首页 / 法律问答 / 公司律师?其实就是帮公司处理各种法律事务。合同、并购、知识产权、合规,啥都得管。有时候还得帮公司打官司,或者提供法律建议,确保他们做事不踩雷。说白了,就是公司的法律顾问。


商业律师 4 回答
回答次数 (4)
# 4
1) incorporations;
2) strategizing on best corporate structures (i.e. which classes of shares, who'd own them, holding corporations, etc.), including shareholder agreements;
3) mergers and acquisitions; and
4) pretty much anything related to threats, demand letters, and litigation (if you choose to) related to the above.
# 3
Read, write and talk on the phone.

That's it. That's all they do. Same with other lawyers except litigators show up in court and before other other tribunals.

To be fair, real estate development lawyers also appear before development related boards, and they're a type of corporate lawyer, so I guess corpos do that too. But generally no.
# 2
Go to the job fairs put on my the school where law firms show up and ask questions to the lawyers that are there. Study the websites of the leading law firms in Calgary and look at how they describe their corporate practice and the work they have done for clients. Remember that corporate includes mergers and acquisitions work. Attend the meet and greets put on by the law firms when they are looking to hire.
Speak to recent graduates about the work they do.
# 1
Read emails, draft contracts, talk to somebody trying to buy or sell my client’s company, think about business structures, think about compliance issues, issue-spot and refer people to specialists in things like tax.

If you are a really big firm, you’re going to be very expensive and people will only come to you for really big things where they are betting the farm. That is where you find (generally) the country’s leading lawyers in mergers and acquisitions, competition law, national security, mining, securities, etc. those people are, in a sense, also corporate lawyers.