首页 / 法律问答 / 我不在家的时候雇人割草,结果园艺工人把我家的割草机偷走了!


商业律师 3 回答
所以事情是这样的:我通过一个第三方平台找了个临时的园丁来割草,以前都没问题。结果这次,我回家准备自己割草,发现我放在后院走廊的割草机不见了! 我调了监控,好家伙,园丁直接偷了我的新割草机,还想从邻居院子里推走(他以为摄像头是广角)。平台说是盗窃,让我报警处理。他们退了割草的钱,其他的得我自己跟警察处理了。 **后续更新:** * **1小时后:**平台给了我园丁的联系方式。他解释说以为割草机坏了,看我找了他们来就顺手拿走了。现在又说他的拖车被偷了,割草机就在拖车里。我已经报警了,警察说这属于重窃罪,因为金额超过500美元。警察联系了他,让他24小时内要么还割草机,要么赔钱,不然就发逮捕令(我们这小镇的警察很认真)。 * **同一天:**我把这事发到了邻里app,有人私信我说认识园丁的妈妈和姐姐,会联系他们。他们还给了我园丁的ins账号。 * **很快:**有人把视频发到Facebook,认识他的人都在嘲笑他,因为他在社交媒体上用另一个身份(专业人士/创业者/网红)。我本来不想曝光他,只是想拿回我的割草机。 * **还是同一天:**他妈妈联系我,让我删掉视频,说会影响她儿子的生意和名声。我告诉她,我下一步要怎么做,而且她没义务为她儿子的错误买单。我把收据发给她了,让她转给他,因为他还有23小时就要被逮捕了。 * **几个小时后:**他注销了所有的社交账号。现在是晚上9点47,我早上7点会再联系他,看他打算怎么办。说实话,我对这件事不抱希望。 * **第二天:**我醒来发现有36个未接来电,都是凌晨1点到4点的。幸好我开了勿扰模式。我回拨过去,直接是语音信箱。我用Google Voice打过去,能打通了。他把我拉黑了,但我只是想拿回割草机啊。 * **还是第二天:**我也联系了他妈妈,她好像改变主意了,也打不通他电话,就说“你看着办吧”。他是不是想为了一个割草机跑路啊? * **几个小时后:**我终于通过他姐姐联系到他了。他说他没钱赔偿,能不能让警察给他两个星期筹钱。我说这跟我没关系。我说如果你是老板,应该有信用卡或者账户吧。他甚至说可以免费给我割草来弥补。这不是不打自招吗? * **又过了几个小时:**警察派人来我家调查,拿了我的笔录和平台的文件。警察说他之前在别的县就有盗窃案底。他们决定直接申请逮捕令。 * **又过了3小时:**我收到了他的短信,这人真是蠢到家了。我已经把短信转发给警察了。 短信内容: > 嘿,兄弟,我是Deshaun。你发了我搬你割草机的视频。我不是故意要偷的。我以为是坏的,帮你处理掉。很多客户都让我帮忙处理旧设备。我试着启动了,根本打不着火。我不会赔偿你扔在院子里的东西。这是你自己的问题,不是我的。至于警察,我有个很厉害的律师,会解决这件事的。你以为这会让我倒霉吗?我会继续赚钱,继续成功,因为上帝保佑我和我的家人。祝你平安! * **又过了2小时:**他现在已经彻底疯了,我觉得最好不要再和他联系了。他太糟糕了,我把短信发给了他妈妈和姐姐。他需要帮助。 他最新的回复: > 你觉得这是玩笑吗?我不怕你,也不怕警察。这对我来说就是个游戏。你这种人就是想阻止我们成功,典型的“螃蟹效应”。你永远不会懂我的努力和奋斗。我每天都在这样做!我想要多少割草机就有多少,你这种穷鬼,连像我一样的真男人用的John Deer或Cub Cadet都买不起。你就是个小丑,永远都是! * **可能当天晚些时候或第二天:**这可能是最后的更新了,除非警察那边有消息。如果他被逮捕了,我会发一张他的嫌犯照。我会买个新的割草机,这次买电动的,可以放在家里。感谢大家的陪伴。大家的笑话、互动和积极性让我度过了这段艰难时期。 * **两天后:**警察联系我说逮捕令已经生效了。如果车牌识别系统拍到他的车牌,或者警察拦下他,就会被逮捕。他们没有他的住址,只有他妈妈的地址。我对警察的处理速度非常满意。我不知道要不要把这个消息告诉他妈妈。 * **福利:**我今天买了个新的割草机,还有吹风机、修剪机和快充。是电动的,可以放在家里。 * **又过了2天:**我的一个做公司律师的朋友看了平台的条款,说我很有希望打赢官司,可以免费帮我。他说平台很可能不会应诉,直接庭外和解! *之所以原来的帖子被删除,是因为我没有举报种族歧视言论。帖子有3500多条评论,大家都举报了,也处理了。这是我遇到过的最奇怪的封禁。难道举报所有种族歧视言论是我的责任吗?还是版主的责任?*
回答次数 (3)
# 3
Society failed the thief here.

