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你是想让我帮你找一位擅长处理商业地产事务的律师,对吗? 或者,你需要我润色一篇关于商业地产律师的文章?请告诉我你的具体需求。

商业律师 5 回答
我在韦伯斯特租了个店面。房东拖到11月底才修暖气,导致10月到11月店里温度一直在14-19度之间。 更可怕的是,那段时间她还可能害我们一氧化碳中毒。虽然我没有确凿证据,但检修人员说我们中毒了,而且警报也响了,但没发生火灾。我打算去做个血液检测。 现在我基本没法开店了,因为损失太大了。但房东不肯让我退租,除非没收我的押金。所以我需要一位商业地产方面的律师。 我联系不上律师,急需摆脱这个困境。如果有人认识相关律师,请帮帮我。我花了那么多钱开店,还改善了她的店面,现在她却无缘无故地毁了我的生活。我只想尽快脱身。
回答次数 (5)
# 5
I wouldn't be getting ironclad legal advice from random people on Reddit that's a caveat. But yes you can get a lawyer to write a very strongly worded letter on their letterhead to the landlord threatening to sue if x y and z isn't done. If well worded the letter will strongly indicate that the landlord will be spending thousands on a protracted court battle. The end of the letter proposes a settlement effective immediately that both parties can live with.
# 4
Most commercial leases I've seen make the tenant completely responsible for all these things, including repairing and maintaining in good working order any HVAC systems installed in the space, that depends on your lease though. The rights that tenants generally have are really just applicable to residential tenants, not commercial tenants.

It's always a good idea to have a lawyer look over your lease before you sign to let you know of any liability you may be exposed to.
# 3
That’s my argument though. The technician said the heating system should’ve been replaced five years ago. My lease states this “. Lessee shall be responsible for the normal repair and maintenance of the furnace and heating and cooling systems and its related systems” not sure that replacing a heating system that’s leaking carbon monoxide is a normal repair or maintenance.

She also gave it to me broken. I’m not sure that’s covered in the lease when it was agreed that the heating system would be replaced and installed by her “handyman” prior to us opening our doors.

Also it says she’s responsible for common areas including gas pipes. So not sure if that’s relevant but potentially
# 2
I see well you need to define maintenance because I would assume maintenance as
Filters, belts,annual tuneup,paying for the fuel batteries for the thermostat if needed.
Repairs are different not sure what type of system you have there but im guessing warm air furnace with natural gas
So a cracked heat exchanger would let carbon monoxide into your space,gas valve replacement or gas pressurized reducer ect.. these are big ticket items that I wouldn’t consider maintenance and should be repaired by the property owner in my opinion and how can you pass those items onto the tenant?
Especially if they weren’t properly maintained before you started renting the space you already came into a malfunctioning system.
Are used to live right over the line in Connecticut and I used to work in all those buildings. Not many of them are properly maintained .
I have a good idea of who you’re renting from. I’ve never had a bad issue there but I just know how things are done out there , going forward if you have to pay for any repairs, hire your own technician and get any reports in writing I hope that the lease defines maintenance for you
# 1
So apparently we had them. I’m not from here so I didn’t realize the alarms were going off because of that. I asked the landlord about it nd she just said “idk call the fire dept”

I don’t have a service report, I wasn’t there when the technician came and my employee chose not to follow directions when I asked for written proof of what he was saying. I’m hoping a blood test can back it up as well as telling the landlord the alarms were going off with no fire.

I think I saw there’s a law about heating; I do know, as a business, legally I can’t be open unless it’s 68 degrees from Sept to like April or something. It was 66-58. She tried to make me pay for the heating repair because the lease states I’m responsible for “maintenance” but you can’t maintain something that never worked.

Instead of fixing our heat, she hired a property management company to hide behind who still refused to fix the heat until we threatened to go to the town.

I can’t get any lawyers to respond to me is the issue. I did find out I have to send her a demand letter so I’ll do that first. It’s been recommended to contact the health dept, the news, the BBB, and the state rep or attorney general. I’m gunna try those too. Hopefully someone helps