Here’s 2 stories about attempted theft/fraud that I saw when working as a cashier at a burger joint.
A guy came in and hurried to the front counter, then said “I’m here for that order” and pointed at the food on the counter behind me. I said “sure, what’s the name?” And he snapped back “it’s that one”. I told him I couldn’t give him the food without his name, he yelled, my manager came out & backed me up, and he left. 5 minutes later, in comes the person who actually ordered the food. This only happened once that I saw, but I only worked there for a couple months.
A guy came in to pickup an order he called in. He gave me his card and it was declined. I told him, handed back the card, and he gave me another one to try. I noticed that the card had a different name, so I asked him why. He was immediately scared, had no answer, got angry and started pressing me to give the card back, reaching for it. I stepped back from the counter so he couldn’t reach me and told him I’d need to see some ID before I’d give the card back. He started yelling & threatening me, so I pulled out my phone and said “I’m calling the cops” (which I did). He ran out, cops arrived later and I gave them the stolen credit card. Just wish I could’ve taken the first card too, and the others I’m sure he had in his wallet.