So many people desperately need someone to sit them down and say "Look buddy, you're about to graduate high school, and I want you to know it's not because you're smart. It's because they are pushing you out in hopes of replacing you with a smarter freshman. You're not 'street smart' either, you're a dumbass. You're too dumb to be a criminal. Get a job doing something stupid, and learn to save money."
# 2
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# 1
As soon as I read "third party lawn services" I knew this was going to be Lawnstarter. I used them last year and part of this year, and things go so bad that dropping $1600 on a robotic mower was a better option than dealing them anymore.

Last year was fine enough, one incident with their "long grass fee" that was, honestly, bunk, because they looked at one small patch of grass and said obviously my whole lawn was more than 6". Ended up dropping them for someone local and goddess above do I wish I'd stuck with that.

This year, though... switched to weekly service to avoid that ever happening again. All was well and good for a little while, until one of their third party teams had an equipment malfunction and couldn't be here. Alright, fine, whatever.

Except there was one problem: they couldn't get someone out for nearly 2 additional weeks -- given how fast the grass grows in my yard, this would absolutely have put me into the long grass territory, but you would think that given that it was through absolutely no fault of my own that it would be easy to get them to waive the long grass fee, right? No. Every single response was some AI-generated junk about how they would "assess it when the time comes".

But it gets SO much worse. After all that mess, husband and I decided to cancel with Lawnstarter and just buy a robotic mower, because it'll pay for itself by the end of next year, roughly.

It's on order, and in the meantime, Lawnstarter says we "can't" cancel the scheduled service -- you know, the one that is two weeks late. I tell them I do not want to deal with them anymore. The crew comes out anyway, against my wishes, and I get a message that they'll need a multiple of the base cost to trim everything properly. That's right -- they trespassed on my property after I said no, and tried to tell me I had to pay several times more than the agreed upon amount for them to trim things up before they can even start mowing the lawn. Again -- it only needed trimming because of the delay.

I tell them no, we're handling it ourselves now. Lawnstarter still tries to charge us for the service that was not rendered, that I said I did not want.

But wait! There's even more. After I denied them, the third party crew called town code enforcement to alert them to the state of my yard, as well as some junk the previous owners had left behind the shed. The same junk Lawnstarter, including this very same crew, had been absolutely fine with all last year. I ended up needing that stuff hauled off, and the lawn cut one last time for the robotic mower, and thankfully I was able to get a local crew in about a day to handle it. It was not cheap, though, and the fact I only had to deal with that because the lawn company was butthurt over not getting paid to cover their lack of care absolutely infuriates me still.

tl;dr: Lawnstarter screwed me over by cancelling, could not give me assurances I wouldn't have to pay more for their issues, and then called the town on me for things they were fine with when I was giving them money. Avoid them. Find someone local, or buy a robotic mower.