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埃隆·马斯克花钱雇人在 Reddit 上发帖,制造舆论假象。

商业律师 5 回答
为什么花大价钱投电视广告,而不花钱雇一堆大学生用机器人水军发帖呢? 德国的Deutschlandfunk写了篇文章,说“网络水军如何为埃隆·马斯克进行辩护和信息引导”,他们在科技博客和社交媒体上活动。 另外,特斯拉的清洁能源部门据说有个专门的团队,在社交媒体上搜索客户投诉,然后要求他们删除评论。 还有一个团队专门处理针对马斯克的负面社交媒体帖子。(马斯克团队你好,你老板该进监狱了!) 研究人员在推特上发现了186个机器人账号,他们一直发布关于特斯拉的正面信息。研究人员说,这些账号“可能缓冲了特斯拉面临的批评,缓解了特斯拉股价的下行压力,并从2010年6月公司首次公开募股到2020年底,扩大了支持特斯拉的舆论”。 社交媒体上机器人账号泛滥成灾。 说真的,马斯克应该因为操纵市场和欺诈被抓起来。他每年都声称要推出一些根本不可能实现的产品,以此来抬高股价,但实际上却根本交付不了。当有人质疑时,他就推出新的“画大饼”项目,或者推迟产品交付的期限。 这纯粹是靠欺诈来拉高股价,应该受到审判。当然,机器人水军会消除异议,阻止人们在社交媒体上采取行动。 我不喜欢和网络喷子争论,但也不想给版主添麻烦,所以我们先来说说“为什么需要机器人水军来压制负面新闻”。 先从欺诈说起! 比如收购SolarCity这件事。 股价操纵(通过社交媒体)。 每一个指控背后,都有水军可以发挥的空间。他们可以扭曲事实,让亿万富翁获利。机器人水军会制造足够的“疑点”,让人很难抓住这个混蛋的把柄。 如果你认为世界上最富有的公司之一没有“公关部门”,那就大错特错了。 这里有一些学术文章,介绍了这些公司实体(比如大型烟草公司)是如何运作的。现在,他们把同样的技术和手段用在了为马斯克辩护上。 马斯克甚至欺骗了美国政府(还有加拿大政府)。 一位在特斯拉能源公司工作到去年的前经理说,有一个专门的团队搜索社交媒体上的投诉。“他们基本上就是搜索#TeslaEnergy、#Elon等等,任何与特斯拉、能源和埃隆有关的东西。” 这事是真的。
回答次数 (5)
# 5
Why do people assume the bots are "employed" by Tesla?

Non-affiliated investors do this shit all the time.

All corporations, even ones nowhere near the size, scale, or value of Tesla, employ social media teams who engage, or outright try to scrub, negative attention on social media, even the corporation I work for. And guess who has no hand in this at all? The CEO. Probably not even aware there is such a team.

I'm not defending Elon Musk, could care less about him and his holier-than-though weird cyberpunk/savior fetish mentality, but the narrative here is just as phony as the vast majority of Musk's lovers' orgasms.
# 4
I’ve mentioned this before in politics subs and they all act like I am crazy. What’s ironic, is that lefties will insinuate that I’m a conspiracy nut, and will pretend like they don’t believe in the 2016 election being influenced by Russian intelligence.

It’s amazing that anyone online believes anything that some anonymous comment writes at all. Any teenager can learn to make a bot hat downvotes or upvotes whatever they want. It’s not a hard thing to do.

Yet, people will swear that r/politics and r/conservative are both 100% legitimate and not at all is it possible that government and/or outside parties are influencing them.

The US is in serious trouble if they can’t learn to dismiss online ramblings from in person interactions.
# 3
That's funny. The internet is anonymous, anyone can create any social media account, email account or whatever account as much as they want, in a automated manner. Unless you check the history of each account, it's hard to know if those accounts are legit or not.

Knowing that, how can anyone take anything on social media seriously? People are paid for their political belief (via ads or other means). Influence is what give you money and power and social media just easily gives that if you have enough money.

I wonder how hard it was before the internet to influence people opinion on a subject. I feel like it was harder and much more work. It's sad because when the internet began, astroturfing was not a thing. Everything was purely legit people. Now, we don't even know. I could be an AI and no one would know.
# 2
For reference the bot designation seems to be based on analysis by "Botometer". Dunno how that's influenced by, say, crazy people manually tweeting out links vs being done automatically as a bot.

Using a software program called Botometer that social media researchers use to distinguish bot accounts from human accounts, the pair found that a fifth of the volume of tweets about Tesla were bot-generated. That’s not out of line with giants like Amazon and Apple, but their bots tended to push the stock market and tech stocks in general, with those companies as leaders, but not focus on any particular narrative about the companies.

Over the 10-year study period, of about 1.4 million tweets from the top 400 accounts posting to the “cashtag” $TSLA, 10% were produced by bots. Of 157,000 tweets posted to the hashtag #TSLA, 23% were from bots, the research showed.
# 1
Makes sense, I wonder how many other powerful people employ this tactic, hiring people is just money after all.

Recently watched narcos and drug lord shennanigans back in the day is beyond belief.

They got the corrupt goverment, media, you name it, they even got cocain made into busts, like marble ones, but with cocaine in them.

Chemistry and science are just RND factories paid by people with interests.

The veritassium video on bought research, and professional skewing was done by tobacco companies back in the day, wouldn't doubt today.

We're all people living on this planet, making shit happen.

Warming could be terraforming science, so get interested.

Find out how far we are now.

Trash elimination we learned better for humans than items we dont need.

People degrade.

Our plastic doesnt and burning is a no no.

I heard things about worms eating plastic, but creating life tends to have it's problems.

Varying degrees in the spectrum.

Are we changing with the trend?

I don't know, we will see.

I give a shit about it, because if we don't.. we will see what happens if we fail to terraform. And earth is a one time pancake, we don't live anywhere else.

Get me?