首页 / 法律问答 / 嘿,在纽约市,员工人数超过11人的公司,最低工资现在是每小时15美元。这可不是建议,也不是什么可以讨价还价的事情,这是法律规定的!


商业律师 5 回答
回答次数 (5)
# 5
Why did they exempt businesses with fewer than 12 employees? That just creates an incentive to pay people under the table to keep your official number of employees low.
# 4
Please be cognizant of your rights. If your boss gives you a hard time about it you owe him or her zero favors. Report them to the city immediately. If they aim to steal from you they're trying to do the same to other people too.
# 3
I'm a little jealous. When I was a kid, I had to bust my ass for in the early 00s for ~$7 an hour. Now some kid of the same age will be making more than double that. I had to spend 2 days busting my ass to buy a new videogame. Now they'll just do it in a few short hours.
# 2
There will be naysayers and supporters but we won’t know the effects of this until a few years in. I suspect this may hit some businesses harder than others, namely mom and pop restaurants that run on very slim profit margins. Luckily my New Years resolutions include cooking more of my own food even if my kitchen is tiny and the water drains poorly, so it’s all good, bring it on baby!
# 1
Why are people so mad about the minimum wage going up? Is not like is coming out of your pocket.... wether you like it or not other HUMANS deserve to have a decent living as well. Here In NYC $15/hour can barely support the cost of living as it is the cheapest apartment you can get is a studio that are going for at least $1000 a month. It was about time this happened when everything in NY been going up steadily while the minimum wage hasn’t, not everyone has the same chances and opportunities to go and get a college degree and not even that guarantees a job. NYC are full of companies making millions every quarter they can afford to pay workers or they wouldn’t be open in NYC to begin with.