首页 / 法律问答 / “真是倒霉透了!把车送去修,结果修车行给我撞报废了!”


商业律师 5 回答
哎,我的车被撞报废了,保险公司联合第三方评估机构给的赔偿金也太低了,我该怎么跟他们谈,才能多赔点钱?我打算找找本地车行的相似车辆报价,还有什么别的办法吗? 更糟心的是,车是在修车行被撞的!修车行老板说,一个开租来的车的DoorDash司机闯红灯撞了修车行的员工开的车,然后我的车又撞了别的车。我要了事故报告,到现在还没拿到。都六天了,修车行老板也没说要给我们租车,也没保证他有保险。他今天竟然让我自己联系DoorDash司机租车公司的保险,让我们自己先垫付租车费。 我已经联系了自己的保险公司,虽然之前他们建议我直接找修车行的商业保险。但现在修车行老板啥也不提供,看来只能让自己的保险公司介入了,可能还得找个财产律师。大家还有什么建议吗?
回答次数 (5)
# 5
We had a similar situation happen at our auto repair shop. A person ran into a customer's car while on a test drive. It was NOT our fault the random person ran into our customer's car. We were not liable for this accident. We gave our customer that driver's insurance information and they worked it out. Even though the car was in our possession, there was nothing that we did that made us liable. It wasn't an issue of our employee's behavior causing the damage to the car. I would try to go through the Door Dasher's insurance, and if not, I would then be forced to go through my own insurance.
# 4
Talk to your state insurance commission, they'll he able to help steer you in the correct direction and they should be able to look up who the insurance carrier is for the garage.

Furthermore there should be a police report for the incident with all the particulars as well, I'd go to the local police station asking for a copy of that report.

An attorney might be needed in order to sue to get you reimbursed for rental car and getting paid out for the totalled car. If the garages worker was driving the car then they are partially on the hook because it was in their possession at the time of the accident and they were driving it.
# 3
You are screwed, one the door dash driver almost certainly has neither a chauffeur’s license nor commercial auto insurance, So that claim will be denied as soon as its made, Doordash will clutch pearls and say there is nothing we can do driver deceived us, The employee driving the car may not have insurance and the shop’s insurance is unlikely to cover things like this.

Steve Lehto’s channel had a similar story about a shop employee taking a joyride in a brand new 6 figure corvette and the shop was not liable for the damage even though the owner specified in writing the vette was not to leave the premises of the shop. and yes the Vette was totaled
# 2
I just want to add that this is crappy that the garage isn't being helpful.

I had a similar(ish) situation years ago but it was that my car was stolen while at the dealership for service. They covered a rental car for me immediately (it's what I went home in that night, and I had for over a month), and they covered the car fully. (The one thing they didn't cover, but not relevant to your situation, was the contents of my car. We debated suing for negligence (they'd left the keys in the car and some other things that seemed a bit fishy), but decided it wasn't worth the effort.)

ETA: But, whatever happens, at the end, leave them horrible reviews on Yelp, etc. saying what happened and that they refused to take any responsibility or be helpful.
# 1
Go through your insurance its what its there for. Its a no fault claim and should not affect your premiums. Your insurance is there to assist in rental cars, depending on what you pay for in your premium. They are there to recoup the money and deal with the repair business insurance. Unfortunately you will most likely come out of this situation losing alittle bit of money, whether its a loss of value on the vehicle or having to pay the discounted rate on the rental, or having to spend money on ubers. You will lose money on time for sure. Dont expect any others insurance to do you any favors, they dont owe you anything. I would keep track of everything that youve had to spend time and money on for this incident and when insurance has got it all resolved you take the repair business to small claims to recoup anything. Ive never heard of a personal property lawyer for car wrecks? Im assuming because there is not enough money in it for a lawyer, or you will spend more on a lawyer then what you lose from this whole situation. FYI ive owned a valet parking business in Texas, i deal alot with auto insurance this is my advice.