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商业律师 4 回答
当年我在一家大型咨询公司工作,公司要求我们参加各种培训课程。其中有个叫“企业形象”的课程,主要讲究着装得体。因为公司有“必须穿西装”的规定,所以这门课其实就是变相地灌输“穿西装哲学”。 那天我心情特别差,对这门课也没什么好感,就坐在教室后面。 负责人(我们叫他柯普吧)一开始就放了个视频,里面的人穿着人字拖、泳衣、印着冲浪标志的T恤,胡子拉碴,扎着马尾,用极其无聊的方式讲解一些技术性的东西,还结结巴巴的,明显对主题不够了解。 视频放完后,柯普问大家觉得这个人算不算好的沟通者,大家能不能理解他讲的内容。所有人都说不行,柯普问为什么。大家开始说他形象不行。 然后柯普问我。我说:“因为他讲的东西像白墙一样无聊,而且对内容也不够了解。” 柯普追问:“你不觉得他的穿着打扮也有关系吗?” 我说:“如果他很厉害,对内容很精通,而且沟通能力强,就算他全裸我都无所谓。” 大家都笑了,只有柯普没笑。他开始滔滔不绝地说了15分钟,强调着装的重要性,说穿西装是最重要的,因为它能让人觉得你可信、值得信赖。 我打断他说:“律师是地球上最不值得信任的人之一,但他们都穿西装。”他继续他的长篇大论,说“没人会相信不穿西装的律师”等等。 好吧,原来是这样,西装是最重要的,你们想让我们这么回答。行,我配合。 后来在课程中,他播放了史蒂夫·乔布斯和史蒂夫·鲍尔默的视频,他们与观众互动,被普遍认为是优秀的发言人,但他们穿着的都是标志性的休闲装,根本不是西装。 在问答环节,我说:“他们看起来不像值得信任的人啊,世界前20的富豪,穿的衣服我随便在哪个商场花40美元就能买到?西装呢?” 这时柯普已经有点生气了,但我成功地把其他同事拉到了我这边,于是我们开始争论谁更值得信任,以及西装的品牌是否与一个人的可信度成正比。 我们举了很多例子,从帕特·莱利和他的阿玛尼西装到唐·科莱昂和他定制的西装。柯普彻底失去了对课堂的控制,最后有人问:“等等,军装值得信任吗?”柯普意识到话题要失控,赶紧宣布:“好了,大家都通过这门课了,我们今天就到这里吧。”提前结束了课程。 总结:一个企业里的蠢货想把穿西装和成为一个优秀、值得信任的发言人划等号,结果适得其反。
回答次数 (4)
# 4
I worked at a place once that required ties. Well, we never had customers in our offices, EVER. Additionally I am IT so I was always in a server room behind racks or under a desk. I refused to wear a tie.

Luckily my manager was super cool. He'd initially came on as a consultant and he and I worked together alot before he went full time with us. At least once a week when I was leaving his office he's say "You're supposed to be wearing a tie." I'd just say, "I know". He'd smile and say "Well, I can say I told you."

That went on for maybe 2 years until I quit for a better gig.
# 3
Corpo had an important point, in that you only get one chance to make your first impression, and there are customers who listen with their eyes.

Now, he showed the wrong video: he should have had video of a disheveled guy in a tee, board shorts, and flip-flops who knew his stuff and could present it coherently. Then he should have followed that up with the same guy cleaned up and dressed for IBM giving the same presentation.

Then the question to the class is, which presentation would make the best first impression on the client?

The problem was that Corpo didn't know what his point was: he thought the point was, "Look the part." The point is, "Look the part so you can be sure that the client hears that you are the part."

It's also said (with some justification) that you should dress for the job you want, rather than the job you have.
# 2
Several times in my professional career - I have been 'called out' for what I wear to work...

I am strictly a jeans and graphic or tie-dye tee shirt (nothing obscene etc.) guy - I am a system admin - I don't really interact with people - I put my nose down and solve complex problems etc...

And each time I get called out for not wearing khakis and a polo - and am told that I'm not professional...

I reply with something along these lines - "Explain to me how wearing a costume - Makes one a professional? - Because for the work that I do well - That costume just unnecessarily annoys me, and impacts my ability to do the work I do, and have been doing for the past few decades..."

I have been written up, and even fired (and twice rehired, with the understanding that no one decides what I wear but me) for me taking the hill I will happily die on.
I've even volunteered to leave: "You want me to go home?"

Here is one of my favorite interactions I had on this topic:
# 1
I have been auditor in a police zone long time ago (odd circumstances).

I was in jeans and T-shirt, and entered with mailwomen in any and all police stations, the two Forensic Laboratories (one was litterally underground), the cars workshop, the shooting range, the computer crime unit, the children unit (you don't want to know), the 3 Justice hall buildings (surreal monty pythons movie scenes), Internal Affairs dpt, the Division Capitaine's secretariat...

The first time someone asked what the hell I was doing here was a precinct officer in front of her deskroom on the second floor of the station she commanded. It was my third week. she though i was a perpetrator going AWOL, then was afraid I was an I.A. officer. I felicitated her for her attentiveness to avoid her a meltdown.

I took photographies all over the main Precinct. The only person who complained was civil logistic servants who "didn't want my pics of them to go on Facebook". Go figure.

But the one day i came in suit for a training, each and every policemen in uniform that I came across shook my hand - 200+ of them, damnit ! - as I appear to be someone of importance. the next day I was invisible again.

I only got busted when the division captain asked the legal dpt the exact same question i asked them the day before. but at this time I already had found the bottleneck i was looking for.