首页 / 法律问答 / 嘿,我跟你说,可能未来医药界的一匹黑马已经出现了,他们说不定已经找到了艾滋病的治疗方法,甚至可能还有其他疾病的解药。


商业律师 5 回答
Okay, so I've been digging into this company, Enzolytics (ENZC), and it looks like they might be the real deal. Here's the gist: * **Unicorn Status:** They're tackling COVID and HIV with some seriously impressive tech. * **COVID Play:** They've got a proprietary method for creating monoclonal antibodies that could work on all variants because they target the unchangeable parts of the virus. * **HIV Cure?:** They're developing therapies that might actually cure HIV-1, which no one else has been able to do. * **Pipeline:** Plus, they've got a whole pipeline of other stuff in the works. * **Huge Market:** We're talking about markets worth billions. **The Key Players:** * **Charles Cotropia (CEO):** Patent lawyer and brother to Joseph. * **Joseph Cotropia (Chief Medical Officer):** The brains behind Clone 3. * **Harry Zhabilov (CSO):** Inventor of ITV-1. **What They Do:** They're all about immunotherapy, focusing on HIV, COVID, and other retroviral diseases. Their main products are Clone 3 and ITV-1 for HIV, with more in development. **Why This Matters:** Immunotherapy is better than traditional treatments because it's more targeted and has fewer side effects. **The Products:** * **ITV-1:** Boosts antibody effectiveness. * **Clone 3:** A monoclonal antibody that stops HIV from reproducing. It targets a constant "Achilles heel" on the virus. * **Pipeline:** They're working on similar antibodies for CoronaVirus. **The Goal:** Combine ITV-1 and Clone 3 to cure HIV, get FDA approval, and mass-produce the cure. **The Backstory (Clone 3):** Clone 3 was discovered in 1989 but struggled to gain traction because it was a new approach. Even after the U.S. government confirmed its effectiveness, it was never brought to the public. Some think this is because it would disrupt the market for existing HIV drugs. **Catalysts to watch for:** * Government Funding * SARS-CoV-2 mAbs completion * Patent approvals * New website * FDA approvals * Partnerships with big pharma * Research into other diseases * Uplisting to OTCQB/NASDAQ **My Take:** Enzolytics is doing cutting-edge biotech. With their leadership, technology, and access to labs, they're poised to make a big impact on global health and shareholder value. **Disclaimer:** This is a long-term play for me. I'm holding this stock for a long, long time.
回答次数 (5)
# 5
Lots of positive news and hype surrounding this latest jump have seen few discussions about risks/cons for ENZC.

bearish on ENZC

•They are still years away from actual sales and profitability.

•There is competition in their focused HIV cure market space

•possible/likely they offer more shares and dilute share price to raise capital to build production facilities.

Position [email protected]

I thinks it’s important to discuss the risks as well as the hype.
# 4
Excellent collection of DD here.

I’m long on this with not nearly as much money as most investors. I invested into ENZC because I might have the opportunity to make some money for my family and help my mom retire.
But I definitely also invested with some emotion (the cardinal sin).

I’m a biochemist and soon to be PA who might very well get the chance to use this science to treat my patients some day. In addition, my grandma and dad both suffer from MS and while they will likely never see the potential treatment behind this research, I’m willing to help support the cause any way that I can.
# 3
Excellent company with a bright future. I’ve been invested in this for some time now, and plan to hold through 2021. This DD package & write up has been in the works for well over a week now. I see some people saying it’s a “paid advertisement” or whatever it may be, but it truly isn’t. We wanted to bring the attention of potential new shareholders of ENZC by publishing a comprehensive DD packet. The sources have been linked and you can verify every piece of information that you want to. Besides, the only thing we can really do is educate potential future shareholders on this opportunity, can’t convince anyone to buy if they don’t want to.
# 2
Am I the only one here who actually read ENZC's SEC filings?


This company was dormant between 2011-2017 (the SEC link OP posted is from 2017), and their filings have been sparse since. Their last filing was April 2020, and well, it didn't tell us much about the company's status at all. In fact, aside from that one company press release dated February 2021, most of OP's links are rather old.

Does this seem normal to you for a company claiming to have an advanced HIV treatment? Wouldn't you expect a serious pharmaceutical company, even a penny stock one, to be a bit more on the up-and-up with the SEC?
# 1
I wouldn't push around the whole 'cure' for HIV thing. It is already possible to cure HIV, it just requires completely eliminating the existing immune system, which is a worse solution to current treatments. No amount of increasing the effectiveness of an infected immune system is currently thought to be able to result in curing HIV. It's sort of like trying to mop, but your only source of water is all the previously used buckets of mop water. At best, this sounds like another big advancement in treatment and management.

What they've produced sounds like a phenomenal alternative to common treatments using NRTIs/NNRTIs, with less downsides and cheaper. That alone is probably worth huge money.

This is also what's called an 'effective cure.' This means that a patient might have to take medication for the rest of their life, but their life will be functionally no different from an uninfected person. Someone who is effectively cured will still carry the infection, and it usually implies that ceasing treatment would result in viral load increasing again, as well as ability to spread the virus returning with cessation of treatment.