首页 / 法律问答 / 我挖出了 Ken Griffin 和 Citadel 帝国之间的一堆关系,超过 500 个实体!全都是公开信息。现在我已经搭好了个框架,谁来帮我把中间的细节补全? 顺便说一句,Ken Griffin 还是个蝴蝶爱好者呢。

我挖出了 Ken Griffin 和 Citadel 帝国之间的一堆关系,超过 500 个实体!全都是公开信息。现在我已经搭好了个框架,谁来帮我把中间的细节补全? 顺便说一句,Ken Griffin 还是个蝴蝶爱好者呢。

商业律师 4 回答
Hey Apes, Crux here. I've been digging into Ken Griffin's Citadel empire for over a year, trying to map out his web of companies. It's a massive undertaking, so I focused on compiling a list of everything I've found. This post is just that list. It's definitely not complete, and I'm still learning. Turns out, Ken Griffin really loves butterflies! Basically, I've gone through tons of public records to find businesses and assets connected to him. The list includes: * A reference number * The entity's name * Its purpose and a source link (if I could find them) * My guess at what the name means I have more details but didn't want to overwhelm you. Ask if you want more info on something specific. And please, correct me if you see any mistakes! I made sure to confirm the connection to Griffin. Just because a company has "Citadel" in its name doesn't automatically mean it's related. SEC filings, FINRA reports, and the National Futures Association were super helpful. I also used business addresses and signatures from key people like Gerald Beeson and Steve Atkinson to connect the dots. Here's what I *didn't* include: * Ken's family details (kids, siblings, etc.) * His sister's yacht location * VINs for his McLarens * Names of nannies, property managers, etc. These are leads I've followed, but they aren't in the public interest. I'm focusing on Citadel, its structure, and Ken Griffin's assets. Many of these assets haven't been reported in the media. I think there are even more entities out there, especially overseas. I've mainly focused on US-based records since that's what I'm familiar with. I need your help: * Can you help me figure out the purpose of the entities highlighted in yellow? * What other companies around the globe are connected to Citadel? * What entities hold Ken Griffin's art collection? * What entities were used to make donations to universities, museums etc. other than Harvard? * Are there other "dark money" contributions he's made to US politics, and how did he make them? * Who is giving Ken Griffin their money? Who are the pension funds, family offices, sovereign wealth funds, etc. that gave Citadel their money, and how much and when? Are there feeder funds that invest with Citadel and who operates them? Now, without further ado, here's the Citadel Empire.
回答次数 (4)
# 4
But this list won’t include everything I’ve found:
I’m not going to dive into details of Ken’s family - where his kids, nieces and nephews, siblings, etc. reside, what schools they go to, their social media accounts, etc.
I’m not going to show you where his sister and brother-in-law’s yacht is docked.
I’m not going to give you the VINs of the two (!) McLaren Senna GTR’s he had shipped to the US.
I’m not going to give you the names of his nannies, property managers, family IT staff, etc

It's enough for them to know that NOTHING can be hidden because there's nowhere to hide.
# 3
Thanks for your all your hard work, the amount of bad actors is insane. At this point the whole market needs a great reset. Problem is this sub among others that I cannot mention else reddit will spank me have uncovered more about what the markets are (a Ponzi scheme in case you were left out). All these findings will amount to nothing if we carry on playing their game.

This is why no cell no sell is important, the only time we have true power over our own destiny is now. Wall Street has been dangling by the balls in the hands of apes for two years and when moass happens, it’s time to squeeze them. Only the young ✊
# 2
CITADEL CONVERTIBLE OPPORTUNITIES FUND LLC - Found this linking to Citadel LLC but idk

CITADEL CREDIT TRADING, CITADEL EQUITY FUND, CITADEL WELLINGTON, CITADEL KENSIGNTON, CITADEL INVESTMENT JACKSON FUND, GLB PARTNERS - https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1027745/000110465904035091/xslF345X02/a4.xml and this form https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1027745/000110465905035349/xslF345X02/a4.xml (holy shit)

