首页 / 法律问答 / 商业地产交易/融资律师是做什么的? 简单来说,我们就是帮人买、卖、开发、租赁、以及融资商业地产的。你想开个新商场、盖个办公楼,或者只是想租个办公室,我们都能帮上忙。我们会审查合同,确保一切合法合规,也会代表客户进行谈判,力求拿到最好的条件。总而言之,就是确保你的地产项目能够顺利进行,尽量避免麻烦。

商业地产交易/融资律师是做什么的? 简单来说,我们就是帮人买、卖、开发、租赁、以及融资商业地产的。你想开个新商场、盖个办公楼,或者只是想租个办公室,我们都能帮上忙。我们会审查合同,确保一切合法合规,也会代表客户进行谈判,力求拿到最好的条件。总而言之,就是确保你的地产项目能够顺利进行,尽量避免麻烦。

商业律师 3 回答
回答次数 (3)
# 3
This is what I do. Get a comfortable chair… lots of contract review/negotiations…. Closings…. Responding to annoying realtors and clients who want to close yesterday but you have to tell them you can’t bc we first have to do xyz…. Commercial leases on the other hand can be good work too… I have reviewed 80 page leases and 10 page leases.
# 2
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# 1
I do a good deal of real estate transactions. Depends on what type of deal and what side you represent. I’ll stay with a deal from beginning to end. You start with your contract terms with lots of focus on what liabilities exist and what will be assumed by buyer. Liabilities in the broadest terms.

There’s a good amount of work on due diligence terms and what would be a permitted contract termination event.

Title review is my favorite part. Clearing up defects and encumbrances. Moving easements for future uses. Correcting ownership errors. Really fun and engaging.

Closing work. Theres a mountain of document drafting on these commercial deals with loan agreements. Tenant estoppels. Payoffs. Deed prep.

The whole time you have to push your client along and be a Cheerleader while balancing keeping them from getting into a terrible situation. the realtors are your worst nightmares.

Seller side has more work because of closing docs and due diligence. Buyer diligence is just providing docs and responding.

Loan refinancing was huge during low interest rates. Same as above but no buyer just a bank.

I also do farm and ranch closings which are just as large and complex as commercial.

These deals move at glacial paces. Months to negotiate and 90-120 of diligence. 30-60 days closing. It’s great work if you can get it, and seems to move in waves. The real estate deals also couple in with an asset purchase transaction for the business assets inside the building. Those are great.

The work is good but overwhelming at first. The contracts have lots of nuance and nothing is standard. But they are all fairly similar. Once you do enough you can start to blend provisions. If you have ever purchased a house it’s like that but multiply everything by 50.

I enjoy it. You have to develop a good work flow style and be ok with just telling a client no and to wait.