首页 / 法律问答 / 我曾经代理过一起案子,一个男人家暴他老婆,打得特别狠。法庭上,我让他百口莫辩,最后他被判了刑。后来,他老婆来找我,想尽快离婚。我帮她办了离婚手续,没收她任何费用。作为律师,我知道我做的就是我应该做的。


商业律师 3 回答
我们叫他乔吧。我必须给他起个名字,毕竟是我毁了他,但我不能用他的真名,所以就叫他乔。乔是个打老婆的。 我受雇于乔的姐夫,也就是被乔殴打的妻子的哥哥。我的客户也是乔的前商业伙伴。除了“你打我妹妹”这件事,我的客户和乔还有另一个矛盾,一个严重的商业纠纷。我的客户把它告上了法庭,并让我处理这个案子。 乔很自信他的胡说八道和彻头彻尾的伪证会让他胜诉。以前一直都管用。他的胡说八道和拳头,让他和前妻达成了一项不错的和解协议,免除了子女抚养费,所以他可能认为威胁和谎言会再次奏效,但他错了。审判后,我得到了对他的判决,一个巨大的判决,远远超出了他能支付的范围。 乔扭动挣扎,想方设法,但过了一段时间,我已经找到并拿走了他所有的资产。这其实很容易,因为乔根本没有想到后果,所以直到为时已晚才聘请律师。如果我的客户起诉你,你就麻烦了,因为我的客户甚至在你得知他们的名字之前就已经聘请了律师。但乔直到传票递送员把文件扔到他脚下才聘请律师,那时,一切都太晚了。 我像绞肉机一样处理了乔的资产,过了一段时间,乔只剩下一处房产,一栋房子。他紧紧抓住这栋房子,因为它被出租了,是他唯一的收入来源。乔住在未完工的地下室里,靠楼上的租户付给他的钱为生。他在发薪日贷款的地方兑现他们的租金支票,支付高额费用,但这是值得的,因为他知道我会没收他开设的任何银行账户。 乔设法向我隐瞒了他的出租房一段时间,因为它归一家编号公司所有,但我的调查员有一天找到了他,并跟踪他回了家。 在接下来的几年里,乔独自辩护,而我则刺穿了他的公司面纱和他为欺诈性转让所做的可悲努力。但最终,我得到了他的最后一栋房子,也就是他住在未完工的地下室里的那栋房子。有一天,乔出门去买一包香烟,当他回来时,治安官已经换了锁。 “我的客户至少可以住在地下室里吗?”乔的律师对我说,是义务辩护,因为到那时乔已经无力支付律师费了。我认识这位义务辩护律师,他在附近执业。当我和他说话时,我可以从我的办公楼窗口看到义务辩护律师的办公室窗口,就在停车场对面。 “问买主,”我说,“这已经超出了我的控制范围,”事实也确实如此。我告诉乔的律师,新房主(一个提名人,我的客户的一名员工)不会让他回到他那糟糕的地下室公寓。乔,一个曾经在镇上各处拥有这样那样的东西的人,失去了他在地球上拥有的最后一件东西。除了他的卡车。他还剩下他的卡车。 乔的卡车是一辆他到处开的大型耗油野兽。它太旧也太脆弱,不值得扣押,所以我让乔留着它,我很高兴我这么做了,因为现在卡车是乔睡觉的地方。直到他犯了一个错误,也失去了他的卡车。我接到乔曾经拥有的房子的租户打来的电话那天,他失去了他的卡车。 “他回来了,把他的卡车停在了车道上,”租户说,并补充说乔已经疯了。他出于愤怒和怨恨把他的卡车停在那里,然后走进镇子,说他当天晚些时候会回来睡在他的卡车里。 “你能绕过卡车吗?”我问。租户不能。车道被堵住了。我给我在刑事律师时代曾经为之辩护的一位拖车司机打了电话,几个小时后,那辆卡车不见了,停在了其他地方,一个特殊的地方,按照我的具体指示。 “我的客户想要回他的卡车,”义务辩护律师第二天打电话给我时说。 “不可能,”我说。我站在我的办公室里,在停车场上方十五层,向下望去,我猜想我的义务辩护律师同行正站在他的办公室里,面对着同一个停车场。 “但你无权拥有这辆卡车,”他说。 “他无权堵住别人的车道,”我回答。真的太可怕了,站在高处,说出夺走一个人最后财产的话语,那是他在地球上拥有的最后一件东西。我想这一定是上帝的感觉,在他剥夺了一个人的一切,把他送到地狱之前。 “你真的要我为这件事上法庭吗?”义务辩护律师说。 “做你该做的,”我说,义务辩护律师说他的客户第二天会来签署一份宣誓书,然后他们将上法庭要回卡车。但我并不担心。 第二天阳光明媚,阳光普照,早上九点,我望着窗外,啜饮着咖啡。