I dated a law student. Hit it off super well, had good times during the summer... dumped me when school got serious again. But I’ll never truly know why she dumped me for reals. Anyways, it’s all an excuse to avoid commitment. I’ve dated resident doctors that broke up because they were gonna be “too busy”. It was BS. She later told me she had dated another dude right after.
Truth is there are plenty law and med students that date seriously, even having met while in school. I’m studying engineering and shit is real fucking hard. I wake up, go to my desk and am there until night time. I met a fantastic woman, and despite being extremely busy, I committed to giving her some of my time. Maybe engineering ain’t as time consuming, but the point is, you like someone, you find a way to make it work. If they say they don’t want to date because they’ll be too busy, they just aren’t THAT into you.
I think your girlfriend, when she first broke it off, was looking out for herself, and there’s nothing wrong with putting yourself first. BUT if she really dated other guys after you, and her excuses were actual BS, you got to take that into consideration. You wouldn’t have done that to her, but she did to you. Now, as guys, we let women get away with a lot... on the daily, but you set your boundaries and if you feel she trespassed, you make a call.