首页 / 法律问答 / 别再怪打工人啦,这事儿真不赖他们,都是公司的问题。


商业律师 4 回答
Okay, so here's the deal with this Canada Post strike, straight from a postal worker's perspective. There's a lot of misinformation out there, so let me clear things up. First off, we're not funded by your tax dollars. Canada Post makes its own money through the services it provides. They even turn a profit sometimes, which then goes straight to the government instead of back to us, the workers who made it happen. And don't believe the hype that Canada Post is broke. They're using scare tactics to pressure us into accepting less than we deserve and to turn the public against us. They'll throw out huge "loss" numbers, like $748 million in a year, but ask yourself this: If a CEO runs a company into the ground like that, wouldn't they be fired? Why is Doug Ettinger still around? They also admitted to giving bonuses to upper management while claiming they're losing money. Does that make sense? Canada Post owns a huge chunk of Purolator, which rakes in billions. They have the money, they just don't want you to know it. They also claim they're losing parcel business and need to hire gig workers for weekend delivery, but their biggest competitor is Purolator, which they also own. So, are they really losing business, or just trying to cut full-time jobs? Here's another thing: Canada Post has a sustainability plan to spend billions on upgrades, including new facilities and vehicles. If you spread that out over five years, it's close to the "losses" they're reporting. Seems like clever accounting to me, not actual losses. And if Canada Post was really taxpayer-funded and losing money, wouldn't the government just bail them out like they did with Air Canada? The losses are a lie to turn you against us, the working-class people who just want a fair deal. We pay taxes too! All 55,000 of us pay income tax, property tax, and sales tax. We deserve safe working conditions, a living wage, and the ability to retire with dignity. But our wages haven't kept up with the cost of living. The starting wage hasn't increased much in years, while the cost of everything else has skyrocketed. It takes years to even earn a living wage at Canada Post. The CEO makes half a million dollars a year and gives himself raises while claiming the company is failing. We ask for a reasonable raise, and we're called greedy. Working people shouldn't be fighting each other when we're all struggling. Negotiations have stalled because Canada Post doesn't have to bargain in good faith. The government always legislates us back to work when we strike, taking away our only leverage. This time, the government said they won't intervene, so Canada Post is panicking and resorting to illegal layoffs to scare us. We don't want to strike, but it's our only way to get what we deserve. We know it's inconvenient, and we're sorry for that. We even broke picket lines to deliver important cheques because we care about our communities. Our fight is with Canada Post, not with you. They have the money to settle this, they just need to do the right thing. So, please be kind to us. We're just trying to support our families. We have the right to strike, and it's the only way we've ever made progress. Thanks to everyone who's supporting us. Your support gives us the courage to keep fighting. We appreciate it more than you know.
回答次数 (4)
# 4
I'm still waiting for someone to provide a non partisan breakdown of the actual median cost of an employee to CP. What does employee #22,500 cost CP operations per hour? Talking about wages alone, and then muddying the waters with inflationary napkin math for basic necessities and completely omitting the rising costs of health insurance coverage + the additional coverage requests, increase in COLA for pensions, STDP increases, etc. etc. is disingenuous.

The overwhelming majority of Canadians that are remunerated hourly don't benefit from half of this laundry list of benefits.

You want to have a genuine bipartisan conversation? Numerate how much the median employee costs CP, as wage remuneration is directly related to benefits earned for OPEX.
# 3
STFU. i don’t need to read your sad story when literally everyone knows a crown corporation is FULLY BACKED by taxpayers

Your pension and operating budget is 100% on the taxpayer if anything fails. You will get your money even if you don’t ship a single package. That’s because the taxpayer is your line of defense once you don’t make money.

What business makes 700M losses and gives pensions out to its employees and offers greater than inflation raises to an already overpaid workforce?

And then your AUDACITY to say when you made profits it went to the government and not the workers but the hypocrisy that when you lose money you deserve wage increases and stability?! Shouldn’t your salaries be getting cut to pay the business losses by your own logic?

Just STFU, the public ain’t buying your BS
# 2
My humble opinion: Dissolve the Corporation, fire the executives, and turn Canada Post into a Federally funded government agency as it should be. Give the employees fair government wages with benefits...

At its core Canada Post is an essential government service and face it folks we all need things in the mail eventually - like passports, cheques and drivers licenses. I for one am tired of hearing how poorly the management handles CP. I also have thousands of dollars in inventory currently held hostage.

I keep hearing opinions and reading articles suggesting that we should privatize CP... Which is so stupid it hurts. The first thing a private company would do is cancel postal services to every remote location due to non profitability...

THE SECOND THING they would do is triple the rates for everything left uncancelled. Return to Sender ~ Uncrown the Corporation.
# 1
Reading some of these comments goes to show how ignorant most people are regarding Canada Post, all you hear is “I don’t use letter mail, I don’t receive letter mail, letters letters letters!”. “They only need to work 1 or 2 days a week!”

Would you say the same thing about UPS, FedEx, Purolator et al? Would it make sense for them to work 1 or 2 days a week if they had slow business?

Your average ’Mail Person’ is now labeled a ‘Delivery Agent’, they don’t only deliver mail, they also deliver parcels and packages along with Flyers / Admail, AND they perform other extra duties ( which they never receive pay increase to do BTW ) like Customer Pickups. The average Delivery Agent now does the work duties that 2 people, sometimes 3 people used to do.

Yes that’s right, job classifications used to be:

Mail Person: Who delivered mail/Flyers

MSC’s: Who delivered parcels, packages

MSC’s: Who performed Customer Pickup

NOW your Mail Person (Delivery Agent)does it ALL by themselves, and I get it, times change Canada Post needed to make changes, but they need to go about it correctly, workers doing more work need more pay.

While the Delivery Agent is out on the streets delivering, they are receiving prompts on their scanning devices to go and pick up shipments from Businesses (small and large), and some Delivery Agents perform Customer Pickups at the end of their delivery duties, EVERY DAY.

You see, Canada Post needs to have Delivery Agents on the road EVERY DAY to COMPETE with the COMPETITION AND to provide the services that large and small businesses require.


This is the direction Canada Post is heading with their front line workers on the streets, they arbitrarily add more and more work duties changing the job description but pay the same dime. This is what the Union and their Members are fighting about. It’s about time Posties saw a RAISE in pay and better working conditions.