Palafox Trading - the portfolio from kenny to short treasuries, from attobit's DD's: turn that MF yellow

Providencia Partners LLC - this isn't a company, it's LITERALLY A MANSION valued 64 million, which is authorized to KP HOLDINGS - KP HOLDINGS is the owner of the MayoForce One

NYHCH LLC - Filling date: July of 2022, Holdings belongs to KP HOLDINGS too

RMC DERIVATIVES LLC / RMCD HOLDINGS LLC - Registered to Citadel Investments LLC, the office of mayoboy

TAFT SECURITIES - Previously registered with Citadel Trading LLC, actual status unknown

RAVELIN CAPITAL LTD - Headquarters at Citadel, but based at Cayman Islands

Edit: Maybe CEF stands for CITADEL EQUITY FUND?
# 1
Why does Griffin love art?

Bank of America is Citadel's Prime Broker, and Bank of America is the largest art lender: https://www.privatebank.bankofamerica.com/insights/art.html

From PrivateArtInvestor

A good year for his bank, Bank of America, is “$1bn or $2bn in art loans” and he is privy to the true value of the art that changes hands – in and outside the world’s auction rooms.


Of the four-core services BOA, its most successful is the art lending service: “The largest lender of art in the world,” he added.

On specifics of how this works, from theartnewspaper:

Borrowing against one’s art collection is now commonplace in the private banking divisions of financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citibank, Deutsche Bank, Emigrant, HSBC and JP Morgan Chase, where the collateral for the loan is the art itself. Most of the banks that make such loans allow borrowers to retain possession of their art, though that—as well as the rate of interest (2.5%-5.5% is the average range), the loan-to-value percentage (35%-50% on average), the amount and term (usually a minimum of six to 12 months) of the loan—is negotiated.

So we know Griffin can likely monetize fine art at any time, while still maintaining physical custody of the pieces. This allows him to use this art as financial tokens.

Combine this knowledge with an understanding of Freeport abuse, from secretsofartmagazine:

The purpose of a freeport warehouse is to make it possible to store works of art, items from collections, antiques and jewellery without incurring duties and taxes. In short, a freeport is a storage facility that exists formally outside of the territorial jurisdiction of any country.

This means...

The freeport warehouse makes it possible to store or sell works of arts without incurring duties and taxes. Most of the freeports are located in a strategical place, close to important international airports, helping the transportation of the assets between the other freeports.

And it gets worse...

What makes a freeport truly exceptional and attractive to the art collectors is the fact that the contents of freeports are invisible to tax authorities and foreign governments. Complete anonymity is guaranteed and art collections in freeports cannot be traced to the original owners and no government can tax these assets.

Per New York Times reporting, we know that banks can/will use art located in freeports as collateral for loans:

Case in point: $28 million worth of works by Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons, Joan Miró and others now stored in the Geneva Free Port. Equalia, a company registered by Mossack Fonseca (the law firm at the center of the Panama Papers controversy about how the wealthy conceal their riches), stored the works on behalf of a diamond broker, Erez Daleyot, in 2009. Once in storage, the art was used as collateral for debts Mr. Daleyot owed to a Belgian bank, according to court papers.

Of course, the banks opinion...

The bank, KBC, said it had kept the art in the free port “out of precaution” and that it could not comment further on a matter involving one of its clients.

With these pieces laid out, the puzzle becomes clear. Fine Art valuations have exploded over the past decade. Bank of America has dominated the industry, even becoming their most successful core business. One hand washes the other. Griffin can launder money with ease by abusing freeports to move funds, even with illegal contacts (Russia, China, politicians, terrorists, criminals, ect). Griffin likely has a Synthetic Prime Broker relationship with BoA (similar to the one Archegos had in place with CS) which allows him to fund stock moves using his fine art as collateral, but avoiding any sort of reporting.