首页 / 法律问答 / “你觉得特朗普在2016年竞选期间否认在俄罗斯有任何商业利益,但他当时却积极谈判在莫斯科开设特朗普大厦,这有问题吗?”


商业律师 3 回答
我从CNN的Chris Cuomo那里搞到了一份意向书,上面有特朗普总统的签名,日期是2015年10月28日。这份文件是关于在莫斯科市中心建特朗普公寓、酒店和商业地产的,为后来的谈判奠定了基础。 另外,科恩已经认罪,承认自己在国会就莫斯科的房地产项目撒了谎。他说,当时他为了和特朗普的“政治口径”保持一致,才说了谎。他当时可是代表特朗普在2016年共和党竞选期间忙活这个项目呢。
回答次数 (3)
# 3
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# 2
Do you see where he said no one he deals with has anything to do with Russia? He said this despite sending Michael Cohen to Russia to negotiate to build a Trump Tower.

I would say negotiating is a precursor to doing official business, not the equivalent of.

do you think he was being dishonest

Not really, he wasn't actively doing business in russia, though he was exploring the option.

Again, if I had a US company and was negotiating a deal to expand to Canada, if I told my investors that I was doing business in Canada before anything was formalized, I think any reasonable person would say I was misleading my investors. Does that make sense as a good parallel?
# 1
Thank you for the article. What am I missing from the article that would lend you to assert a statement of fact when the article itself does not include the contents of any emails that establishes he had businesses relations in Ukraine?

The contents of the emails were not released, only the volume count of them, as NARA claimed it would take more than 15 months to sort through them, The Federalist reported.

Why would a news story claiming that publications simply obtained emails through FARA as undeniable proof that Biden committed a crime?

If this is your standard of proof, would I be safe to assume that you believe is beyond a reasonable doubt guilty of the over 90 felonies he has allegedly committed considering we have eye witness testimony, contemporaneous notes, and communications that we can actually read?

If not, would you consider yourself to be objective in reviewing the allegations for Trump and Biden?