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商业律师 3 回答
选举结果糟透了,这几天一直让我失眠,但我还能安慰自己:我有工作,有支持我的家人朋友,还有保险。我天真地以为,埋头工作就能忘掉未来四年的痛苦,对吧? 大错特错!今天早上,人事部和老板突然叫我开会,说了一堆客套话,什么“感谢你的付出和忠诚”,然后话锋一转,说因为特朗普当选,关税要来了,经济前景不明朗,所以要裁员,我的合同立刻终止。 最可气的是,为了升职,我这几个月一直在努力工作,和老板一起制定了计划,一步一个脚印,争取年底升职。我做得很好,不仅能胜任工作,而且还做得有声有色! 一切都很顺利。如果哈里斯赢了,我敢肯定这一切都不会发生。也许我错了,谁知道呢。把这事怪罪到特朗普政府头上可能很蠢,但这是人事部的人说的,不是我。 我不是想博取同情,也不是要钱、要律师,甚至不是要找工作方面的帮助。我现在只是需要发泄一下,想找个地方吐槽。我真的觉得是时候离开美国的企业界了,去找一些真正能让我的人生更有意义的事情。
回答次数 (3)
# 3
People who thought that racism, sexism, and nationalism were an OK tradeoff for a stronger economy are about to learn a harsh, and sadly fatal for many with no support systems, lesson about how devastating Trump and 2025 policies actually are.

I doubt you will be the last person to lose their job as a direct result of this outcome, and I can only offer you my sincere hope that you'll come back from this.
# 2
If your company’s leadership is doing layoffs in anticipation of broad economy policy changes that are months away - if they even happen in the first place - either they are short sighted fools or the company was in dire straits to begin with.

I hate Trump as much as the next Redditor, but he has a well-documented history of talking out of his ass and not following through on his promises.

His last campaign was built around two main messages of “repeal the ACA” and “Mexico will pay for the wall”.

Neither happened. As soon as Trump figures out that there is not way for him to benefit from these tariffs, he will lose all interest and won’t lift a finger.
# 1
Because Trump's tariff idea is one of the dumbest ideas you can imagine. And if he goes through with it, it'll be devastating. This is only the beginning.

The point of tariffs IS to raise prices. That is how they work. Using tariffs properly means picking a very specific industry, putting up a tariff and then potentially subsidizing the industry to some degree at home. This means the people in that industry at home can offer the product at a lower price, while those outside of the country can never keep up with that price because of the tariffs. And so you can grow a domestic industry, even if it would otherwise not be viable.

Tariffs are mostly a tool for developing countries, or something for key strategic industries, such as microchips.

They are also very risky because, for example, they can cause trade wars and retaliation and all other sorts of instability. And that's when they're used well.

Tariffs across the board make no sense. There just aren't enough people in the United States working at a low enough price to produce ALL of the things that Americans normally import. This means a drop in supply and higher prices. Potentially higher costs for American corporations too since the things they have to import to make their own products now cost more.

Trump doesn't understand anything about the economy. He's a complete moron.

Best everyone can hope for is that he doesn't actually end up doing it, or does a significantly lesser more targetted version of it. But as you, in this post, demonstrate the threat of it is damaging in itself.