首页 / 法律问答 / 我真是倒霉透了,被职场Karen坑惨了,她竟然把我名字告诉了警察,现在我被公司停职了!


商业律师 3 回答
我工作的地方发生了枪击案恐慌,起因是有人在Facebook上聊起最近被解雇的员工,越说越激动,然后报了假警。 虽然根本没有枪击案,但好多执法部门都来了,到处找枪手。街道被封锁,大楼被疏散搜查,所有员工都被盘问。 结果,我团队里有个同事跟警察说我坏话,说我对公司不满,问过她买突击步枪的事,还说她怕我会袭击公司。 说真的,我最近确实通过公司渠道对一些决策提出了异议,但这不代表我对公司不满。公司鼓励我们畅所欲言,我也只是这么做了。我其实挺喜欢这份工作的,也为自己做的事情感到自豪,而且这还是我第一份能安心表达自己想法的工作。 关于突击步枪,我确实问过一个同事。我住的地方管得很严,买枪很麻烦,而且很贵。那个同事有几把枪,我们以前也聊过射击的事。以前办公室里甚至堆着一堆《枪炮与弹药》杂志。我想说的是,在办公室里讨论枪支不是第一次。 还有,我对所有同事都很友好、乐于助人、支持他人。我每天都在努力工作,尽力帮助别人。说怕我,简直是无稽之谈。说怕我袭击公司,更是过分至极。 我真的觉得这是有人想毁掉我的人生,让我丢工作、被逮捕,以后都找不到好工作。感觉就像被一个共事多年的同事背后捅了一刀。 但另一方面,我又有点同情那个“Karen”,当时的情况肯定让她很害怕,警察来势汹汹也吓了她一跳。而且,最近我们这里真的发生过枪击案。 所以,我对她既生气又理解,但理解越来越少了。 因为这件事,我已经被停职快两个月了,虽然还有工资,但工作岌岌可危。公司安保问了我好几次话,警察也来我家问话搜查。为了让公司“安心让我回去上班”,我还被迫交出了个人医疗信息。 可我什么都没做错啊! 真是谢谢你了,“Karen”。
回答次数 (3)
# 3
I'm sorry but the Karen in this situation is you. You are on a sub that has more people that will support you but stop and think for a minute. Think of the situation from an outsiders perspective one that doesn't know your true motives.

The coworker answered police questions...as they should. Everything they said was the truth....(from what your post says). They don't get to decide wether they believe you are the one or not....the cops decide what to do with the information given. They ask questions and it's the witnesses job to say the truth. That was done.

The cops have to take it seriously. You had exhibited signs that may be related to being a potential shooter. These signs are simmilar to ones of previous shooters. It's normal for them to take it seriously.

Finally it sounds like your company is doing the right thing for now. They are paying you on leave so you aren't losing anything. In the meantime, just work on yourself make sure everything is done correctly and protect yourself. A lawyer is always good to have if you are questioned by police. Sometimes interrogations can be pretty intense and can make innocent people feel pressured and saying the wrong things so it's a good idea to at least get a first consultation to get advice on that since no one here is a lawyer.

Goodluck hope everything goes smoothly for you
# 2
So you live in an area where the risk of an active shooter is seemingly high. In the midst of a threat of an active shooter not only being present, but most likely with rumours flying about it being either a current or former employee, Karen was interviewed by law enforcement, and she told the truth - she had heard you voice dissent about the company and heard you discussing buying an assault rifle. Her comment about her being scared of working with you was probably also true.

Your problem isn’t with Karen. It’s with law enforcement, and your company, who have taken an simple response and instead of investigating it and deciding that she was simply overreacting to what was clearly a highly stressful situation, they’ve dragged on the investigation.

Now, if she’s carried on with her stance, told coworkers that she’s too scared to work with you and is pushing for the company to act in order to provide a safe working environment for her, and isn’t willing to accept your explanations for her concerns then yeah, you’d have a legitimate gripe against her. But to hate on her for answering law enforcement honestly? That’s on you.

The fact that it’s 2 months down the track and you’re still being actively investigated does raise the question of is there a part of this story that you’re not saying? Perhaps other people voiced similar concerns?
# 1
You likely have zero case against the "Karen" and for good reason, coming from someone who owns several guns of my own. Don't talk about that shit at work. Don't talk about that shit unless you 100% know the people around you period. People are well within their rights to label you as someone to be conscious of the moment you do, because even if you work in a gun friendly area, talking about it outside of specifically gun oriented leisure places where you are not working and/or helping a customer is a red flag (not the gun control type) for non-owners. It makes it seem like it's a large part of your life, whether it is or not, because for a lot of people who talk about them in public, it is.

During a mass shooting scare, red flags mean a lot, no matter how innocent it was meant. You cannot control people's perceptions of you, nor are you likely to gauge how people perceive you accurately. Everything she stated was fact, as confirmed by you, derived opinion from her perspective, and that is why you very likely have no hope of suing her. Slander has to be intentional lies to ruin your reputation. Unless you have documentation about harassment from her in the past, don't expect anything to come from lawyering up against her, though you are likewise within your rights to try.

Now, different situation, your company. This is likely a case of them covering their asses and reputation, because whether you like it or not, how you have been perceived is something they very well might want to distance themselves from. Get a lawyer to protect yourself specifically to avoid misstepping into legal trouble, as while they have quite possibly overstepped by a large margin here, you are very much in potential legal trouble territory. Get a lawyer now, and regardless of how you felt before than, I would recommend being prepared to find a new job as you likely will not be perceived the same way after this long of an investigation, though again, do not do anything beyond this point without a lawyer's guidance.

On top of all this, remove this post, as you have stated several details that very well might be used against you in a lawsuit.