I don't mean to sound rude, but something really doesn't sound right in this post. Your car caught fire, which happened obviously. However, you had been using it for Turo for a few years, and we all know how people treat rental cars. Regardless of whether or not it's a sports car that can take abuse, having the car redlined and slammed around all the time, which I guarantee happened, no car will take it.
You said that the fire was started due to mechanical failure and not owner negligence. How do you know that? Did you have an investigator come and see what the cause was? Because I'm sure it could have been due to the abuse it received during Turoing.
My last question is, why are you suing Jaguar over this? It doesn't seem like they did anything wrong, hell they offered you 10k off of another Jag. If anyone you should be raising a fuss with it would be your insurance company.
There's so much here that just doesn't make sense to me, somethings seems afoot. I could be wrong though, and I hope I am