首页 / 法律问答 / 我辞职后,经理又想挽回了。


商业律师 5 回答
我在一家生意挺好的餐馆上班,同事们都挺好,就是经理是个混蛋。那天上班,她当班,效率奇低,我忙得要死,结果还不如平时一半的效率。客人们开始抱怨,有个客人把牛排退了回来,因为那牛排根本就是生的,冰凉冰凉的。 结果经理就开始冲我发火,当着所有人的面朝我大喊大叫,还骂脏话。更离谱的是,她还冒出种族歧视的话(而且还用错了,我是委内瑞拉人,不是墨西哥人)。我直接跟她说我不干了(我当时说的是:“我不干了,你去死吧,你这个蠢牛”)。 她立马变了脸色,有点好笑。她问我:“怎样你才能不辞职?” 我说:“时薪20美元,而且永远不要再跟你一起上班。” 她说我要求太高,我说:“这是我的条件,没得商量,你有我的电话。”然后我就走了。就算她答应我的条件,我估计她不会,我也不想回去了。不值得。
回答次数 (5)
# 5
I'm sorry that you had to be subject to that terrible treatment and racist experience.

For what it's worth, Latinos are some of the hardest working and kindest people that I know. And I know you deserve so much better.

I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself, and I hope you find a much kinder place to work that truly values you.

Please apply for unemployment, and cite "toxic work environment" and "bullying/violence".
# 4
A lot of restaurant managers will always be stuck in pre covid times. They get off on the power trip they have to treat someone who used to tolerate it because they were desperate. I think they won’t ever change. It’s why the do a job that when you break it down to hours put in it’s trash. This management style is comparable to the sexual harassing office manager in the 60s. They won’t last much longer. But still won’t change.
# 3
Hell yes.i had a boss call me ret*rded once. It was both the first time and the last time she ever got to speak like that to me. I quit the next day. I was 19 and extremely shy / young and introverted so she thought that meant I would just take the abuse quietly and I had up until she started strait up called me names . Hell no. I quit and convinced 2 others to join me and she ended up having to take 2 anger management courses. I got hired across the street at the other drive though. It was nice to wave hello every now and again:)
# 2
Unbelievable. The nerve of some people. My last hiring manager and manager I worked with the most micro managed my ass to the bone and had the balls to be critical aswell. My last straw was when I had an order on headset, I was making a drink, and the chick in present was overwhelmed and crying so I told her to go to the back to take a drink my manager snaped his fingers at me to get my attention because evidently I wasn't hearing some "important" drive through bullshit. This is equivalent to being treated as a dog, me do you but you don't do me results in me handing you my headset 👋
# 1
Write up a quick memo to yourself documenting your manager’s use of an ethnic slur towards you. Get as many pertinent details as possible (like the time, date, as close to the exact phrase as possible). Memories fade fast, so get it in writing soon.

Then, file for unemployment. You can make a case for a constructive dismissal. This basically means that you quit because the manager created a hostile work environment by calling you an ethnic slur.

Here are some possible outcomes:

They don’t contest it, you get paid, and it costs them money.
They contest it, you follow through the entire appeals process, and it costs them time.

Honestly, getting unemployment insurance benefits in this situation is a real crap shoot. The point is to just make them deal with fighting the claim or paying the claim.

Good luck!