首页 / 法律问答 / 太棒了!最高法院驳回了特朗普阻止纽约检察官获取他税务记录的企图,这下有好戏看了!


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# 5
Trump Show, S2 E1 "The Shadow Presidency": Melania seethes over Heidi Cruz getting a trip to Cancun. Ivanka calls the hospital when her phone battery nearly runs out. Rudy admits to Jared his law degree is actually a VIP Certificate from Hooters inexplicably stapled to a warranty for a GE microwave. Eric sets a new personal best for eating cheese. Junior's attempt to drag his 6th grade social studies teacher has unexpected results. Lin Wood proves his 100% legal sanity by drinking a bucket of red paint. Bannon gets a hard lesson in World of Warcraft inflation when he reactivates his old account. Donald's new twitter persona "@DaveBarron1488MAGA" gains it's 9th follower "@sexxyami2342241".
# 4
I love how America is just doing everything that is the modern equivocal of a hang, draw and quarter. Fuck DT and how he nearly destroyed our country, propagated racism, division, and the “swamp”

If Dump actually gets charged, I might gain some faith back in our country.

Nixon was almost impeached for FAR less, same with Bill clinton. I feel like trump did shit 1000000000000 times worse than either of them combined. I think when you look at cases like that, and compare it to how Donald trump is just grift drifting around all this controversy.

Really shows how far we have fallen and how eager the GOP is to show it’s blatant corruption and nepotism.

Edit- Nixon was not impeached. He resigned after being threatened with it. My mistake. I think the point still stands.
# 3
Trump vows to release his tax returns:

“We're working on that now. I have big returns, as you know, and I have everything all approved and very beautiful and we'll be working that over in the next period of time,” [Trump] said Sunday on NBC’s "Meet the Press.

That was January 24th, 2016. Over 5 years ago. For 1,854 days he showed a willingness to expend an apparently unlimited about of money and political capital to keep them concealed.

Now we're going to find out why.

A few days ago, the New York Times reported that the Manhattan DA had hired one of the most esteemed former federal prosecutors for white collar crime in the country. That's a fairly astounding hire for a local DA, even Manhattan, and a strong signal that they suspect there will be a basis for filing charges. Now a unanimous SCOTUS decision, effective immediately, gives them access to the most important financial records in that investigation.
# 2
Trump is a criminal ex-president who extorted Ukraine with tax payer money to investigate a political opponent, who obstructed justice 10 times according to the Mueller report, who was labeled as "Individiual-1" and committed campaign finance felonies with Michael Cohen, who tried to force Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to "find 11,780 votes" to overturn the vote count in Georgia, who committed tax fraud according to the NYT, and who incited an insurrection on the Capitol with his constant lies and rhetoric.

In addition, these are the other criminals that were hired or affiliated with this president:

His National Security Advisor pled guilty twice
His campaign chairman was convicted on 8 counts. 10 counts were a mistrial. A Trump supporter on the jury, Paula Duncan, convicted Manafort on all 18 counts.
His deputy campaign chairman, Rick Gates, pled guilty
His personal lawyer pled guilty
His foreign policy advisor on his campaign has pled guilty
His long time advisor and associate, Mr Stone, was found guilty on 7 counts
# 1
Supreme Court allows release of Trump tax returns to NY prosecutor

The Supreme Court cleared the way for a New York prosecutor to obtain former President Donald Trump's tax returns, dealing a massive loss to Trump who has fiercely fought to shield his financial papers from prosecutors.

The documents will be subject to grand jury secrecy rules that restrict their public release.The ruling is a bitter loss for Trump, even if the tax records are shielded from public disclosure, after he consistently argued that the subpoena issued by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance was overbroad and issued in bad faith.

It means that the grand jury investigation into alleged hush money payments and other issues will no longer be hampered by Trump's fight to keep the documents secret.

The ruling was issued without comment or dissent.

Last July, the Supreme Court, voting 7-2, rejected the Trump's broad claims of immunity from a state criminal subpoena seeking his tax returns and said that as president he was not entitled to any kind of heightened standard unavailable to ordinary citizens. The justices sent the case back to the lower court so that the president could make more targeted objections regarding the scope of the subpoena.

In October, a federal appeals court said "there is nothing to suggest that these are anything but run-of-the-mill documents typically relevant to a grand jury investigation into possible financial or corporate misconduct."Trump's personal lawyers then took the case back to the Supreme Court, urging the justices to put the lower court ruling on hold while the justices considered whether to take up the appeal.

"The subpoena is geographically sprawling, temporally expansive, and topically unlimited --all attributes that raise suspicions of an unlawful fishing expedition," William Consovoy wrote. "Even if disclosure is confined to the grand jury and prosecutors," he said "once the documents are surrendered" confidentially "will be lost for all time."The subpoenas span documents from January 2011 to August 2019, including his tax returns, from Trump's long time accounting firm, Mazars. The documents relate to the Trump Organization's employment of Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen and hush money payment Cohen allegedly made to two woman who claimed to have had extramarital affairs with Trump.