首页 / 法律问答 / 老板冲我吼了足足15分钟,脸都涨红了,各种脏话都骂出来了!我当时都傻了,完全懵了。


商业律师 3 回答
天啊,我真是倒了八辈子霉了!我的老板简直是个疯子,动不动就对我咆哮、怒骂,还爆粗口,脸红脖子粗的。要不是为了那份一年七万的养老金,我早就拍屁股走人了!再熬九个月我就能拿到全额养老金了,现在走的话,养老金要缩水三分之二啊!而且,他还会挡着门不让我走! 我试过各种方法,对他客客气气,拼命工作,尽量低调,结果他反而更来劲,骂得更凶了。 他就是想逼我辞职,拼命找茬想开除我。之前我的律师跟总公司的高层交涉过,他们让他收敛点,但他现在就开始搞心理战术,想把我逼疯,让我自己辞职。 更可气的是,他的上司和我们当地的人力资源主管根本不管,我们小办公室的高层也想我走。现在我能撑下去,全靠我的律师帮我提交了正式的工作场所申诉,还有总公司人力资源副总裁的监督。 如果换做是你,你会怎么做?
回答次数 (3)
# 3
It may not seem like it, but you sort of hold the power here, given the arrangements made by your lawyer and senior management above your boss. You outplayed, outmaneuvered, and outthought him, and he has few cards to no cards to play. That leaves screaming, intimidation, insane demands that are left to him, and he is leveraging that to the max.

Senior management is likely sick of all this already and wants to wash their hands of the whole thing. HR won't help because you lawyered up. That you managed to triumph against all of them made you no friends, and your presence reminds them of their defeat.

So what to do? First, alert your lawyer - clearly they negotiated well and understand the dynamics. Maybe it is in everyone's interest if they reward your full pension early, for example, literally solving their "problem" in one fell swoop. Nine months to full pension does not seem that long really, and everyone would be happy to end this standoff. Management hates mess, after all.
# 2
You can't change other people, only yourself.

In this case it sounds like you have very valid reasons to stay, so you're further limited to changing only your perspective.

First things first: you need to feel safe. If your boss threatens you, demeans you, in any other way makes you feel unsafe email HR. Be specific but calm, stay professional and hold firm. If you don't want to be alone with your boss in a room, tell them and then hold them to that. If you are over 45, you are a member of a protected class and that has legal implications if they decide to ignore your requests.

Do good work and document your work. You're saying the boss and HR want you gone so make sure that if they try and fire you , you have a solid wrongful termination case. Be cheerful and professional but write out emails to your bosses and HR when tasks get completed, note that it got done on time etc and ask them for feedback. Continue to deliver good work.

Make sure you do not internalize any of the vitriol. This may have nothing to do with you. Your boss may just be taking anger out on you. If necessary repeat it out loud to yourself. "I do good work and this is not my fault". You have to believe it and if you don't, saying it out loud can help convince you.

Seek the counsel of a professional. I know that therapy can be expensive but this may be the worth of 1/3rd of your pension.

Whatever you do, do not retaliate or escalate. Do your best to stay calm, diffuse, disengage. We make most mistakes in anger. Don't let them goad you into making a mistake.

I can't believe anyone in this day and age would behave this way, with a recording device in every pocket. Sheesh.

Good luck and stay safe my friend.
# 1
Alternative 1:

- you say nothing. For the purpose of you working there and him screaming he does not exist in your universe. Retreat to your inner self, do your job meticulously well and do not interact with him at all. Breathe easy. Learn how Voice works in Dune's Bene Gesserit context.

Alternative 2:

- collect evidence. Have a smart phone sitting on your desk, only recording the interaction. Do not let on that you do that. Train yourself on how to correctly use the device to do that. Be sure to tun off all notifications of any kind. When the time comes you will have plenty of evidence to present to a judge.

Alternative 3:

- you listen to your boss attentively, and you take notes.

- you tell your boss that as long as he's only trying to be angry you can't take him seriously so long as he doesn't have veins pulsing in his forehead. Tell him whatever he needs he has to yell louder [no matter how loud he is] if he wants you to take him seriously.

They want to rob you of your pension. This is your fight to win. You can't give in. It's 9 months. give or take 180 days. You can stick it out.

Keep in mind not to spend energy on that interaction. Yelling red-faced, every day, is a ferociously hard thing to do, it eats energy. It raises blood pressure. It's hard on you, it's harder on him. If you can get him to be angrier by being polite, make sure he exhausts himself trying to keep the anger going. You will see that he can't keep it up. He's not going to yell at you for 9 more months, he'll collapse sooner than that. You can make him explode again after he stops yelling by simply saying "Thank you, ".

Every day you survive is one day closer to retirement. Beware of pitfalls. Do not lose your patience. Do not be angry, do not be anxious. One day at a time.

Don't wear out. Don't lose focus on the goal. Do not give them any excuse to take action against you that will cause you to lose your pension.

However, if you do know things about the company that would get them into serious trouble if it became known, nothing prevents you from filing an anonymous claim the day after your pension kicks in. Go full Magnus Ridolph [Jack Vance] on their ass.

Be strong!