我的电话响了。我接了起来。是义务辩护律师。 “你为什么不告诉我乔的卡车就停在我的办公室外面?”他的声音很紧,我能感觉到他一定气得发抖。 “是吗?”我说,盯着停在十五层楼下的乔的卡车。“我的法警把卡车停放在你的客户可以轻易取回的地方,真是太粗心了。我真的必须和他谈谈。” “真可笑。我的客户要起诉——” “不,他不会。他现在就要上那辆卡车,然后开车离开。我告诉我的拖车司机加满油箱,他还免费更换了机油。告诉你的客户上他的卡车然后开车走,如果我再看到那辆卡车,我会没收它,以满足我的客户判决的剩余部分。”义务辩护律师试图争辩,但我很坚定。然后我放下电话,端起咖啡。 几分钟后,乔走出他的律师办公室,走到他的卡车旁。当他走过来时,我看到他的脚步不再轻快。他已经失去了快乐。乔不是我毁掉的第一个人,也不会是最后一个,但他也是唯一一个我从高处,从我的办公室里亲眼目睹他最终毁灭的人,这是我一生中最有力的经历之一,看着一个男人走向他的卡车,我知道我剥夺了他所拥有的一切,他拥有的最后一件财产,他的卡车,要归功于我的仁慈。 乔开走了,他的那辆大型古老的卡车从排气管里冒出滚滚浓烟。我很确定我再也不会收到他的消息了,而我也确实没有收到。
回答次数 (3)
# 3
Wish I had you for my Worker's Comp case. My union first had me talk to a lawyer who said that since my employer was negligent, I could be looking at a 6 figure settlement. Then she took a job elsewhere. Their next lawyer didn't show up to Court so often that the judge told me I should find another lawyer. A couple hours later I had met friends in a bar. The news was on and there was my lawyer being led away in handcuffs. He had enlisted a guy to pose as a UPS delivery guy. Once his coke dealer opened the door, my lawyer was going to kill him and steal his coke. The guy in the UPS uniform was told he could have whatever money was there. But the guy told the police, and there goes my bad lawyer. The next lawyer showed up for all hearings. But he was tight with my employer. I wound up with Worker's Comp sub-poverty payments, for the past 30 years. I have 3 herniated cervical discs from when I was attacked at that job. Employers kind of want you to reliably show up for work. Chronic pain that sent me to the ER, until I went on pain management, prevents the worst, but there are still enough days where I have to try not to move, sleep sitting up or on ice gelpacks.

