首页 / 法律问答 / 工会耍阴招,所以我们也只能用更脏的手段反击了。


商业律师 3 回答
这事儿发生在德克萨斯州,一个出了名的反工会的地方,大概2000年初的时候。我当时在一家化工厂工作,认识了一个朋友,我们叫他鲍勃吧。他来自一个联邦机构,具体哪个就不说了,当时正在我们厂检查,他跟我讲了这个故事。 当时鲍勃在给我们发名片,我注意到他的名片上有工会标志。我就问他,名片是不是工会印刷厂做的。鲍勃笑着说:“不,我们办公室去年刚成立工会。” 看我一脸疑惑,他就给我讲了他是怎么加入工会的。 鲍勃的办公室里,有一个主管(不能加入工会),还有六个员工,都是白领,都有学位。其中三个人想成立工会,包括鲍勃在内的四个人不想。不知道怎么回事,3比4的投票结果竟然是办公室成立了工会,鲍勃他们就成了工会“店”里的非工会成员。 鲍勃和另外三个同事觉得工会搞不出什么花样,就没当回事。那三个人交会费,开会,也没啥动静,直到有一天,出事了。 他们那个联邦机构要搞弹性工作制,让各个办公室自己决定上班时间,比如朝九晚五,或者一周四天,每天十小时,或者9-80制度,就是一周有一天休息。问题是,员工要投票,少数服从多数。结果主管调查了一下,四个人想选9-80,三个人想选4-10。结果你肯定猜得到,那三个工会成员“争取”到了4-10,所有人,包括非工会成员,都得遵守。 鲍勃就问主管,为什么少数服从多数不管用了?主管说:“没办法,这是工会的地盘。不想这样就加入工会。” 鲍勃一下子就明白了。 他和另外三个同事就加入了工会,交了会费,填了表格,参加了下次会议。他们早就计划好了要合法地“政变”。等到工会主席说“有没有其他事情要讨论”的时候,他们就开始行动了。鲍勃提议对现在的工会干部(正好是那三个人)进行不信任投票,结果4比3,现在的干部下台了。鲍勃的同事提名鲍勃和其他两个人担任干部,投票结果也是4比3,鲍勃成了新的工会主席。 鲍勃问还有没有其他事情要讨论,另一个同事就提议把工作时间改成9-80。有人附议,投票结果是… 4比3,通过了!从下周一开始,整个办公室都实行9-80工作制。 这里要说明一下,工会章程规定,开会必须有超过50%的会员参加才算达到法定人数。以前的标准是3个人里要来2个,现在是4个人。 鲍勃宣布会议结束,之后几年都没再开过会,他和他的同事除了交会费,什么工会活动都不参加。就这样,鲍勃他们利用工会章程,反过来对付了那三个同事。
回答次数 (3)
# 3
So, there is a committee at work that can help organize the work the way the majority of the workers want it too. They didn't agree with how things were done, so they ....used that power to ....fix a workplace issue they felt passionate about. And it worked.

....and somehow this should be an example as to why those committees are ....bad?

I'm sorry, but the only thing this proves is the usefulness of unions. And there certainly wasn't any dirty play here.
# 2
I swear to god, the US especially Texans (I live in Texas) have no clue what unions are supposed to do, no idea that they’re there to help the employees not get fucked over. They hear on the news that people “don’t wanna work” and “union bad”. Just forgetting that unions gave us 5 day work weeks, 40 hr weeks, and a way to push back on exploitive employers without being fired.

If you don’t buy it ask yourself what do unions ACTUALLY do and think about why so many companies would hate it.
# 1
I work for the electrical union and it's the best thing ever. I work 40 hours a week, get paid $54 an hour, full health insurance for me and my family, and the work is far less strenuous for far more money than any job I've ever worked before by a large margin. I'm not sure why anybody would be against the idea of a union, it's the only way the little man or the average worker has any chance of being paid anywhere close to what they actually deserve for the work that they do. But hey, bravo to Bob for shitting on the union. God forbid the capitalist oligarchs pay us more that they can legally get away with.