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商业律师 4 回答
嘿,大家好!COVER 和 ANYCOLOR 在这里,想跟大家聊聊。 首先,真心感谢大家一直以来对我们旗下 VTuber 的支持!我们每天都看到大家享受我们的内容,真的非常感动。 但与此同时,我们也注意到一些让人不舒服的情况:有些人恶意中伤我们的 VTuber,试图破坏他们的名誉和信任,甚至进行诽谤,干扰他们的活动。 这些匿名诽谤行为在网络论坛和社交媒体上肆意蔓延,严重影响了 VTuber 们的情绪和精神状态,让他们难以正常进行活动,甚至毁掉了他们的生活。 所以,我们必须站出来保护他们!我们一直以来都非常重视这个问题,并通过各种方式提高公众意识,希望能让大家安心享受我们的内容。 现在,我们决定更进一步,与其他公司合作,共同打击这些诽谤行为。 具体来说,我们会分享应对诽谤、侵犯隐私、恶意“钓鱼”等行为的经验,共同采取法律行动,并与警方和其他公司合作,建立更完善的保护体系。 事实上,在 2022 年 10 月到 11 月期间,我们已经联手与一些恶意“总结网站”的运营者进行了谈判,这些网站发布的信息损害了我们 VTuber 的名誉和信任。我们正努力与他们达成和解协议,确保 VTuber 的权利不再受到侵犯,并杜绝任何助长诽谤的行为。 这次的合作,是我们朝着为 VTuber 创造更舒适的活动环境迈出的重要一步。我们会继续加强这些措施,努力为大家带来更好的体验! 感谢大家一直以来的支持!
回答次数 (4)
# 4
I have faith in the companies in doing this the correct way, but I will say I hope that they take this with nuance and not go overboard. Concerted efforts to cause discord amongst their talents by actively engaging with them in bad faith, brigading, etc. is one thing, but they’ll find themselves with more problems than not if they try and do something like removing gossip boards or people that just make hateful memes in private. Knowing you’re aware of them and afraid is what trolls thrive on, and if they can’t bring actual legal retribution on them for substantial actions, they can easily add fuel to the fire. I just hope they understand that. Beyond that it seems like a great idea with a strong statement like this between two behemoths of the industry.
# 3
Will be interesting to see how aggressively they pursue offenders. Japan this year introduced legislation that punishes 'online insults' by up to one year in prison, defined as statements which "publicly demean someone’s social standing without referring to specific facts about them or a specific action". Most matome sites are serial infringers based on that definition. There was also a court case this year which determined that libel against a vtuber character also constitutes libel against the real person, which cleared up a longstanding legal grey area. I'm no expert, but their legal mandate seems to be extremely broad, at least domestically. International trolls will almost certainly be beyond their reach though, depending on where the comments are hosted.
# 2
I wish all companies around the world supported their clients/Workforce as well as Yagoo does. Among the other good agencies. Sadly, there's only so much that can be done to protect the talents. Most, if not all the talents have some kind of trail anyone with enough determination could follow, and one of the preferred prerequisites for applying to Hololive is that you have previous online/on-live/streaming/v-tubing experience, which again, leaves a trail for anyone to follow. And it doesn't matter how much of the past you block or erase.

I fully admit to once being the type to scoff at Vtubers and think it wasn't a real job to just sit around and play video games all day and get paid. But after actually becoming a fan and having time to observe what it's really about, I now know that most of these talents work their asses off to entertain us, especially the ones from larger agencies like Cover. And I don't blame any of them for needing a break and getting burned out.

I do hope they find a way to keep the talent feeling safe and their mental/physical selfs strong and healthy. For current, future, and retired talents.
# 1
Even if they have (or haven't!) said anything specific, in response to this notification, on Twitter I'm seeing the following responses:

Tsunomaki Watame: ありがとうございます!

Yozora Mel: すごいことだ...!ありがとうございます!😭

Natsuiro Matsuri: いつでもタレントのことを大切にしてくれる運営さんに感謝ですね✨

まつりも楽しく活動続けていくのでまつりすは安心して推してください(͒ ᴖ ·̫ ᴖ⸝⸝ )͒♪


Yuzuki Choco: …ありがたいわねぇ。

Sakura Miko:誹謗中傷に対して運営さん達が

これからも応援してくれるみんなに笑顔を届けられるように、みこもめげずに活動がんばろうと思いますჱ̒ ー̀֊ー́ )

🔽 誹謗中傷行為等の報告窓口 🔽


Shirakami Fubuki:各所属ライバーの皆さんが

Shiranui Flare:感謝!


Tsunomaki Watame: Thank you!

Yozora Mel: Wow...! thank you! 😭

Natsuiro Matsuri: Thank you to the management who always cares about talent✨

Matsuri will continue to have fun, so don't worry about supporting Matsurisu (͒ ᴖ ·̫ ᴖ⸝⸝ )͒♪

Thank you as always

Yuzuki Choco: … Thank you.
Thank you for the management 😭

Sakura Miko: The operators against slander
Thank you very much for fighting alongside the talent in this way🙇‍♀️! !

In order to bring smiles to everyone who supports me, I will continue to work hard without getting discouraged ჱ̒ ー̀͊ー́ )

🔽 Contact point for reporting slander, etc. 🔽

Roboco: Thank you☺️! !

Shirakami Fubuki: All the affiliated rivers
Thank you for allowing me to work with peace of mind.
I myself will also try to do activities that can be enjoyed by the management and fans!
thank you very much.

Shiranui Flare: Thanks!

I think this is quietly a very important issue for the Talents.