首页 / 法律问答 / 你想药检我?没问题,来吧!


商业律师 3 回答
我真搞不懂公司怎么能这么蠢,简直是自掘坟墓。 我工作的医院,竟然爆出医护人员偷药的事儿。然后,某个天才想出的解决办法,竟然是全员强制药检! 拜托,我又不是医护人员,还是远程办公,八竿子打不着。唯一一次去医院帮忙,也就是抬了下担架。 上周二,我收到HR邮件,说我被“随机选中”药检!让我周四去,让人盯着我尿尿。还说没得商量,想改时间就打电话。 说实话,我也理解要查,毕竟病人需要止痛药。但方法也太多了吧! 我直接把邮件转发给领导,说:“合作愉快,但我肯定过不了。” 她回了个脏字。 为啥过不了?因为这次药检查的可不光是止痛药,是所有东西! 我在的州,我做的事儿都不违法,但检测结果肯定会让机器炸锅。我吃处方药治多动症,吃大麻软糖缓解失眠,每天狂喝水,还吃肌酸补剂。搞不好,我还会在路上吃个百吉饼。既然要完蛋,不如完蛋得彻底点!(听说罂粟籽会假阳性,不知道现在还算不算数。) 随便哪个,都能让数值出问题,导致假阳性或直接阳性。而且政策还规定,不管当地法律,只要阳性就开除!没道理可讲! 所以,我还是按时去了。排队的时候,看到一堆人紧张兮兮的。终于轮到我了! 我进了个房间,里面有个男的,感觉他今天看了太多小弟弟,一脸生无可恋。当时才早上11点!房间很简陋,几把椅子,一张桌子,角落里还有个臭烘烘的移动马桶。 他问我名字和部门,确认我是本人,然后问:“你有什么问题吗?” 我摇摇头,说:“合作愉快。”他挑了挑眉,没说话。然后,我们就尴尬地站着。我有点认生,他需要亲眼看着我尿进杯子里。估计他比我更尴尬。 最后,我终于挤出足够的尿液,他写上我的名字,我就解放了! 结果,他们自己就能检测,速度很快。周四上午11点半我离开,第二天早上9点,我的账号就被禁用了,权限也被撤销了。 周五明明一堆会,结果一个都参加不了。 我赶紧给领导发短信:“我好像被炒了,什么都登不上去。” 这次,她发的脏字是大写的。 周五没人理我,今天早上收到领导短信,说我的权限恢复了。我赶紧登录邮箱,发现一堆人问:“你到底来不来开会?” 但最新的邮件,是周六早上发的: 第一封:HR副总裁决定另谋高就。(走好不送) 第二封:所有待检测的员工,无需再提交样本;之前被停职的员工,全部复职。感谢大家的耐心。 据说,这次药检,有近30%的员工没通过,直接被停职。医疗部门和IT部门的比例更高。这导致两个结果:第一,医院无法正常运转,周五简直一团糟。第二,一些IT人员业务不精,违反了HIPAA(健康保险流通与责任法案)。 估计我们这儿的律师要忙一阵子了。 我估计没人死人,但我知道,一些需要尽快进行的手术被推迟了,因为人手不够。我老板也是医生,有好几台手术都被改期了,因为找不到合格的手术团队。 *总结:医院有人偷止痛药。HR总监决定全员药检。结果10%的员工没通过。医院停摆一天。HR总监辞职或被炒,其他人放了一天假。
回答次数 (3)
# 3
Yeah when you said you were reinstated and the HR quit I knew exactly what it was. How horrible does that look for the lady who approved that to see that one she created a crisis situation, and 2 cost the hospital a shit ton of money on drug tests that were all voided anyways.

I worked in a business where the owner asked every supervisor to come in for a meeting. There's over 20 of us in a room, and he starts saying how he wants to drug test employees, which is right about the moment where near every supervisor told him that he'd need to restaff everyone, including them. So he was pragmatic enough to take the feedback and not do it lol. Fortunate it was a company where the owner is friends with everyone so people didn't mind speaking up against it right away.

My sister is an executive at Marriott who was talking with a recruiter crying about how many good hires get turned down bc of their drug test. She kinda got in her case and made her resonate what the real issue was here. This particular recruiter is in Mass where marijuana is legal, so yeah pretty normal they're going to lose a lot of people, then on top of THC takes forever to leave your body. Supposedly they're talking about waving THC testing like Amazon did, but Marriott is owned by Mormons so hard to tell if that will go far.

But yeah stupid, doesn't help anyone, the employer or employee
# 2
A couple years ago I got an offer for a remote job at Rutgers. After accepting I was told I had to take a drug test. Zero tolerance policy. I said, well, that’s not gonna work out, I can literally walk to a couple dispensaries in a few minutes and I do all the time.

They said we understand, can’t make an exception, best of luck. I was annoyed but moved on. Two weeks later they reached out again — they say they have changed their policy (what? The entire university? In two weeks? Again what? Lol).
If you live in a legal weed state, it’s now fine. But I still have to test for other stuff.

Okay. I go to a local testing center. They immediately ask if I’ve used anything. I said yes, weed. They say, this test is gonna detect it — it’s specifically going to test for it. I said I know, apparently Rutgers doesn’t care. The guy was looking at me like “It’s your funeral.”

Couple of days later I get a call — I failed the test. I said great, works for me. They said I could come retake it in case it’s a false positive. And of course they asked me whether I smoked weed, and were aghast when I said “I definitely smoked weed like 5 times last week.” They were so confused lol and reacted as though I had just thrown myself into a fire. “You know you’ve failed this test right? The employer specifically is testing you for weed. I’m not sure you understand…”

I started the job 2 days later. I still wonder if they changed that policy or just looked the other way to fill a badly needed position. It was only a 9 month gig and thru a temp agency.

The same thing basically happened again to me with another gig later on lol — except it was even more drawn out and messy. People are clueless.
# 1
I used to have a friend group from college who would take a weekend cabin trip every year somewhere around the beginning of January. (for anyone in SoCal, we'd go to Lake Arrowhead)

As per usual, there were some drugs, mostly weed, but some people may bring shrooms or something else as well.

Well, at the beginning of 2020, i had just started a new job on Monday, and the following weekend was the trip. Now, i swear i had read somewhere in a message, the job listing, the paperwork i signed, or SOMETHING that said they would be drug testing.

Everyone at the job was pretty awesome, got along incredibly well, and were pretty open with each other. So during one of the conversations earlier in the week, i talked to them about the cabin trip because i was excited about it.

But the whole first week of training, i was just waiting to be told when the drug test would be, how it would happen, etc. But next thing i knew, it was Friday around lunchtime, and there was no mention of it.

So i decided to casually slip in during a conversation something along the lines of "hey, so when do we get drug tested again?". The managers just kinda looked out of the side of their eye at me, laughed, and said, "we dont drug test, have fun on your cabin trip."

Later on, i got a little more context talking to one of the managers (he was actually flown out from the main office in Chicago for our hiring). He told me a conversation he had with the owner of the company years prior and was basically told something along the lines of "Do you think (other manager) would still work here if we drug tested?" and "i dont care what you do on your off time, as long as you get your job done properly and arent clearly intoxicated/high while at work."

Ill be working here 4 years in January. Best job ive ever had.