首页 / 法律问答 / 科切拉音乐节的母公司正在大手笔捐款给一个推动反堕胎议程的政治组织。


商业律师 3 回答
Okay, so here's the deal: Anschutz Corporation, the folks behind AEG Live and Coachella, gave $75,000 to the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) shortly after Roe v. Wade was overturned. RAGA, which opposes abortion rights, had sent out an urgent fundraising plea right after the Supreme Court decision, aiming to install Attorneys General who would push anti-abortion laws in states where abortion rights are shaky. Anschutz Corporation claims they've been donating to RAGA since 2014 and didn't even see the fundraising request. They say the owner, Philip Anschutz, personally believes in a woman's right to choose. Thing is, RAGA was heavily involved in overturning Roe v. Wade. And a bunch of artists who've played at AEG's festivals, like Coachella, have been super vocal about supporting reproductive rights. AEG says they support a woman's right to choose and will cover travel expenses for employees who need to go out of state for abortion services. But the company has also donated big bucks to Republican groups that want to control the House and Senate, and some of those Republicans are pushing for a national abortion ban. Anschutz has a history of donating to right-wing groups, including some with anti-LGBTQ stances. He's said he doesn't support all of their positions. So, while AEG is saying they support reproductive rights and covering travel costs for employees, their parent company is also funding groups that are actively working to restrict those rights. It's a bit of a mixed message, you know? For example, the Attorney General race in Wisconsin is crucial. The Democratic AG is against enforcing the state's abortion ban, while the Republican candidates all want to enforce it. RAGA is already planning to spend a ton of money on ads against the Democratic AG in the upcoming election.
回答次数 (3)
# 3
The company owns Sea Island in ga its a resort that hosts constant republican and religious groups, it's a huge laundering operation for PACs and foreign groups looking to influence politics. Joe Manchin was a special guest at three right wing PAC events last year alone. Pence was there a few times. Jordan Belfort was a special guest of an investment firm one weekend. They paid for his expenses like companions all weekend as compensation for his appearance at their event as they can't pay him a fee since the gov garnishes all his income. Real classy destination. He owns the Broadmoor in Denver, which oddly hosts more left leaning conferences but they in turn fund the real causes of Philip Anschutz his religious and right wing politics.
# 2
Major corporate players see the declining population growth as an existential threat to the status quo. If they can't force us to fight eachother over jobs, and we start bargaining for fair wages, billionaires lose their major source of wealth: exploitation of labor.

So, naturally, instead of improving quality of life and making it easier to raise kids, they will just remove contraceptives and access to abortion and let the "problem" sort itself out.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you The Invisible Hand of the "Free" Market.

Philip Anschutz owns the company that owns Coachella, and you can bet he's keeping a watch on his profit opportunities for the next 20 years, not to mention the desperate parents that are created by these policies who are all but forced to take whatever job they can.
# 1
The Anschutz Corporation’s statement, in full, reads: “As a personal matter, Philip F. Anschutz believes in a woman’s right to choose and did not support the reversal of Roe. Neither The Anschutz Corporation (TAC), or Mr. Anschutz, received, saw or was aware of a Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) fundraising solicitation based on the reversal of Roe v. Wade. TAC has contributed to RAGA since at least 2014. No contribution to RAGA by TAC or Mr. Anschutz has been based upon, informed by, or motivated by any RAGA position on Roe or abortion. Mr. Anschutz makes contributions to numerous organizations, usually for specific reasons. He does not review or support each of the positions taken by such organizations.”

So he’s pro choice but it’s not THAT important compared to the rest of his agenda. Got it. 🙄