Most of the comments I’m seeing here are from parents (customers), but to offer another opinion, I am a daycare provider. I teach a class of 22 Pre-K students (36-60 months) and I love each of them dearly.
Our families are, literally, our family. I live in New York, and watching this progress, our directors had no choice but to close down our Center last week. It really was a devastating situation. The two women who own/direct the program can’t get any grants because we shut down before we were mandated to by the government. They receive no unemployment, and neither do us teachers unless we get a grant. In order to keep our doors open and teachers on staff for when all of this is over, parents NEED to pay something. That is literally our only source of income, and if we don’t request it, we will close. Thankfully, my Center has discounted rates, but we still have to ask for something.
It hurts my heart hearing that some people think Centers are trying to gouge families in a difficult time. I do understand the frustration though! I’m a minimum wage worker without work too, and I know I’m trying to cut my own bills down if I can. I just want to offer another view that most daycares are trying to be flexible, keep people healthy, and remain open if possible.