I used to have a friend group from college who would take a weekend cabin trip every year somewhere around the beginning of January. (for anyone in SoCal, we'd go to Lake Arrowhead)
As per usual, there were some drugs, mostly weed, but some people may bring shrooms or something else as well.
Well, at the beginning of 2020, i had just started a new job on Monday, and the following weekend was the trip. Now, i swear i had read somewhere in a message, the job listing, the paperwork i signed, or SOMETHING that said they would be drug testing.
Everyone at the job was pretty awesome, got along incredibly well, and were pretty open with each other. So during one of the conversations earlier in the week, i talked to them about the cabin trip because i was excited about it.
But the whole first week of training, i was just waiting to be told when the drug test would be, how it would happen, etc. But next thing i knew, it was Friday around lunchtime, and there was no mention of it.
So i decided to casually slip in during a conversation something along the lines of "hey, so when do we get drug tested again?". The managers just kinda looked out of the side of their eye at me, laughed, and said, "we dont drug test, have fun on your cabin trip."
Later on, i got a little more context talking to one of the managers (he was actually flown out from the main office in Chicago for our hiring). He told me a conversation he had with the owner of the company years prior and was basically told something along the lines of "Do you think (other manager) would still work here if we drug tested?" and "i dont care what you do on your off time, as long as you get your job done properly and arent clearly intoxicated/high while at work."
Ill be working here 4 years in January. Best job ive ever had.