首页 / 法律问答 / 我点了手机外卖,结果被人偷了。后来我把属于我的那份“偷”了回来,现在他们威胁要告我。


商业律师 5 回答
昨晚我手机下单了两个双份鸡肉碗。下单后15分钟到Chipotle,结果看到一女的拿着我的餐要走。 我一把抢回来,她居然要打我!我就问她名字,因为餐上明明白白写着我的名字。她朝我胸口打了一拳,想跟我干架。我发誓我没碰她一下,她现在居然威胁要告我。我已经咨询过律师了,律师说她根本没戏。她又吼又叫, harmless地攻击我几分钟,然后拍了我的照片就走了。Chipotle的员工全程面无表情,没一个人吭声,我就像什么都没发生一样回家了。 所以,我发这个帖子的重点是:为什么经理/公司不把外卖架放到柜台后面?这样肯定能减少偷餐现象。我仅仅晚了5分钟取餐,就被偷了。这种情况发生好几次了,但这次是我第一次在Chipotle遇到肢体冲突。
回答次数 (5)
# 5
I have so many questions. First and foremost, how were you 100% sure that was YOUR order? Secondly, do you like ... Not care about your life? You have no idea what could have happened when you tried to "snatch" the food out of their hand. IMO you're lucky it wasn't more violent than it was. Just go to the counter and have them remake your food?
# 4
The right thing would have been to let the employees know your order was stolen off the mobile order rack and it would've been remade. Not sure why you attempted to snatch your order from someone walking out with it. That's the risk you run... either being attacked or shot/killed. It's the same thing when someone steals from a retail store. A 7/11 employee in my city just got shot to death because they chased after 2 thieves who stole a bag of chips.

You don't chase a thief. Period.
# 3
I don’t think you’ll actually get in trouble, but for the fun of it I’ll mention this little tidbit. I’m not 100% on it, but I do believe that the definition of assault is expansive enough that it usually includes the belongings you are holding or which are attached to you in any way. So, if you grab someone’s purse which they are wearing that can be assault. Idk though. Absolutely no one would ever convict you from taking back something stolen, esp bc you didn’t harm her in any way to do it.
# 2
Some do place the food out of reach, but the ugly truth is they're prepared to lose a few orders to theft if it facilitates getting those orders out with a minimum of employee interaction. Labor is expensive, babysitting to-go orders isn't high priority. 

I deliver for Uber; in the five or six times I've come in to Chipotle and found the order missing only once has the manager agreed to remake it. They were paid to make the food, they made the food, some lowlife stole the food...tell the customer to cancel and get a refund. Maybe they treat mobile customers via their own app differently, but this "Oh well" attitude probably bleeds over to all online pickup. 
# 1
Here’s 2 stories about attempted theft/fraud that I saw when working as a cashier at a burger joint.

A guy came in and hurried to the front counter, then said “I’m here for that order” and pointed at the food on the counter behind me. I said “sure, what’s the name?” And he snapped back “it’s that one”. I told him I couldn’t give him the food without his name, he yelled, my manager came out & backed me up, and he left. 5 minutes later, in comes the person who actually ordered the food. This only happened once that I saw, but I only worked there for a couple months.
A guy came in to pickup an order he called in. He gave me his card and it was declined. I told him, handed back the card, and he gave me another one to try. I noticed that the card had a different name, so I asked him why. He was immediately scared, had no answer, got angry and started pressing me to give the card back, reaching for it. I stepped back from the counter so he couldn’t reach me and told him I’d need to see some ID before I’d give the card back. He started yelling & threatening me, so I pulled out my phone and said “I’m calling the cops” (which I did). He ran out, cops arrived later and I gave them the stolen credit card. Just wish I could’ve taken the first card too, and the others I’m sure he had in his wallet.