首页 / 法律问答 / 天啊,我们居然真的赢了!说说Airbnb、摄像头,还有一些新进展,简直太棒了!


商业律师 5 回答
大家好,我是那个和爱彼迎斗争的人。很多人让我来这里分享,所以我就来了!希望能给大家带来一些希望,让大家相信个人的力量(虽然过程真的太漫长了)。如果有人想聊聊怎么摆脱仲裁这种坑人的玩意儿,我随时奉陪! **编辑补充:** 谢谢大家这么暖心的话。你们不知道这对我的意义有多大,因为这件事基本上都是我一个人在战斗。你们的鼓励给了我力量,我们应该把这看作是共同的胜利!你们也激励我做更多的事情。 想直接看更新的,就跳到🔴🔴往下读。 之前关于这件事的帖子: * 爱彼迎允许房东在我睡觉的房间里安装摄像头 (2022年12月20日) * 第一次更新 (2023年2月4日) * 第二次更新 (我发的) (2023年3月15日) (如果只想看故事,第二次更新里有完整经过) * 案件结束更新 (2023年8月) * 仲裁员判决更新 (2023年8月) 简单回顾一下之前发生的事: 我是一名律师。2022年,我在纽约住了一家爱彼迎。订好房间后,房东才说房间里有摄像头。我要求取消并退款。后面的帖子记录了我争取退款、起诉爱彼迎、进行仲裁的过程,以及2023年几个月里仲裁的准备工作。我赢了仲裁,爱彼迎被迫退款给我,但我花在案件上的100多个小时却没有得到任何补偿,爱彼迎也没有修改或澄清他们的政策(仲裁员说这不在他们的管辖范围内)。然后...... 🔴🔴 **最新更新 - 爱彼迎禁止所有室内摄像头了!!!! (2024年3月11日)** 爱彼迎正式修改了他们的安全摄像头政策,禁止在所有房源中使用室内安全摄像头!!! 如果你们关注过我一年多前的遭遇,就会知道我在2022年秋天发现自己要住的爱彼迎房间里竟然有摄像头。 经过近一年的斗争,我终于在仲裁中“获胜”,爱彼迎被迫退还我应得的钱。讽刺的是,我还得为这笔钱交税,所以最后我还是亏了,更别提我花在案件上的100多个小时,以及为了让这个价值数十亿美元的巨头认真对待我而承受的精神压力了。我一直在和记者保持联系,尽我所能地推动,今天终于取得了这个重大的胜利。 但我仍然很生气。他们本应该在我第一次提出他们的政策有多么令人困惑,以及我的遭遇是怎么发生的时候就解决这个问题。他们在声明中明确表示,这次行动的一部分是为了“简化”政策,所以我知道他们听到了我的声音。对方律师说我的观点在高级别会议上被提了出来,所以我知道我的努力是有影响的。但为了得到这个结果,我所受到的待遇太糟糕了,我一直在想,到底怎样才能让大公司认真对待倡导者。 至少,现在我知道我所做的微小努力起到了作用。即使我永远不会得到认可。所以,我要给自己一个轻轻的鼓励。 太棒了!
回答次数 (5)
# 5
I totally agree with a camera that can see a front door/driveway to make sure people get in an out, and basic security. When we went to a place in NY state a couple of years ago with a camera in the kitchen/dining/living area, we just covered it with foil within about 10 minutes of checking in. Would take a colossal asshole to argue that you can't have privacy where you are paying for a private lodging experience.
# 4
Been following this since the beginning. Airbnb has never appealed to me but their actions in this case just cemented the fact I would never, ever use them.

And how silly of the company to drag its feet on this. All those hours and fees to their lawyers just to eventually do the right thing as they were asked months ago.

I suspect one day our children will read about Airbnb and laugh at how daft the whole idea became.
# 3
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# 2
I long since decided AirBnB was a sketchy company renting sketchy properties owned by sketchy grifters, and put them in the same "not worth the risk when mainstream hotel companies exist" bucket as "independent" (ie, largely shit) hotels and "family-owned" (ie, largely shit) B&Bs.

I spend a lot of time in hotels. I've never been screwed around by a mainstream chain, although on odd occasions I've had to complain and then been treated properly. The hassle always comes from owner-managers and private renters. So now I take my money to people who aren't going do shit things.
# 1
Oh my god! Your posts are ones that would randomly pop into my head over the past year and I would get so mad on your behalf. It's such bullshit, the forced arbitration (fuck all companies doing this we need legislation restricting it) and the way you were treated, just the whole damn thing.

I worked in hotels so I've always been partial to them and never had a particularly impressive Airbnb experience but your previous posts just sealed the deal. No one should use Airbnb anymore for a myriad of reasons but if you really need a rental like that there's now several companies with better policies that have those options (not to speak of the housing issues).

The lawyer who fought me on the other side said my points were being raised at high up meetings so I know there was impact.

The fact that they hadn't anticipated and seriously considered these things prior to your situation is just baffling. The leadership at Airbnb is either seriously  incompetent or negligent. Based on all of the other horror situations people have had with Airbnb I'm tempted to think it's both.

The hotels I worked in took the whole "hospitality" thing, customer service and taking care of guests really seriously so I have a separate, ethical grudge against Airbnb for their total lack of all of that but that's a weird "me" thing.

Thank you for taking on all this shit, I know it was awful but you really helped a lot of other people. I'm understating how bad it was for you but seriously, you're awesome, I'm still mad on your behalf though.