首页 / 法律问答 / 我在高速公路上被半挂车撞了,但我爸却劝我别请律师。


商业律师 4 回答
我今年20岁,住在密苏里州。最近在高速公路上出了严重的车祸。当时我在慢车道上开着,中间车道的一辆半挂卡车突然并线撞到了我。撞击导致我的车打转,停在了快车道上,然后又被另一辆车撞了。谢天谢地,我还活着,但是脑震荡很严重,现在都不知道该怎么办了。 一开始我只是想和保险公司解决问题,但我继母提到了一个律师,2016年的时候他帮她的家人处理过一起事故。我之前从没想过要请律师,但是现在情况这么复杂,听起来也是个好主意。我爸甚至给了我那个律师的电话号码,鼓励我联系他。 我和律师聊了聊,一切都挺好的,直到他说要见面详谈。然后我爸就突然让取消见面,说让我们让保险公司处理就好。我不明白为什么我爸突然不让我请律师了,明明这次事故看起来完全不是我的责任。 更糟糕的是,我最近发现我爸撒谎了: * 他告诉我我的车是全险,但其实只有责任险。 * 他还说车登记在我的名下,但我刚知道车仍然登记在他的名下。 我总感觉这里面有什么猫腻。脑震荡让我很难清晰地思考,我现在感觉压力很大,也很困惑。我应该还是请个律师吗?我该怎么处理现在的情况才是最好的?我只想确保我做的是正确的选择。 如果大家有什么建议,请告诉我。谢谢!
回答次数 (4)
# 4
If the situation is handled by insurance companies the money may go to the policy holder which sounds like your father. If you sue directly, you probably are entitled to the money in a way your father is not. I’m NAL, but I’d definitely get one ASAP. Don’t listen to your father on this, you’re an adult and can seek representation independently.
# 3
Sounds like your dad is hiding something about your insurance coverage.

Lawyer up. It may or may not work to your benefit but you really won't know until you meet with the attorney. The attorney will likely take 30-40% of any award and it will take several months. The insurance companies only look out for themselves and it's never to your benefit. Good luck
# 2
If something is fishy with your car insurance, I don’t think it’ll matter.

You were in an accident caused by a party that most likely has insurance through the employer or as required if they’re self-employed. If your insurance isn’t going to cover your medical bills, a lawyer will assist you in getting that from the other party, and possibly even more.

I’m not saying what happened to you was great, but the fact that it was caused by semi in most cases, means you are most likely going to receive the monetary assistance you need to make sure you are ok with the help of a lawyer. ( assuming you know who it was of course and they didn’t run off.)
# 1
Commercial insurers are really horrible when they deal with claims. If you had more than liability, you'd have an insurance company who could go to bad for you. Without that, I'd at least talk to the lawyer.

Know, though, that the lawyer will probably take 30-40% of whatever your recovery is. With a commercial insurance carrier, the remaining 60-70% may still be more than what they would have given you without representation. But, it might not be.

A concussion might not be that severe of an injury in light of the things that could have happened. Do your doctors think you will have permanent issues? If so, a lawyer will help you go after the insurance company for compensation. If this is "you'll be fine in a few weeks" territory, the insurance company is paying your actual medical bills and they're giving you reasonable value for the car you lost, then getting somebody to take 30-40% off the top probably doesn't make sense.