Never underestimate the value of a good lawyer.
# 2
Just here to say, as someone who took their own mother to find a lawyer when she finally found the strength to divorce her abusive husband.. I love this story and am low key angry at the folks saying it’s fake.

The first lawyer I took my mom to, had like zero interest in helping and talked down to her and basically said he couldn’t do it. It’s been too many years to remember what brought us to the next guy that day- but I’ll never forget the moment he gave my mom her voice back.

We sat in his office with her looking like a scared beaten dog, her voice quiet and meek, as she explained how her husband had choked her and put a gun to her head, but she didn’t call the cops because she’d been a homemaker for the past two decades, was disabled by this point, and if he were arrested, he’d lose his government job and then she’d have no way to make it financially on her own. She just wanted enough alimony to survive. I was angry, listening to my once strong willed and feisty AF mom speaking this way and said as much- detailing her husbands verbal abuse to all of us over the years and how she’d given up everything to raise not only her own two children, but his two and a grandchild he’d taken from his daughter. How she’d make his dinner plates, kept everything running when he worked as a civilian in the Middle East, and even run his damn bath at night. How she’d tried to leave before (after he threatened to burn the house down and even covered the bed in lighter fluid) when I was growing up and even HIS KIDS tried to come with us.. but he stopped her because he said the car was his so she couldn’t take it.

Her lawyer, who she could only afford through the help of her father, spoke in a way that you, OP, remind me of. He told her with a bit of disbelief in his voice that if she raised his children without him even present, endured all of that abuse, and took in a grandchild without any say in the matter that he felt like she’d earned more than just the bare minimum. By the time we left his office, my mom had her voice back. By the time the divorce was over, he got exactly what he deserved.

I have no qualms believing your story- particularly that dude had skirted the law and came out on top so long- because where I grew up, the “Good Ol’ Boys” run things and that’s pretty much how it goes. Had we not found the lawyer we did, you can bet that same “Good Ol’ Boys” crap would’ve left my mom destitute.

Anyways, thanks OP for the read and for being a damn good lawyer. Even reading my own story, I’m like wtf, did that seriously happen? No wonder I’m in therapy now.. So yeah, the world and people can really suck and it needs folks like you to help make it right.
# 1
There are several inaccuracies in this story that real lawyers typically don't do and I don't know if the OP is telling the truth but there were rare occurrences of lawyers abusing their powers and they punished by the law:

Real lawyers are bound by ethical standards and professional conduct rules. Seeking revenge is not a legitimate or ethical motivation for taking legal action. Lawyers are duty-bound to serve their client's best interests within the bounds of the law unless they were paid off by bigger corporations or rich people this is a rare occurrence and a lot of them went to prison for these actions.
Lawyers typically maintain a professional distance from their cases. Personal involvement or emotional investment in a case, such as taking satisfaction in ruining someone's life, is unprofessional and unethical behavior and also a conflict of interest that they can be censured or even fired from their jobs.
While lawyers can pursue legal remedies to collect judgments, they do not personally seize assets. This is the responsibility of law enforcement or court-appointed officers, not the lawyers themselves, and could cause a lot of legal ramifications later if they engage in this action.
Lawyers do not engage in actions that could lead to someone's homelessness as a form of punishment. The legal system aims to provide justice, not cause additional harm and there may have been some occurrences in the past but they are extremely rare and happened in other countries where there is not a great legal system.
Lawyers do not arrange for the towing of personal property unless it is done legally through the proper channels. Unauthorized towing can lead to legal issues such as illegal search and seizure or other unconstitutional actions that may go to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Real lawyers do not use threatening language or intimidation tactics in their interactions with opposing parties or their lawyers. However, there have been cases but they are again rare as mentioned throughout these inaccuracies. Professionalism and courtesy are essential in legal proceedings but there were some incidents in the real world where this happened but they got reprimanded.
Real lawyers do not derive pleasure from causing harm to others. The legal profession is focused on resolving disputes and upholding justice, not on personal satisfaction through harm in pop culture they are depicted as ruthless and heartless people wanting to make money for themselves but in reality, a lot of lawyers are just ordinary professionals that are doing their jobs.

This story portrays a lawyer engaged in unethical, vengeful, and potentially illegal actions, that do not align with the professional standards and ethics upheld by the legal profession, and such behaviors are often punished with harsh penalties and fines.