I need the work done immaculately and don't want to fuck with my car, like he fucked up the deal.
It was very petty but the satisfaction I got out of it is, still, the best feeling of my life. The face he made and the look on the receptionist dude was awesome.
# 2
What is it with Mercedes-Benz dealers?

Roughly 20 years ago I had a similar experience. I was still in my 20’s and had a six figure job. I was interested in buying an M class at the time and since I was friends with the local dealerships owner’s SO, I thought I’d at least try to given them the opportunity to earn my business.

I went to the dealership, found the sales manager had mentioned that I was interested in an M. Wanted to test drive. I was told they were busy with other customers (the dealership was dead - midweek/lunchtime) and that they’d help me soon. I wasted about 20-30 minutes looking at various other vehicles before going to find someone. Couldn’t find a single soul. They were basically hiding or had left for lunch. I basically left went back to work.

Since I worked with the owner’s SO, I mentioned to him my experience. He was pretty upset. He called his husband and let him know what happened, who then called me later that afternoon. Apparently they’ve had this “talk” with the sales team before, and he was deeply apologetic. So since we’re friends, he wants to set up a “sting” against his sales team. We setup a time to do this when he’s normally at the dealership. I’m supposed to message him before I get there, but I should first try to get the attention of the sales team... What he did was stage to have the vehicle I wanted setup in the center of the showroom. So I do all this, the guy recognizes me from the previous visit. The sales team mostly ignores me. Then about 10 minutes after I’ve been just waiting around, the owner walks in to find me and makes a huge fuss. Comes up to me hugs me like family and asks what I’m doing. He puts on a big show in front of the sales team and sales manager. You could hear the jaws drop from behind the glass doors as he’s doing this right in the middle of the main showroom. He personally starts showing me the car, and then makes his sales manager move all the cars around out of the was so we could take it for a drive. We came back from the drive, and he has some other salesman go put some champagne on ice. Later we closed the deal to the surprise of all these salesmen.

Apparently after it was all over, and after I’d left. He gave the entire sales team a long lecture about age, gender, visual appearance, and wealth. Essentially saying you never know who his going to walk into the dealership and whom they might know. He put most of the team on notice, sales manager was relieved at the end of the day, a few others were let go a few weeks later.

Needless to say the surviving team was extremely nice to me each time I visited the dealership for service. In general the dealership seemed to have a lot more activity after the cleansing in sales. They’ve since sold the dealership and I have moved on from my Benz.
# 1
I remember back when I sold TVs in a department store on base plus commission. A guy came in in raggedy old work jeans, scuffed work boots and a faded flannel, with actual mud on him. The other salesperson kinda ignored him as he watched some of our TVs, but I was bored off my ears anyway, so I went over and struck up a conversation with him because it beat cleaning or doing more damn plan-o-grams.

Turns out he was all muddy and gross because he supervises his own team of contractors whenever one of his businesses builds an expansion and he doesn't believe in dressing up to go shopping. Reckons workers will be more honest if he shows up in his 'working clothes,' and I don't know but he isn't dead right on that. He asked me which TV was the best and I told him it worked like shoes; it mattered where he wanted to put it, what he wanted to watch on it and how much light there would be in the room. My job was to help him find the right one, and though the store and the manufacturers could try and give me spiffs to say this one is better or that one is awesome, fact is, if the TV doesn't fit like good boots, what the hell am I doing here?

And he lets out this big belly laugh and slaps me on the back like my old gym teacher from Texas used to, says "now here's somebody I can do business with!" and starts drawing me a diagram of this room he's got, where the lights are, how he wants the TVs and "don't worry, it's all gonna be sports, coming in live over satellite. I need something good for sports, don't got to worry about movies or nothing else."

So the man bought twelve flat-screen TVs from me for the sports bar he owned in town (and this was when high-definition flat-screens were new and cost easily a good month's wages minimum,) saved my business card because he, and I quote, "liked my moxie," and came back to buy TVs, computers, even sound systems and presents for his staff from me for his other businesses. With installations and delivery attached.

Best customer ever. I special-ordered stuff for him, sent him to competitors if they had a better product we didn't carry, whatever it took, and he liked that I was honest, I guess. The man just kept coming back for anything electronic he needed, which was a lot, for someone with that many small businesses, and he wanted no truck with any of my colleagues at the store.

Sometimes, even though I haven't worked that job in coming on ten years, he calls me up to get my advice on what to buy for this or that in the electronics or computer line, stuff like "do they make a cable that can connect an X to a Y," or "I need a nice gift for a [description of a person,] they like gadgets," or "what's a good projector that can fit in X space and do an image on a screen Y by Z big or so?" and I'll make him up a nice little list of suggestions with places he can showroom the prospects, three price quotes for each, that sort of thing, email it right over, and he mails me out a check I never asked for with 'purchase consulting' in the memo field. It's like the Hotel California of retail, but in a weirdly good way.