首页 / 法律问答 / 今天我给公司做音频工作,花了整整8小时听律师们滔滔不绝地讲NFT经济即将爆发,以及为它制定法律语言有多么迫切。他们对NFT前景非常看好。


商业律师 5 回答
今天参加了个关于元宇宙和区块链经济的内部会议,听得我热血沸腾。 他们聊了很多,从Gucci腰带的NFT防伪认证(正如我们之前猜测的那样,收藏家们有福了!)到游戏/元宇宙内的交易市场。 我们都持有股份的那家公司,马上就要发布全球顶级的NFT交易平台了。 对了,那家公司的股票已经被超额卖空超过100%了。 准备好迎接暴涨吧!
回答次数 (5)
# 5
Not to be "that guy," but you listened intensely. That's the supposed correct word/term there. It's a common mistake to use the other word in place, I've noticed.

Anyway, awesome! I believe it. There's so much going on in the space and so much room for growth.

And by the way, to anyone reading... DRS. And then DRS more.
# 4

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# 3
NFT will be a big boom and bust for lawyers. With NFT being a smart contract, lawyers will feel that they will have final say. But tax accountants and business development guys also think that.

NFT helps enforces authenticity by 3 ways.
1. By code (which reduces or eliminates need for lawyers)
2. By community (also reduces or eliminates needs for lawyers)
3. By Offline (where lawyers will look to increase their roles/importance)

One of the reasons I’m excited for NFT is eliminating legalese. Just write in the commercial rev share agreement and the (read/write/time/location) access rights and even voting rights into the NFT itself.
# 2
So currently my company (game developer/publisher) it's being targeted in social media by the anti NFT crowd. We announced the game glover and they are trying to make people not to buy it because I have posted stuff in the past in favor of NFTs.

I think there is a massive anti NFT campaign going on. But i see it as the boomers with their coal mines and manufacturing jobs. They want things to stay the same and are not looking where things are going.

I believe NFTs are in their infancy and being used for silly things. But basically they are what websites were in the dotcom bubble. Nobody really knew what to do with them but everybody was rushing into launching and investing in one. After the bubble bursted, now almost everybody makes money or a living off the internet/websites.
# 1
as a former entrepreneur who ran a company for 5 years in the tech+digital asset space, there is no legal ownership framework for NFTs. you do not own them, in the traditional sense of "own"-ing, or property. not the NFT nor any digital asset that it may point to or represent. the idea that people are selling them, and have been for years, is patently ludicrous. a "marketplace" for NFTs does make sense in games, only because inside a game, the people who make and run the game can give you rights INSIDE THE GAME(s). Out in the "real world", (not playing games), with courts and laws and actual "property", NFTs are not a thing (yet).

some people may chirp in trying to attack what I write here and mention copyright. that's a really long discussion, and still, the previous text stands.

in fact, having followed the space very closely for 10+ years, ownership isn't even the most interesting aspect of NFTs

bullish, oh oh yeah! and NOT for most ANY of the reasons most people are talking about NFTs, at least not yet or very widely