首页 / 法律问答 / 我被一辆公司的肯沃斯T880卡车撞了,完全是他们的责任。我应该请个私人人身伤害律师吗?


商业律师 5 回答
哎,真是倒霉!那天我开车好好地,结果那辆卡车并线的时候直接撞上我了,把我的保险杠都撞掉了,驾驶座那边的车门也全毁了。保险公司说我的车直接报废了。 更糟的是,第二天我开始觉得背疼得厉害,浑身没劲儿,还酸痛。都一个星期了,还是不舒服。我已经去急诊看了,也找我的医生复诊了,还准备开始做理疗。 但更让我难受的是心理上的影响。我一直有抑郁和焦虑的问题,之前感觉好多了,现在感觉又回到了原点,晚上也睡不好。你说我是不是又不行了?感觉焦虑和抑郁又要控制不住了。 我想问问,我应该请个律师来跟那家公司的保险公司交涉吗?还是说根本没必要?
回答次数 (5)
# 5
Is this a double-turn lane loss at an intersection where both vehicles were turning simultaneously, or did the truck turn into a lane you already had control of?  If you need a lawyer to navigate your injury claim, get one, but if this is a disputed loss where the fault is not clear, you might be left owing medical bills, repair costs, and lawyer bills.  Talk to your carrier and clarify the liability decision.
# 4
My doctor was the one to suggest physical therapy first. Had my first appointment and the physical therapist.Thinks because I tensed so much and because his Truck was so much bigger and heavier than mine.The impact has caused the strain on my muscles which is why i'm feeling A bit of nerve pain. I'm hoping that with a couple of courses of physical better.And I'll feel back to the way I was but i'm concerned about being hit with a large medical bill down the line
# 3
A lot of people get into an accident and automatically see dollar signs but here is the thing….whatever settlement you end up with, your lawyer is taking 1/3 right off the top. They get paid first.

THEN your medical insurance has the right to recoup the cost of all of your medical treatment from your settlement.

After that, what are you left with? Unless you have life changing injuries…you’re usually left with very little, if not nothing.

Lawyers will try and extend your treatment so their bill goes up and up and up….which means your cut of the check goes down and down and down.
# 2
That’s up to you. 

What kinda follow up did your doctor suggest?

Here’s the thing about an attorney. Not all but a lot will hear commercial policy and smell 30 percent.

They will take 30 percent of any payments to you. Plus costs.

So maybe you’ll feel better in a couple weeks but your attorney will be incentivized to have you keep treating to be able to present greater damages to the insurance.

If you are legitimately injured and feel these injuries will result in loss of function it might make sense.

If i felt in a couple of weeks id be normal I wouldn’t want someone involved who’s job it is to stretch things out.

Sorry about your accident.
# 1
Am attorney isn't a bad idea when have life altering injuries. Soft tissue injuries like you're describing just aren't worth it though.

Your settlement will most likely cover medical costs plus a few hundred to few thousand dollars. On cases like this is very easy for you to end up with little to nothing after an attorney takes their 30 percent.

Example: you end up with $10,000 in medical costs plus $2,000 in general pain and suffering. An attorney would take $3,600 and you get the remaining $8,400.

Best case would be if you negotiated the medical cost down and ended with $0 or a small amount. Worst case would be that your medical cost would eat that entire settlement and you'd still owe $1,600. The attorney would get paid first no matter what.