首页 / 法律问答 / 这是澳洲公司发布的2022年律师、会计师、投资银行家和咨询顾问的薪资指南。


商业律师 5 回答
回答次数 (5)
# 5
2500 unverified submissions. Take it with a pinch of salt. Human ego induces most people to inflate their self-achievement and worth. Worse, comparing oneself with these figures will more often than not expend one's own mental health for no gain.
# 4
Thanks for sharing. Very general guide for the accounting roles but seems pretty accurate.

May be useful for new grads entering the profession, however outside of the Chartered firms there will is much more variance in pay (and more interesting work).
# 3
How accurate is this? Does anyone happen to know how much Capgemini pays their graduate consultants in 2023? What is the salary package like, how are the super and bonus? Are they open to negotiations, eg. got another offer and want them to offer higher?
# 2
Those lawyer salaries seem incredibly high. Can anyone at any of the relevant firms anonymously confirm that theyre accurate? Please dm me if you don't want to write publicly. I'm quite surprised by those figures - I'm at a mid tier and feel like I should absolutely try to jump over if those numbers are accurate.
# 1
I work in one of these occupations. I earn significantly less that the figure states, but I also have a life. I leave at 5. I don’t work on the weekend. My colleagues make these amounts but they’re always working, and are paid accordingly.

I’m ok with that. I earn enough to have investments and be able to do what I want. I’m not going to sacrifice my relationships and interests for the extra 30k that I don’t need.