首页 / 法律问答 / 我是一名公司律师,想转行当步兵,我应该去军官候补学校(OCS)还是直接参军?


商业律师 3 回答
我今年27岁,在东南一家律师事务所做能源律师。我计划再干一年就去国民警卫队。之后可能会考虑去政府部门。 关于加入国民警卫队,我纠结于是直接入伍还是去军官候选学校 (OCS)。我对步兵最感兴趣,也考虑过装甲兵或者情报部门。我不想在警卫队里还是做文书工作,所以不考虑当军法官。 我应该直接申请 OCS 吗?我最终想成为一名步兵军官,但没有服役经历,不知道是不是应该先入伍学习,再申请 OCS。而且,入伍的合同好像比军官的短,我可以先用较短的时间学习,再做进一步打算。我知道我可能有些想法不太成熟,但我查过的资料没能帮我做出决定。
回答次数 (3)
# 3
Unless you absolutely love your civilian job and can't get enough of it, and don't need a higher Officer paycheck, enlist into a fun "Army" job. Do something that makes drill seem like a break from reality. I work in Environmental Health and Safety, am currently a truck driver, and looking to reclass into Field Artillery. I don't need the Guard. Sure, the health insurance is a nice perk, but I love bullshitting with the boys knowing this is something I'd never be able to do on the civilian side. If your personal and professional life is set, try enlisting as something "Army". After a few years you'll know if it's something you want to keep doing, potentially shift to the officer side, or get out completely.
# 2
Everyone initially signs an 8 year contract but really only drill 6 of those 8 years to include enlisted and officer.

So I've been a private to officer to now medical specialty officer.

I will tell you this;

If you are unsure, please enlist first. Once you have your feet wet, decide if you want to commision.

Don't let anyone tell you that you have to be an officer or jag because of your education.

I've met army linguistics who were JDs. Shoot, there are sergeant majors ( highest enlisted rank) who are physicians. I served with a DVM who is an enlisted truck driver. All these people serve as enlisted SMs for a variety of reasons. All very qualified to be an officer but choose not to

because being an enlisted soldier and officer a job are very roles.

As a soldier you will do basic soldiering tasks or your very specific job with no responsibility outside of yourself and well being of your eventual soldiers.

As an officer you can be told to do ANY job, and you, as the officer, are responsible for the overall success or failure of the mission alone. As an officer, you are more a manager of personal, equipment, and planning than a doer. Some people enjoy such others don't.

But if you would like to do the physical work, please enlist. If you want the burden of command and do more mentally strenuous work, please commision.

Here for questions. Tbh I miss being amongst the Men even as a clinician now.
# 1
Hello! I am a J.D. also, I have a corporate job in contracts so I understand you wanting to do something completely different from all the reading, decision making, negotiating and paperwork completion that you perform everyday. I’ve been in quite some time, now started out as a Field Artillery Officer (active duty) and now am transitioning into becoming a Military Police Officer in the Reserves. Being an officer isn’t always just paperwork but it is a significant part of it, we develop the plans, plan the training, coordinate the resources, create PowerPoints, operation orders and briefs for the unit. The enlisted soldiers execute those plans, i.e. “get to do the fun part.” I get the feeling that if you want to be a straight up Infantry soldier, then you should enlist. Again, keep in mind that your personal mindset, maturity and professionalism will be miles ahead of your peers in the Infantry unit you join, but you will probably promote very fast. With your bachelor’s and JD, you will go in as a Specialist (E-4) and pretty quickly become a Sergeant (E-5) after that. As an NCO, you still get to do the Soldier skills, shoot guns, train subordinates, do situational tactical exercises, go to the field, lead teams and write evaluations annually. This sounds more like your speed and path that you should take right now based off your interests. After your first contract you can always go Officer after that and become an Infantry Officer if you want to. You will essentially do the same things your soldiers do until you’re at the rank of Captain. I say go for it! Also, I would steer clear of MI, at least for right now because it’s not at all what you have described you’re looking for, it’s another desk job and a lot of paperwork. And of course JAG part-time just seems nightmarish, you’ll have so many cases that you’ll be trying to stay on top of that you will have to do that work outside of drill weekend. Just fair warning, but good luck! Let us know what you decide!