首页 / 法律问答 / “要不要买本地商家的域名,然后和他们谈价格?我觉得可以考虑,但得好好研究一下值不值得。”


商业律师 5 回答
是这样的,镇上新开了家吉他店(就叫它“哥伦比亚吉他店”吧)。上个月我好心想给他们提点建议,结果人家压根没搭理我。 最近听说店主对一些本地人态度不太好。我就琢磨着,他们的域名现在还没注册呢。我该不该把它买下来,然后狠狠地敲他们一笔?还是说这样做太小家子气了?想听听大家的意见。
回答次数 (5)
# 5
Many wrong advices here.

First, columbia guitar store is not infringing any trademark. So nothing illegal about.

You can go ahead, buy the domain and upload top 20 guitar stores in columbia with their addresses... Apply for Google adsense
Then put in sale in sedo, afternic, etc .

People know nothing about udrp are scaring you. Ignore them. Good luck and wish you the best.
# 4
Sounds like you're going to buy the domain name "in bad faith", opening yourself up to being sued. Best case scenario is that they file a UDRP against the domain name and you lose it (also in which case your name will be public and the UDRP decision will show your name and that you lost a UDRP.

Trust me, nothing good comes from squatting on someone else's name.

My recommendation is that you read through this recent thread and read the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/Domains/comments/1gwju4l/appraisal_thessticketcom_thesscardcom/
# 3
I have more questions about how you reached out to this new business. Did you speak directly with the owner on the phone or in person? Did you have a presentation with important stats and such? Did the business have any reason to trust your advice? What business credentials do you have and was that conveyed to this place?

Just doesn't seem like you can say you were completely ignored as I'm sure any new business is bombarded with people offering advice and suggestions all the time. If you want them to listen to advice, give them a reason to.
# 2
As a representative of Dynadot, I would strongly advise against purchasing a domain name with the intent to sell it back to a local business at a premium, especially if it's based on their business name. This practice is often considered cybersquatting and can lead to legal issues.

Here are some key points to consider:

Legal risks: Registering a domain in bad faith could expose you to legal action, including potential UDRP (Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy) proceedings.

Ethical concerns: This approach may be seen as vindictive and could damage your reputation in the local community.

Limited financial benefit: Without established traffic, the domain likely has limited value to the business owner.

Potential backlash: Such actions could escalate tensions and lead to further conflicts within the community.
# 1
Real businesses get tons of in person, phone call and e-mail offers. So I get an owner's default being "no" to most suggestions or offers.

If the guy is a jerk to customers, he might not be in business for long. Could you buy the domain and shop it to his competition?

You could also just register Columbia Guitar Store and then redirect it to Rival Guitar Store while listing the domain on Sedo/Afternic, etc. So that rude guy could say "oh man! Someone owns my .com and they are pointing it to Rival Guitar Store's website! What do I do? Oh I can buy it for $1k here" -- Of course the owner probably doesn't know where to go to price out aftermarket domains so they might not even see if being priced for sale. You could probably mail in anonymous flyers and send in "newbie questions" to their Facebook "Are you still in business? Why does your website go to Rival Guitar Store?" and then when the jerk says "What website?" You can message a link to the domain.

That's way too much work for me for $1k...or more likely $200. So I'll stick to other names.