首页 / 法律问答 / 嘿,伙计,我被人赖账了,想找个靠谱又不贵的商法律师或者其他能帮忙的人,帮我把这笔钱要回来,有什么推荐吗?


商业律师 3 回答
我现在有个大客户拒付账单,金额不少,我挺依赖这笔钱的。但我刚来CT,不太清楚该怎么办。手头预算不多,又不想赖账。 我在找能接受分期付款或者风险代理的催收公司或律师。已经咨询过一些律师,他们说案子胜算很大,但不接受这些付款方式。真是进退两难,没钱请律师要不回钱,要回钱才能请律师。 有没有什么我没想到的建议?非常感谢!
回答次数 (3)
# 3
You need to register them as a bad payer with a credit agency to gain some leverage. I don’t think it is expensive to register with someone like Experian, look into that as your first port of call.
# 2
Classic stuff.
Have you sent a letter of demand yet? They can ignore it but in practice people usually don't. It gives them a bit of a fright to see a legal letter in their inbox. They realise you're willing to fight. Very often more than good enough. Oh, and you have to do this before you sue anyway. It is best to get a lawyer to draft one but not necessary.
# 1

While keeping specific information confidential, could you perhaps provide some background?

What work did you do for the client?

Is there a contract signed by the client setting out the work to be done? Or some kind of people confirming work to be done etc ?

Is there proof that you delivered the service (could the client claim you didn’t do the work)?
