首页 / 法律问答 / 我是去年那辆捷豹F-Type被烧毁的车主。捷豹公司不肯赔偿全部损失,只愿意给我买新捷豹时优惠1万美元。我已经准备请律师了,但也想来Reddit上问问大家的意见。


商业律师 4 回答
嗨,大家好!感谢大家让今天变得这么刺激!我知道很多人觉得出租跑车这主意很蠢,我明白,也听过很多这样的声音。我不是要说服你们也这么做,只是对我来说目前还不错。 以后我会注意控制脾气,不跟那些出言不逊的人一般见识。我从中学到了很多有用的建议,也希望这件事能引起更多人的关注。如果让我给未来的捷豹车主们提个建议,那就是:一定要租! ownership 和维护的麻烦真的不值得。祝大家有个愉快的夜晚! 对了,那些让我删帖的,我会考虑。说我蠢的,随便。那些提供建议的,我谢谢你们。 补充说明一下:我的车买了个人保险,出租的时候也有 Turo 的保险。我了解风险,之前跑 Uber 的时候就知道了。现在的情况确实很糟糕,我很有可能什么都拿不到。我心里清楚,如果最后真的什么都没了,我也认了。我宁愿让大家知道捷豹这公司有多坑,也不想拿回那 4、5 万美元的车钱。 还有,大家随便吐槽,我还是会继续用 Turo,下周还要去提我的宝马 M2 呢! 没想到这事会火。今天下午真是太刺激了。 事情是这样的:去年我的 2014 年捷豹 F-Type V8 S 自己着火烧毁了。跟捷豹公司扯了快半年,他们最终只愿意给我 1 万美元的优惠,让我买辆新的捷豹。他们找了第三方调查员来检查车辆,现在车还停在我家。但很明显,火灾是由于发动机的机械故障引起的,不是我的责任。 我肯定会请个律师,也许还会找人重新检查一下车,找出故障原因。如果大家有什么建议,可以帮我推动捷豹公司赔偿我的全部损失,我将不胜感激。 可以肯定的是,这会是我买的最后一辆捷豹了(我自己买了俩,还让我朋友也买了一辆)。虽然我很喜欢 F-Type 和它的 V8 引擎声。 对了,我的个人保险拒绝理赔,因为车被用于 Turo 出租。起火的时候车没在出租。而且就在起火前不到一周,我还在旧金山捷豹店做了保养。
回答次数 (4)
# 4
Lawyer here (plaintiffs personal injury, in Texas). Consider making several well thought out, truthful videos detailing your story. Long enough to provide the essential details, short enough that people will watch them.

Invite friends and family to share your videos on social media. Send your videos to Jaguar corporate. Invite Jaguar to do the right thing by their customer so you can update your videos that they stepped up.

This is an inexpensive way to get Jaguar's attention. You might think a company wouldn't care about a handful of videos from a disgruntled customer, but you might be surprised.
# 3
Who did Maintenance on your car? Dealer, yourself or a 3rd party shop? There's so many factors, really no one in here can help you out

Regardless I don't think you will see anything from Jaguar. The 10k off is great, but IMO they're only offering because they can and don't want an upset customer or lose out on potential future sales with you.

IMHO anything with Fire & theft really falls under insurance. It's up to the insurance company to follow through and find out why the car caught fire etc. Even manufacturer defects are usually first paid by the insurance companies then the owners can hire a lawyer and go after the manufacturer.
# 2
I don't mean to sound rude, but something really doesn't sound right in this post. Your car caught fire, which happened obviously. However, you had been using it for Turo for a few years, and we all know how people treat rental cars. Regardless of whether or not it's a sports car that can take abuse, having the car redlined and slammed around all the time, which I guarantee happened, no car will take it.

You said that the fire was started due to mechanical failure and not owner negligence. How do you know that? Did you have an investigator come and see what the cause was? Because I'm sure it could have been due to the abuse it received during Turoing.

My last question is, why are you suing Jaguar over this? It doesn't seem like they did anything wrong, hell they offered you 10k off of another Jag. If anyone you should be raising a fuss with it would be your insurance company.

There's so much here that just doesn't make sense to me, somethings seems afoot. I could be wrong though, and I hope I am
# 1
They had a 3rd party investigator inspect the vehicle and it currently sits on my property now but it seems quite obvious the fire started due to a mechanical failure in the engine that wasn't due to owner negligence.

and maybe another person to reinspect the car to find the cause of failure.

These two statements really say everything. The only time people hire a second investigator themselves is when they don't like what the first investigator told them. Which was likely that the fire wasn't caused by a defect in the engine but by user error.

My suggestion? Consider the $10k they offered you to be significantly more than you realistically deserve and call it a day. Even if you get a lawyer on contingency (good luck for something like this - you're probably going to be paying out of pocket and in advance), and Jaguar settles, that settlement is going to be less than the amount they offered you.

Not to be a dick, but you should have had business insurance, and had your business assets covered by that policy. This is what happens when you run a business under the table. Chalk it up to a learning experience and spend the money you were going to blow on a suit on a good business attorney to make sure your ducks are in a row.