I wish all companies around the world supported their clients/Workforce as well as Yagoo does. Among the other good agencies. Sadly, there's only so much that can be done to protect the talents. Most, if not all the talents have some kind of trail anyone with enough determination could follow, and one of the preferred prerequisites for applying to Hololive is that you have previous online/on-live/streaming/v-tubing experience, which again, leaves a trail for anyone to follow. And it doesn't matter how much of the past you block or erase.
I fully admit to once being the type to scoff at Vtubers and think it wasn't a real job to just sit around and play video games all day and get paid. But after actually becoming a fan and having time to observe what it's really about, I now know that most of these talents work their asses off to entertain us, especially the ones from larger agencies like Cover. And I don't blame any of them for needing a break and getting burned out.
I do hope they find a way to keep the talent feeling safe and their mental/physical selfs strong and healthy. For current, future, and retired talents.